Find Folder Redirection Errors

This script looks for Folder Redirection errors (Event ID 502) that occurred on the selected managed computer within the last 30 days.
Version 2.3.8
Created on 2017-05-21
Modified on 2019-03-17
Created by Carl Webster
Downloads: 1135

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ControlUp-friendly version of Carl Webster's 'Get-FRErrorsV2' script (Get Folder Redirection Errors)

[Datetime]$StartDate = ((Get-Date -displayhint date).AddDays(-30))
[Datetime]$EndDate = (Get-Date -displayhint date)
try {
    $Errors = Get-EventLog -logname application `
        -source "Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection" `
        -entrytype "Error" `
        -after $StartDate `
        -before $EndDate `
        -EA 0
    } catch {
     Write-Host "Error querying event log"
If($? -and $Null -ne $Errors) {
    If (!($Errors -is [Array])) {
        #force the singleton to an array
        [array]$Errors = $Errors

    $Users = $Errors | Select UserName | Sort UserName -Unique 
    If (!($Users -is [Array])) {
        #force the singleton to an array
        [array]$Users = $Users
    $ErrorPaths = @()
    Write-Host "$($Errors.Count) Folder Redirection errors found for $($Users.Count) users"

    Foreach ($Err in $Errors) {
        $m = $null
        $ErrorPath = $null
        $m = $Err.Message
        try {
            $ErrorPath = $m.substring($m.indexof("\\"),$m.indexof('".')-$m.indexof("\\"))
        } catch {
            # Meh
        if ($ErrorPath -ne $null) {
            $ErrorPaths += $ErrorPath

    $ErrorPaths = $ErrorPaths | Sort -Unique
    Write-Host "$($ErrorPaths.Count) erroneous paths found:"

    Write-Host "No Folder Redirection errors found"