Connect to Citrix ADM and retrieve HDX Insight information.
Connect to Citrix ADM and retrieve HDX Insight information, using REST API and JSON.
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Updated: 2020-11-15
Standardized the function, based on the ControlUp Standards (v0.2)
Purpose: Automating Citrix ADM HDX Insight information with REST APIs
Copyright (c) cognition IT. All rights reserved.
HelpMessage='Enter the Citrix ADM management IP address'
[ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]
[string] $ADMIP,
HelpMessage='Enter the UserName'
[string] $HDXUserName
# -------------
# | Functions |
# -------------
function Invoke-ADMLogin {
Login to the Citrix ADM and return session information.
Login to the Citrix ADM and return session information, using the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet for the REST API calls.
Invoke-ADMLogin -ADMIP string
Invoke-ADMLogin -ADMIP string -ADMCredentials $PSCredentialsObject
Invoke-ADMLogin -ADMIP string -Verbose
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Purpose: Script created for Citrix ADM Troubleshooting & Management
Copyright (c) cognition IT. All rights reserved.
HelpMessage='Enter the Citrix ADM management IP address'
[ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]
[string] $ADMIP,
HelpMessage='Enter a PSCredential object, containing username and password for the Citrix ADM'
[System.Management.Automation.CredentialAttribute()] $ADMCredentials
# Check if a PSCredentials object was provided, if not ask for credentials
If (!($ADMCredentials))
# Get ADM Credentials
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$ADMCredentials = $null
$ADMCredentials = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your credentials for Citrix ADM $NSIP"
# Extract username and password from PSCredentials for use with NITRO
$ADMUserName = $ADMCredentials.UserName
$ADMPassword = $ADMCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
#region Login to ADM with NITRO
#Force PowerShell to bypass validation for (self-signed) certificates and SSL connections
# source: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/bshukla/2010/04/12/ignoring-ssl-trust-in-powershell-system-net-webclient/
Write-Verbose "* ADM-Login: Forcing PowerShell to trust all certificates (incl. self-signed netScaler certificate)"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
#JSON payload
$Login = ConvertTo-Json @{
"login" = @{
} -Depth 5
# Login to the ADM and create a session (stored in $NSSession)
$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = "https://$ADMIP/nitro/v1/config/login"
Body = "object="+$Login
Method = "Post"
SessionVariable = "ADMSession"
ContentType = "application/json"
$loginResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams
catch [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException]
Write-Error ("A parameter binding ERROR occurred. Please provide the correct management IP-address. " + $_.Exception.Message)
# Debug:
Write-Debug $_.Exception | Format-List -Force
# Error:
Write-Error ("A [" + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName + "] ERROR occurred. " + $_.Exception.Message)
# Check for REST API errors
If ($loginResponse.errorcode -eq 0)
Write-Verbose "ADM-login: login successful"
#endregion Login to ADM with NITRO
# return session information
return $ADMSession
function Invoke-ADMLogout {
Logout the given Citrix ADM session.
Logout the given Citrix ADM session, using the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet for the REST API calls.
Invoke-ADMLogout -ADMIP string -ADMSession SessionVariable
Invoke-ADMLogout -ADMIP string -ADMSession SessionVariable -Verbose
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Purpose: Script created for Citrix ADM Troubleshooting & Management
Copyright (c) cognition IT. All rights reserved.
HelpMessage='Enter the Citrix ADM management IP address'
[ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]
[string] $ADMIP,
HelpMessage='Enter variable, containing the Session information for the Citrix ADM'
[System.Management.Automation.PSObject] $ADMSession
#region Logout of ADM with NITRO
# retrieve the sessionID from the session variable
$cookieContainer = $ADMSession.Cookies
[hashtable] $cookieDetails = $CookieContainer.GetType().InvokeMember("m_domainTable",
[System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic -bor
[System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::GetField -bor
$sessionID = $cookieDetails.Values.Values.Value
#JSON payload
$Logout = ConvertTo-Json @{
"logout" = @{
} -Depth 5
#demo output: Write-Host "JSON: $Logout" -ForegroundColor Green
# Connect to the ADM and logoff a session (stored in $NSSession)
$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = "http://$ADMIP/nitro/v1/config/logout"
Method = "Post"
Body = "object="+$Logout
WebSession = $ADMSession
ContentType = "application/json"
$logoutResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams
catch [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException]
Write-Error ("A parameter binding ERROR occurred. Please provide the correct management IP-address. " + $_.Exception.Message)
# Debug:
Write-Debug $_.Exception | Format-List -Force
# Error:
Write-Error ("A [" + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName + "] ERROR occurred. " + $_.Exception.Message)
# Check for REST API errors
If ($logoutResponse.errorcode -eq 0)
Write-Verbose "ADM-logout: logout successful"
#endregion Logout of ADM with NITRO
function Get-ADMHDXInsightICASession {
Retrieve Citrix ADM HDX Insight information for active ICA sessions.
