#require -version 3.0
Perform an action on the Azure VM passed
Using REST API calls
The Azure id of the VM to perform the action on
The action to perform on the Azure VM
.PARAMETER maxWaitTimeSeconds
The maximum number of seconds to wait for the action to complete. If not specified or less than or equal to zero, no waiting will be done
.PARAMETER sleepMilliseconds
The period to sleep for in milliseconds between calls to get the status of the operation
The azure tenant ID
& '.\AZ VM action.ps1' -AZid /subscriptions/58ffa3cb-4242-4f2e-a06d-deadbeefdead/resourceGroups/WVD/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/GLW10WVD-0 -action deallocate -maxWaitTimeSeconds 60
Stop and deallocate the VM GLW10WVD-0 in resource group WVD using the saved credentials for the user running the script
Saved credentials for the user running the script must be available in the file "C:\ProgramData\ControlUp\ScriptSupport\%username%_AZ_Cred.xml" - there is a ControlUp script to create them
Version: 0.1
Author: Guy Leech, BSc based on code from Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2021-11-25
Updated: 2022-01-17 Guy Leech Fix for tenant id handling
2022-01-19 Guy Leech Change to OAuth v2. Added confirmation option
[string]$AZid , ## passed by CU as the URL to the VM minus the FQDN ,
[string]$AZtenantId ,
[string]$action ,
[string]$confirmAction = 'No' ,
[int]$maxWaitTimeSeconds = 0 ,
[int]$sleepMilliseconds = 2500
$VerbosePreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'verbose' ] ) { $VerbosePreference } else { 'SilentlyContinue' })
$DebugPreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'debug' ] ) { $DebugPreference } else { 'SilentlyContinue' })
$ErrorActionPreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'erroraction' ] ) { $ErrorActionPreference } else { 'Stop' })
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
[int]$outputWidth = 250
if( ( $PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI ) -and ( $WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize ) )
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
## mandatory parameters best avoided in CU scripts as can cause scripts to hang if missing since willbe promoptinng, siliently, for missing parameters
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $AZid ) )
Throw "Missing Azure id parameter"
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $action ) )
Throw "Missing action parameter"
[string]$computeApiVersion = '2021-07-01'
[string]$insightsApiVersion = '2015-04-01'
[string]$baseURL = 'https://management.azure.com'
[string]$credentialType = 'Azure'
Write-Verbose -Message "AZid is $AZid"
#region AzureFunctions
function Get-AzSPStoredCredentials {
Retrieve the Azure Service Principal Stored Credentials
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-08-03
Purpose: WVD Administration, through REST API calls
[string]$system ,
$strAzSPCredFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( [environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonApplicationData') , 'ControlUp' , 'ScriptSupport' )
$AzSPCredentials = $null
Write-Verbose -Message "Get-AzSPStoredCredentials $system"
[string]$credentialsFile = $(if( -Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $tenantId ) )
[System.IO.Path]::Combine( $strAzSPCredFolder , "$($env:USERNAME)_$($tenantId)_$($System)_Cred.xml" )
[System.IO.Path]::Combine( $strAzSPCredFolder , "$($env:USERNAME)_$($System)_Cred.xml" )
Write-Verbose -Message "`tCredentials file is $credentialsFile"
If (Test-Path -Path $credentialsFile)
if( ( $AzSPCredentials = Import-Clixml -Path $credentialsFile ) -and -Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $tenantId ) -and -Not $AzSPCredentials.ContainsKey( 'tenantid' ) )
$AzSPCredentials.Add( 'tenantID' , $tenantId )
Write-Error -Message "The required PSCredential object could not be loaded from $credentialsFile : $_"
Elseif( $system -eq 'Azure' )
## try old Azure file name
$azSPCredentials = Get-AzSPStoredCredentials -system 'AZ' -tenantId $AZtenantId
if( -not $AzSPCredentials )
Write-Error -Message "The Azure Service Principal Credentials file stored for this user ($($env:USERNAME)) cannot be found at $credentialsFile.`nCreate the file with the Set-AzSPCredentials script action (prerequisite)."
