FSLogix – Notify user if container failed to attach

Alerts the user if FSLogix failed to attach a container.
Version 3.2.11
Created on 2023-08-31
Modified on 2025-02-23
Created by Trentent Tye
Downloads: 9

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
Find if FSLogix failed to load the user profile of the user executing this script because of a profile in use and alert the user

Find if FSLogix failed to load the user profile of the user executing this script because of a profile in use and alert the user

Parameter passed from ControlUp for the time the user logged on. The value is formatted in string like so: "2023/08/31 2:19:14 PM"


& '.\Alert On FSLogix Attach Issue.ps1' -LogonTime "2023/08/31 2:19:14 PM"


Borrowed Send-ToastNotification function from guyrleech.


@trententtye 2023-08-31 First public release



    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Search for events after this time')]


function Send-ToastNotification {
Create a toast notification

To use this script in an automated action, take a copy of it, add the _clientMetricX parameters as required and set the message text in the param() block with {0}, {1}, etc as required and set any other parameters where you don't want the default

.PARAMETER _clientMetric1
Parameter passed from ControlUp record properties and replaced in message string. Where more than one is specified, the trailing digits are sorted numerically to determine order of replacement in the message string, eg {1} would be replaced by _clientMetric2, etc

.PARAMETER message
The message to display in the dialogue. If specifying client metrics with _ prefix, use {0} in the string to have it replaced with the first _ parameter numerically first, {1} for second, etc where trailing digits are sorted numerically to determine order
Add the message text in the script param block itself if using as an automated action.

The title for the dialogue. If specified as an empty string or $null, no title bar is shown

Path of a graphic file to use for the popup or a string to match against .png files in \windows\systemresources.
Specify DefaultSystemNotification to get the default system notification icon otherwise a logo embedded into the script is used.

.PARAMETER audiosource
The notification sound name to be played (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/schemas/tiles/toastschema/element-audio).
Will be silent if $null or empty string specified.

.PARAMETER application
Application to set as source for notification. Use Get-StartApps to see what is available, use the Name of the application.


& '.\Show Toast Popup for Wifi signal.ps1' -_clientMetric1 42 -message "Poor WiFi Signal ({0}%)"


Code adapted from https://steviecoaster.dev/Toast-everything/


@guyrleech 2021-05-13  First public release
@guyrleech 2021-06-23  Added CU logo
@guyrleech 2021-06-28  Added ability to have no logo or override embedded one. Added option for silent notification sound if $null or empty string passed via -audiosource. Cache logo file. No default for -message
@guyrleech 2021-10-21  Fixes to allow working pre Win10
Ton de Vreede 2022-01-25 Added Windows version check and success confirmation



    ## client metrics (or any parameter passed automagically via CU) must start with an underscore and have the number of the positional parameter in the $message string at the end (which they are sorted on before constructing the message string), eg _clientMetric2
    ## do not have digits anywhere else in the parameter name other than at the end
    ## if not passing any record properties via the SBA definition, delete the _ parameter(s) completely
    ## to show a number without decimal places, make the parameter an [int] type
    ## [int]$_clientMetric1 ,
    $_clientMetric1 ,
    $_clientMetric2 ,
    $_clientMetric3 ,
    $_clientMetric4 ,
    $_clientMetric5 ,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Text to display to user in toast notification')]
    [string]$message , ## define the message here if using as an automated action

    [string]$title = "ControlUp Alert",
    [string]$logo  ,
    [string]$application = 'Windows Powershell*' ,
    [string]$audiosource = 'ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Default'

    $VerbosePreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'verbose' ] ) { $VerbosePreference } else { 'SilentlyContinue' })
    $DebugPreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'debug' ] ) { $DebugPreference } else { 'SilentlyContinue' })
    $ErrorActionPreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'erroraction' ] ) { $ErrorActionPreference } else { 'Stop' })
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

    # Test if Windows version is supported
    [CimInstance]$objWindows = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'win32_operatingsystem' -Property Name, Version
    [version]$verWindows = $objWindows.Version
    [string]$strWindows = $objWindows.Name.Split('|')[0]
    If ($verWindows.Major -lt '10.0') {
     Throw "This script only runs on Windows 10/Server 2016 or higher. This is $strWindows`."

    # Test for correct session
    [int]$sessionId = Get-Process -Id $pid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SessionId

    if( $sessionId -eq 0 )
        Throw "Toast notifications cannot be shown in session zero - set the script to run in the context of the users session"

    $Priority = $null

        $Priority = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationPriority]::High ## doesn't seem any different to "Default" in appearance
        Write-Verbose -Message "Error when setting Notification Priority. This is expected on Server 2016, notification will still show."