Retrieve Citrix ADM HDX Insight information for active ICA sessions, using the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet for the REST API calls.
Get-ADMHDXInsightActiveICASession -ADMIP string -ADMSession SessionVariable
Get-ADMHDXInsightActiveICASession -ADMIP string -ADMSession SessionVariable -Verbose
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Purpose: Script created for Citrix ADM Troubleshooting & Management
Copyright (c) cognition IT. All rights reserved.
HelpMessage='Enter the Citrix ADM management IP address'
[ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]
[string] $ADMIP,
HelpMessage='Enter variable, containing the Session information for the Citrix ADM'
[System.Management.Automation.PSObject] $ADMSession,
HelpMessage='Enter a username'
[string] $Username
#region Retrieve HDX Insight for ICA sessions with NITRO
# $uri = "http://$ADMIP/nitro/v1/appflow/ica_session"
$uri = "http://$ADMIP/nitro/v1/config/ica_session"
if ($Username)
$uri = $uri + "?args=ica_user_name:" + $([System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($Username)) + "&asc=no&order_by=session_setup_time&pagesize=25&type=session_setup_time&cr_enabled=0&sla_enabled=0&duration=last_1_hour"
# Connect to the ADM
$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = $uri
Method = "Get"
WebSession = $ADMSession
ContentType = "application/json"
$hdxInsightResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams
catch [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException]
Write-Error ("A parameter binding ERROR occurred. Please provide the correct management IP-address. " + $_.Exception.Message)
# Debug:
Write-Debug $_.Exception | Format-List -Force
# Error:
Write-Error ("A [" + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName + "] ERROR occurred. " + $_.Exception.Message)
# Check for REST API errors
If ($hdxInsightResponse.errorcode -eq 0)
Write-Verbose "ADM-HDXInsight: successful"
return $hdxInsightResponse
#endregion Retrieve HDX Insight for active ICA sessions with NITRO
function ConvertEpochToDateTime {
Convert Epoch (or unix) time to local datetime string.
Convert Epoch (or unix) time to local datetime string.
ConvertEpochToDateTime -EpochTime double
ConvertEpochToDateTime -EpochTime double -Verbose
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-11-15
Purpose: Script created for Citrix ADM Troubleshooting & Management
Copyright (c) cognition IT. All rights reserved.
HelpMessage='Enter the epoch time'
[double] $ePochTime
# # Convert epoch/unix time to datetime (and take local timezone into account)
$baseDateTime = New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumentList 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
$Offset = [TimeZoneInfo]::Local | Select-Object BaseUtcOffset
$utcTime = $(Get-Date $($baseDateTime.AddSeconds($ePochTime)) -Format r)
$localTime = Get-Date($($off.BaseUtcOffset) + $(Get-Date $($baseDateTime.AddSeconds($ePochTime)) -Format r)) #-UFormat %c
return $localTime
#region ControlUp Script Standards - version 0.2
#Requires -Version 5.1
# Configure a larger output width for the ControlUp PowerShell console
[int]$outputWidth = 400
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
# Ensure Debug information is shown, without the confirmation question after each Write-Debug
If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {$DebugPreference = "Continue"}
If ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {$VerbosePreference = "Continue"}
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# ------------
# | Workflow |
# ------------
# Force PowerShell to use TLS 1.2
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# ------------
# Step 1 - Create a Citrix ADM session (based on provided NSIP)
# ------------
# Get ADM Credentials (to pass on to the login function)
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$ADMCreds = $null
$ADMCreds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your management credentials for the Citrix ADM"
# Logon to the ADM
$WebSession = Invoke-ADMLogin -ADMIP $ADMIP -ADMCredentials $ADMCreds #-Verbose
# ------------
# Step 2 - Retrieve HDX Insight data for a specific (current) user session
# ------------
$icaSession = Get-ADMHDXInsightICASession -ADMIP $ADMIP -ADMSession $WebSession -Username $HDXUserName #-Verbose
# Present the information:
Write-Host "Citrix ADM HDX Insight session details for $($HDXUserName): " -ForegroundColor Yellow