return $AzSPCredentials
function Get-AzBearerToken {
Retrieve the Azure Bearer Token for an authentication session
Get-AzBearerToken -SPCredentials <PSCredentialObject> -TenantID <string>
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-03-22
Updated: 2020-05-08
Created a separate Azure Credentials function to support ARM architecture and REST API scripted actions
Purpose: WVD Administration, through REST API calls
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Azure Service Principal credentials' )]
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SPCredentials,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Azure Tenant ID' )]
[string] $TenantID
## https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow
[string]$uri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token"
[hashtable]$body = @{
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
client_Id = $SPCredentials.UserName
client_Secret = $SPCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
scope = "$baseURL/.default"
[hashtable]$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = $uri
Body = $body
Method = 'POST'
ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty access_token -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function Invoke-AzureRestMethod {
[Parameter( Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='A valid Azure bearer token' )]
[string]$BearerToken ,
[string]$uri ,
[ValidateSet('GET','POST','PUT','DELETE','PATCH')] ## add others as necessary
[string]$method = 'GET' ,
$body , ## not typed because could be hashtable or pscustomobject
[string]$property = 'value' ,
[string]$contentType = 'application/json'
[hashtable]$header = @{
'Authorization' = "Bearer $BearerToken"
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $contentType ) )
$header.Add( 'Content-Type' , $contentType )
[hashtable]$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = $uri
Method = $method
Headers = $header
if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'body' ] )
$invokeRestMethodParams.Add( 'Body' , ( $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20))
$responseHeaders = $null
if( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'' )
$invokeRestMethodParams.Add( 'ResponseHeadersVariable' , 'responseHeaders' )
if( -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty( $property ) )
Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams | Select-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ExpandProperty $property
Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams ## don't pipe through select as will slow script down for large result sets if processed again after rreturn
#endregion AzureFunctions
[hashtable]$operationMappings = @{
'shutdown' = 'poweroff'
'stop' = 'deallocate'
'turnoff' = 'poweroff'
'hibernate' = 'deallocate'
[hashtable]$parameterMappings = @{
'turnoff' = 'skipShutdown=true&'
'hibernate' = 'hibernate=true&'
If ($azSPCredentials = Get-AzSPStoredCredentials -system $credentialType -tenantId $AZtenantId )
# Sign in to Azure with a Service Principal with Contributor Role at Subscription level and retrieve the bearer token
Write-Verbose -Message "Authenticating to tenant $($azSPCredentials.tenantID) as $($azSPCredentials.spCreds.Username)"
if( -Not ( $azBearerToken = Get-AzBearerToken -SPCredentials $azSPCredentials.spCreds -TenantID $azSPCredentials.tenantID ) )
Throw "Failed to get Azure bearer token"
[string]$vmName = ($AZid -split '/')[-1]
## https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/virtual-machines/instance-view
[string]$instanceViewURI = "$baseURL/$azid/instanceView`?api-version=$computeApiVersion"
if( $null -eq ( [array]$virtualMachineStatuses = @( Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $azBearerToken -uri $instanceViewURI -property 'statuses' ) ) `
-or $virtualMachineStatuses.Count -eq 0 )
Throw "Failed to get VM instance view via $instanceViewURI : $_"
## code property will be an array so cannot use $matches (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_comparison_operators?view=powershell-5.1)
## ProvisioningState/updating
## PowerState/running
if( ( $line = ( $virtualMachineStatuses.code -match 'ProvisioningState/' )) -and ( $status = ($line -split '/' , 2 )[-1] ) )
## check not performing an operation already
Write-Verbose -Message "Current VM provisioning state is $status"
if( $status -eq 'Updating' )
Throw "VM is already performing an operation : $($virtualMachineStatuses | Format-Table | Out-String)"
if( ( $line = ( $virtualMachineStatuses.code -match 'PowerState/' )) -and ( $powerstate = ($line -split '/' , 2 )[-1] ))
## check not already in requested or similar state
Write-Verbose -Message "Current VM status is $powerstate"
if( ( $powerstate -eq 'deallocated' -and $action -in @( 'deallocate' , 'stop' , 'turnoff' , 'restart' , 'hibernate' ) ) `
-or ( $powerstate -eq 'running' -and $action -eq 'start' ) `
-or ( $powerstate -eq 'stopped' -and $action -in @( 'stop' , 'shutdown' , 'turnoff' , 'hibernate' )))
Throw "VM is already $powerstate so cannot $action"
if( $confirmAction -ieq 'yes' -or $confirmAction -ieq 'true' )
## if we are in session 0 then do not prompt
[int]$thisSession = Get-Process -Id $pid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SessionId
if( $thisSession -eq 0 )
Write-Warning -Message "Action not confirmed by user - runnning in session 0 so unable to prompt"
Exit 2
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework
## script must be running on console for this to work otherwise will hang indefinitely
$answer = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show( "Are you sure you want to $action $vmName" , "Confirm Run Operation" , 'YesNo' ,'Question' )
if( $answer -ine 'Yes' )
Write-Warning -Message "Action not confirmed by user - aborting"
Exit 1
if( -Not ( $operation = $operationMappings[ $action ] ) )
$operation = $action
$parameters = $parameterMappings[ $action ]
## doesn't return anything
[string]$operationURI = "$baseURL/$azid/$operation`?$($parameters)api-version=$computeApiVersion"
[string]$status = 'unknown'
Write-Verbose -Message "Performing action $operationURI"
Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $azBearerToken -uri $operationURI -property $null -method POST
if( $maxWaitTimeSeconds -gt 0 )
[datetime]$start = [datetime]::Now
[datetime]$end = $start.AddSeconds( $maxWaitTimeSeconds )
if( ( $state = Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $azBearerToken -uri $instanceViewURI -property 'statuses' ) )
if( ( $line = ( $state.code -match 'ProvisioningState/' )) -and ( $status = ($line -split '/')[-1]) )
Write-Verbose -Message "`tCurrent VM provisioning state is $status"
if( $status -eq 'Succeeded' )
elseif( $status -eq 'Failed' )
Write-Error -Message "Provisioning failed for $vmName"
elseif( $status -ne 'Updating' -and $status -ne 'True' )
Write-Warning -Message "Unexpected provisioning state `"$status`""
Write-Warning -Message "Failed call to get provisoning state of VM $vmName : $($state.code)"
Write-Warning -Message "Failed call to get state of VM $vmName"
Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -Format G) : provisioning state of $vmName is $($state.code) so waiting $sleepMilliseconds ms"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $sleepMilliseconds
} while( [datetime]::Now -le $end )
[datetime]$timeNow = [datetime]::Now
if( -Not $state -or $status -ne 'Succeeded' )
Write-Warning -Message "VM provisioning status still $status after $([int](($timeNow - $start).TotalSeconds)) seconds"
Write-Output -InputObject "$action on $vmName succeeded after $([int](($timeNow - $start).TotalSeconds)) seconds"
Write-Output -InputObject "$action on $vmName submitted ok"
Write-Error -Message "Error from request : $_"