#requires -Version 3.0
.SYNOPSIS Check Citrix Teams Optimization Readiness [BETA]
.DESCRIPTION [BETA] Citrix HDX Optimization can improve the user experience for Teams video/audio use.
The optimization will also significantly reduce the resource consumption on the VDA.
.SOURCES https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams/still-connecting-to-remote-devices/m-p/1906370
.EXAMPLE: \\util01\share\research\MSFT_Teams_Citrix_optimization.ps1 -SessionID '1' -vdaVer '1912.0.0.24265' -protocol 'HDX' -ctxRx '' -userChanges Discard
.CONTEXT Session
.TAGS $HDX, $Citrix, $Teams
.HISTORY Marcel Calef - 2021-01-06 - BETA Release
Marcel Calef - 2021-03-05 update to support 21.mm.x.y (or any 2*.mm.x.y)
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='SessionID')] [string]$SessionID,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Citrix VDA ver.')] [string]$vdaVer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='protocol')] [string]$protocol,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Citrix Client ver.')] [string]$ctxRx,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='userChanges')] [string]$userChanges
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
[string]$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue' # Remove the comment in the begining to enable Verbose outut
Write-Verbose "Input:"
#Write-Verbose " SessionID : $SessionID" ## Not showing to allow better results grouping
Write-Verbose " vdaVer : $vdaVer"
Write-Verbose " protocol : $protocol"
Write-Verbose " ctxRx : $ctxRx"
# If not a Citrix session - no need to continue
if($protocol -ne "HDX" -and $protocol -ne "Console"){Write-Output "INFO : Not a Citrix session. Exiting"; exit }
# Citrix components versions and capability validations
# Check if the VDA supports it (1906 or newer)
$vdaVerTest = ($vdaVer -match '^19(06|09|12)\..+|^2.{3}\..+')
# Check if the VDA has the webSockets service running
Try{$CtxTeamsSvc = ((Get-Service CtxTeamsSvc).status -match "Running")}
catch {$CtxTeamsSvc = $false} # return $false if service not running
# Check the WebBrowserRedirection Policy 1=enabled (implicitly enabled if not found in VDA > 7.??)
Try {$redirPol = (get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\$SessionID\User\MultimediaPolicies -name "TeamsRedirection").TeamsRedirection}
catch {$redirPol = "notFound"} # return empty if not found
# Check the Citrix Reciever (CWA) version #2021-03-05 update to support 21.mm.x.y (or any 2*.mm.x.y)
$ctxRxVerTest = ($ctxRx -match '^2[0-9]\..+')
# Check if $ctxRx was empty
if ($ctxRx -match 'Discard|On Local'){$ctxRx = 'not Received';Write-Verbose " ctxRx : $ctxRx"}
# check HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Citrix\HDXMediaStream\\MSTeamsRedirSupport
## Teams will look for this to decide to enable or not redirection
Try {$userMSTeamsSupp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path hkcu:software\Citrix\HDXMediaStream -Name "MSTeamsRedirSupport").MSTeamsRedirSupport}
Catch {$userMSTeamsSupp = "notFound" }
# Check if the CVAD Persist User Changes was provided, if not set as unknown
if (!($userChanges -match '.+')) {$userChanges = 'Not Provided'}
Write-Verbose " userChanges : $userChanges"
# Teams install mode, version and session log entries
# Check Teams executable path
Try {$machineInstall = ((Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe") -or
(Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"))
Catch {$machineInstall = "False"}
Try {$userInstall = (test-path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\") }
Catch {$userInstall = "False"}
# Check if MSI install is allowed
Try{$preventMSIinstall = (Get-Itemproperty HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Office\Teams).PreventInstallationFromMsi}
Catch{$preventMSIinstall = 'not found'}
# Find the teams.exe root process and get it's PID
Try {$teams = (Get-Process teams | Where-Object {$_.mainWindowTitle}) # get the teams process with the visible window.