#$icaSession.ica_session | Select serverside_packet_retransmits,user_type,is_msi,count_usb_rejected,ip_block_name,launch_duration,latitude,l7_threshold_configure_value,longitude,region_code,region,host_delay,total_bytes,is_active,client_ip_address,pn_agent_version,client_latency,client_hostname,count_usb_accepted,usb_status,client_side_ns_delay,server_side_ns_delay,application_enumeration_duration,session_reconnect,serverside_rto,l7_threshold_max_server_breach,duration_summary_bandwidth,country,session_hop_diagram,clientside_packet_retransmits,server_ip_address,count_usb_stopped,rpt_sample_time,clientside_0_win,session_setup_time,bandwidth,clientside_rto,ica_app_name,client_version,clientside_cb,session_rtt,ica_user_name,country_code,l7_threshold_breach_count,state,client_type,euem,l7_clientside_latency,device_type,server_jitter,id,client_jitter,server_latency,is_multi_hop,serverside_0_win,l7_threshold_max_client_breach,serverside_cb,l7_threshold_avg_client_breach,session_type,acr_count,sr_reconnect_count,ha_failover_count,selected_time_totalte,l7_monitoring_supported,l7_threshold_avg_server_breach,client_srtt,edt_type,ica_device_ip_address,city,receiver_version,up_time,client_tx_bytes,session_setup_time_local,client_rx_bytes,server_srtt,session_end_time,l7_serverside_latency | Format-List
$icaSession.ica_session | Select-Object @{Name='User'; Expression={$_.ica_user_name}},
# User information
@{Name='User access type'; Expression={$_.user_type}},
@{Name='Session id'; Expression={$_.id}},
@{Name='Session type'; Expression={if($_.session_type -eq 1){return "Desktop"}elseif($_.session_type -eq 0){return "Application"}else{$_.session_type}}},
# RTT, latency and bandwidt
@{Name='ICA RTT'; Expression={"{0:N2} ms" -f ($([math]::Round($_.session_rtt,2)))}},
@{Name='WAN latency'; Expression={if($_.client_latency -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{"{0:N2} ms" -f ($([math]::Round($_.client_latency,2)))}}},
@{Name='DC latency'; Expression={if($_.server_latency -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{"{0:N2} ms" -f ($([math]::Round($_.server_latency,2)))}}},
@{Name='Host delay'; Expression={if($_.host_delay -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{"{0:N2} ms" -f ($([math]::Round($_.host_delay,2)))}}},
@{Name='Bandwidth per interval'; Expression={"{0:N2} Kbps" -f ($([math]::Round($($_.bandwidth)/1kb,2)))}},
@{Name='Session bandwidth'; Expression={"{0:N2} Kbps" -f ($([math]::Round($($_.duration_summary_bandwidth)/1kb,2)))}},
# Transmitted bytes
@{Name='Total bytes'; Expression={"{0:N2} MB" -f (($_.total_bytes)/1MB)}},
@{Name='Bytes per interval'; Expression={"{0:N2} MB" -f (($_.selected_time_total_byte)/1MB)}},
# Session time
@{Name='Start time'; Expression={ConvertEpochToDateTime($_.session_setup_time)}},
#@{Name='session end time'; Expression={if($_.session_end_time -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{ConvertEpochToDateTime($_.session_end_time)}}},
@{Name='Uptime'; Expression={ "$((New-TimeSpan -Seconds $($_.up_time)).Hours) h`: $((New-TimeSpan -Seconds $($_.up_time)).Minutes) m`: $((New-TimeSpan -Seconds $($_.up_time)).Seconds)s" }},
# IP-addresses
@{Name='Client hostname'; Expression={$_.client_hostname}},
@{Name='Client type'; Expression={$_.client_type}},
@{Name='Client IP address'; Expression={$_.client_ip_address}},
@{Name='Server IP address'; Expression={$_.server_ip_address}},
@{Name='Citrix ADC IP address'; Expression={$_.ica_device_ip_address}},
# L7 latency
@{Name='L7 client side latency'; Expression={"{0:N2} ms" -f ($([math]::Round($_.l7_clientside_latency,2)))}},
@{Name='L7 server side latency'; Expression={"{0:N2} ms" -f ($([math]::Round($_.l7_serverside_latency,2)))}},
# network packets information
@{Name='server side packet retransmit'; Expression={if($_.serverside_packet_retransmits -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{$_.serverside_packet_retransmits}}},
@{Name='client side packet retransmit'; Expression={if($_.clientside_packet_retransmits -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{$_.clientside_packet_retransmits}}},
@{Name='client side RTO'; Expression={if($_.clientside_rto -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{$_.clientside_rto}}},
@{Name='server side RTO'; Expression={if($_.serverside_rto -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{$_.serverside_rto}}},
@{Name='client side zero window size event'; Expression={if($_.clientside_0_win -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{$_.clientside_0_win}}},
@{Name='server side zero window size event'; Expression={if($_.serverside_0_win -eq -1){"-NA-"}else{$_.serverside_0_win}}},
# Session characteristics
@{Name='HA failover count'; Expression={$_.ha_failover_count}},
@{Name='EDT type'; Expression={$_.edt_type}},
@{Name='Active'; Expression={$_.is_active}},
@{Name='Multi-hop'; Expression={$_.is_multi_hop}},
@{Name='End user experience monitoring'; Expression={$_.euem}} | Format-List
## Logoff from the ADM (using the global variable SessionID) (because the other method keeps timing out)
Invoke-ADMLogout -ADMIP $ADMIP -ADMSession $WebSession #-Verbose