Employee Engagement

ControlUp lets you understand the full employee experience with qualitative and quantitative data.

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Get the Data You Need to Understand the Digital Employee Experience

The digital experience is essential to the overall work experience because so much of what an employee does is digital. When employees have issues, they voice concerns or consider leaving the company. A platform that lets you communicate with and collect employee feedback is an important aspect of every DEX strategy.
Employee Engagement
ControlUp collects qualitative and quantitative employee data to fully understand what employees are doing and how their digital experience affects their work.
Employee Sentiment Collection

Device metrics only tell half the story of an employee’s digital experience. ControlUp helps IT understand the employees’ perspective of the digital experience.

  • Event-based triggers: When an event, such as an issue, is detected or after a resolution is applied, ControlUp can automatically send an employee a satisfaction survey.
  • Adaptive questions: Get better responses from employees with built-in survey logic that asks more questions based on an employee’s response.
  • Flexible questions: To keep questions fluid, choose between different question types, such as NPS score, free text, and single- and multiple-choice.
Survey Campaign Management

All surveys need to be customized and managed to get the best response. ControlUp campaign management helps employees complete the surveys in their preferred language and on schedule, allowing for an effective response rate.

A Better Troubleshooting Experience

Collaborative troubleshooting may be unavoidable, and we have the tools to make even that part of employee engagement as frictionless as possible.

  • Experience scores: Based on an experience score, quickly pinpoint a problem with a digital experience and drill down to the root cause to start a remediation action.
  • Remote assistance: Sometimes, IT needs to experience what the employee is experiencing. With ControlUp remote assistance, IT can remotely control, shadow, or even use a remote console without affecting the user.
  • Messaging capabilities: ControlUp has built-in messaging capabilities to keep communication going during troubleshooting, remediation, or security events.
Our Capabilities
Learn more about ControlUp’s rich set of capabilities that help IT teams improve the digital experience for employees.
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