$teamsPID = $teams.id
$teamsVer = $teams.FileVersion}
Catch {$teamsPID = 'n/a'; $teamsVer = 'not running' }
#Write-Verbose " teamsPID : $teamsPID" ## Not showing to allow better results grouping
Write-Verbose " teamsVer : $teamsVer"
# Check if Teams.exe received the Citrix HDX Redirection RegKey (would be 1, else 0 or not found)
if ($teamsVer -ne 'not running'){
Try {$hdxRedirLogEntry = ((Select-String -path "$env:appdata\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt" -Pattern "<$teamsPID> -- info -- vdiUtility: citrixMsTeamsRedir")[-1]).ToString()
$hdxRedir = $hdxRedirLogEntry.Substring($hdxRedirLogEntry.Length -2, 2)
Catch {$hdxRedir = "notFound"}
else {$hdxRedir = "not running"}
# Report findings - some tests return $true , other return a value
Write-Output "====================== Citrix Readiness ======================"
if ($vdaVerTest) {Write-Output "PASS: VDA Version $vdaVer supports HDX Teams Optimization" }
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "FAIL: VDA Version $vdaVer does not support HDX Teams Optimization (or not found in the output)"
Write-Output " TRY: Upgrade VDA to 1903 or newer. see https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/tech-zone/learn/poc-guides/microsoft-teams-optimizations.html"
if ($ctxRxVerTest) {Write-Output "PASS: Citrix Workspace App Version $ctxRx supports HDX Teams Optimization" }
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "FAIL: Receiver/CWA Version $ctxRx is old and does not support HDX Teams Optimization "
Write-Output " TRY: Upgrade the Client device to latest version of Citrix Workspace App"
if ($vdaVerTest -eq $false) {exit}
if ($redirPol -eq 1) {Write-Output "PASS: HDX Teams Optimization policy explicitly ENABLED from Citrix Studio"}
if ($redirPol -eq 0) {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "FAIL: HDX Teams Optimization DISABLED explicitly via policy"
Write-Output " TRY: Review Citrix Policies in Citrix Studio"
if ($CtxTeamsSvc) {Write-Output "PASS: HDX Teams Optimization (CtxTeamsSvc) found running in the VDA" }
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
if ($redirPol -eq "notFound") {
Write-Output "INFO: HDX Teams Optimization policy not set explicitly via policy"
Write-Output " TRY: Review Citrix Policies in Citrix Studio & Enable HDX Browser content redirection"
Write-Output " Check if the HDX Teams Optimization service is running on the VDA"
Write-Output "FAIL: HDX Teams Optimization service (CtxTeamsSvc) not running "
Write-Output " TRY: Check if the CtxTeamsSvc service is running on the VDA"
# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Citrix\HDXMediaStream MSTeamsRedirSupport will be 1 if VDA and CWA support it.
Switch ($userMSTeamsSupp)
{ '1' { Write-Output "PASS: Citrix reports this HDX session supports Teams Optimization (MSTeamsRedirSupport is 1)"
if (!$CtxTeamsSvc) {Write-Output " INFO: See warning for CtxTeamsSvc"}
'0' { Write-Output "WARN: Citrix HDX redirection for Teams not supported on this session (MSTeamsRedirSupport is not 1)"
Write-Output " TRY: Review Citrix VDA and Workspace App versions or DIsconnect and reconnect the session"
'notFound' { Write-Output "WARN: Citrix HDX redirection for Teams not supported on this session (MSTeamsRedirSupport not found in HKCU)"}
Write-Output "====================== Teams Readiness ======================"
if ($machineInstall) {Write-Output "PASS: Teams found in the Program Files directory"}
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "WARN : Teams not found in the Program Files directory. "
if ((test-path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\") -and !($userChanges -match 'Local'))
{ Write-Output "WARN : Teams found in the User's Local AppData folder and VDA is not persistent."
Write-Output " SEE: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/MicrosoftTeams/teams-for-vdi#non-persistent-setup"
if ($preventMSIinstall -match '1')
{ Write-Output "WARN : PreventInstallationFromMSI variable found at HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Office\Teams"
Write-Output " SEE https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/MicrosoftTeams/msi-deployment#clean-up-and-redeployment-procedure"
Switch -Wildcard ($hdxRedir)
{ '*1*' { Write-Output "PASS: Teams reports Citrix HDX Optimized - in the GUI: User-> About->Version"}
'*0*' { Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "WARN: Citrix HDX NOT Optimized - in the GUI: User-> About->Version"}
'not running' { Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "INFO: Teams was not detected running in this session"}
default { Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "WARN: Teams did not detect Citrix HDX optimization"}