APPV5: Disable App-V Client Event logs

This SBA will disable all the hidden App-V 5 Client event logs under "Show analytic and debug logs". This is normal practice once any troubleshooting has been completed. This excludes the common logs which are enabled by default.
Version 2.3.16
Created on 2015-06-04
Modified on 2022-10-12
Created by Nathan Sperry
Downloads: 121

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#Requires -Version 2.0

    This script will disable all the App-V client event logs

    This script will disable all the App-V client event logs


    AUTHOR: Nathan Sperry, Virtual Engine
    LASTEDIT: 05/06/2015
    KEYWORDS: App-V,App-V 5,.APPV,VirtualEngine,AppV5

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    $appvlogs = Get-WinEvent -ListLog *AppV* -force | Where-Object {$_.IsEnabled -eq $true}

    if ($appvlogs.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($logitem in $appvlogs)
             ### Don't disable the common event logs
             if ($logitem.OwningProviderName -notlike 'Microsoft-AppV-Client')
                 Write-Output ('Log disabled: ' + $logitem.LogName)
                 $logitem.IsEnabled = $false
        Write-Output ('Number of logs disabled: ' + $i)
        Write-Output 'Event logs already disabled'
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    Write-Output $ErrorMessage