    ## get the underscore parameters from the parameters so we can expand the message string - put in hashtable keyed on number at the end of the parameter name so we can sort on that and check for duplicates
    [hashtable]$messageStrings = @{}

    ForEach( $parameter in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() )
        if( $parameter.Key -match '^_[^\d]*(\d*)$' )  ## _clientMetric1
                $messageStrings.Add( [int]$Matches[1] , $parameter.Value )
                Throw "Already have an _ parameter ending in number $($Matches[1]) so can't use $($parameter.Key)"

    Write-Verbose -Message "Got $($messageStrings.Count) parameters for message string"

    if( $message -match '\{0\}' -and $messageStrings.Count -eq 0 )
        Write-Warning -Message "Message string contains {0} but no record properties were passed as parameters"

        $message = $message -f ($messageStrings.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Key | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)
        Write-Error "Failed to construct message string - are there sufficient {n} place holders for all the -_clientMetric parameters and vice versa?"
        Throw $_

    Write-Verbose -Message "Expanded message text is `"$message`""

    Write-Verbose -Message "Session id is $sessionId user name $env:USERNAME"

    if( ! [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] `
        -or ! [Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] )
        Throw "Failed to load required .NET classes"

        if( ! $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'logo' ) )
            [string]$controlupLogo = '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'
            [string]$scriptSupportFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( [Environment]::GetFolderPath( [Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonApplicationData ) , 'ControlUp' , 'ScriptSupport' )
            if( ! (Test-Path -Path $scriptSupportFolder -PathType Container -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -and ! ( New-Item -Path $scriptSupportFolder -ItemType Directory ) )
                $scriptSupportFolder = $env:temp
            [string]$ImageFile = Join-Path -Path $scriptSupportFolder -ChildPath "cu.toast.logo.png"
            [byte[]]$Bytes = [convert]::FromBase64String( $controlupLogo  )

            if( $Bytes.Count )
                    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes( $ImageFile , $Bytes )
                    $logo = $ImageFile
                    Write-Warning -Message "Error writing to file `"$ImageFile`""
                    $logo = $null
        elseif( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $logo ) -and ! (Test-Path -Path $logo -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ) ## null or empty -logo argument means no logo
            $logoFolder = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemRoot -ChildPath 'SystemResources'
            if( ! ( $logoFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $logoFolder -Force -Recurse -File -Filter "*$logo*.png" | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName ) )
                Throw "Failed to find logo file $logo in $logoFolder"
            $logo = $logoFile

        [string]$audio = $null
        if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $audiosource ) )
            $audio = 'silent="true"'
            $audio = "src=`"$audiosource`""

## https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/schemas/tiles/toastschema/schema-root
$XmlString = @"
    <toast scenario = "urgent">
        <binding template="ToastGeneric">
        <image src="$Logo" placement="appLogoOverride" hint-crop="circle" />
    <audio $audio/>

            Import-Module -Name StartLayout -Verbose:$false
            Import-Module -Name StartScreen -Verbose:$false

        ## we need an AppID so grab one
        [string]$AppId = Get-StartApps -name $application | Where-Object AppID -NotMatch 'AutoGenerated' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AppID -First 1
        Write-Verbose -Message "AppId is $appid"
        if( $ToastXml = New-Object -TypeName Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument )
            ##if( $Toast = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification]::new($ToastXml) )
            if( $Toast = New-Object -TypeName Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification -ArgumentList $ToastXml)
                if( $Priority )
                    $toast.Priority = $priority
       Write-Output -InputObject "Toast notification sent to user."
                Throw "Failed to create toast notification from XML"
        Throw $_
        if( $ImageFile -and ( Test-Path -Path $ImageFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
            ## Notification is made by the Windows Push Notifications User Service so we can't delete the icon
            ##Remove-Item -Path $ImageFile -Force

#Check for FSLogix event logs. If they are not present then exit.
$listOfEventLogs = ([System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession]::GlobalSession).GetLogNames()

if (-not($listOfEventLogs.Contains("Microsoft-FSLogix-Apps/Operational"))) {
    Write-Output "FSLogix EventLog file was not found."
} else {
     $event = Get-Winevent -FilterHashtable @{
        LogName = "Microsoft-FSLogix-Apps/Operational"
        ID = 51
        UserID = "$((New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($env:username)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).value)"
    } | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.TimeCreated -ge [dateTime]$logontime.Replace("`"","") }  ## removes any double quotes around the string
    if ($event.count -ge 1) {
        Write-Output "Detected $($event.count) FSLogix failure to attach container events for user $($env:username)"
        #Adds Powershell to the allowed apps for notifications
        $appsToAddToNotification = Get-StartApps -Name *powershell*
        foreach ($appId in $appsToAddToNotification.AppId) {
            if (-not(Test-Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\$appId)) {
                New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\$appId -Force | Out-Null
            $NotificationValues = @("Enabled","ShowBanner","ShowInActionCenter","Rank","AllowUrgentNotifications")
            foreach ($value in $NotificationValues) {
                New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\$appId -Name $value -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force | Out-Null

        Send-ToastNotification -title "ControlUp Automation" -message "$($event[0].message)" -application "Windows Powershell" 
    } else {
        Write-Output "No issues detected attaching FSLogix container(s) for user $($Env:username)"
    # TTYE - I suspect there may find two event id 51 if they use both the profile container and office container and neither attach because of %reason%. I'm only going to use the latest event but this might be worth looking at again if I run accross this scenario.