#requires -version 3.0
Set page file location and size
@guyrleech 2018
Modification History:
15/10/18 GRL Extra error handling and re-enable automatic management if we disabled it
23/11/18 GRL Bugfixes and changed so no new name specified means set to automatically managed
[string]$newLocation = $args[0]
[int]$initialSize = 0
[int]$maximumSize = 0
if( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1] )
$initialSize = $args[1]
if( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
$maximumSize = $args[2]
if( $maximumSize -lt $initialSize )
Throw 'Maximum size cannot be less than intial size'
if( $newLocation -eq '0' -or $newLocation -match '^auto' ) ## 0 if left as blank as SBA shifts parameters down
$newLocation = $null
$computer = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem
$changed = $null
[bool]$wasAutomaticallyManaged = $false
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $newLocation ) )
$logicalDisk = $null
$drive = Split-Path -Path $newLocation -Qualifier -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if( $drive )
$logicalDisk = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "Name = '$drive' and DriveType = '3'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if( ! $logicalDisk )
Throw "Cannot find local fixed drive for $newLocation"
elseif( $logicalDisk.FreeSpace / 1MB -lt $maximumSize )
Write-Warning "Drive $drive only has $([math]::Round($logicalDisk.FreeSpace / 1MB))MB free space"
$newPageFile = Join-Path $drive 'pagefile.sys' ## default if only a drive has been specified rather than drive+folder
[string]$folder = '\'
if( $newLocation -match '^[a-z]:\\(.+)$' )
$file = Split-Path -Path $newLocation -Leaf
if( ! $file )
$newLocation = Join-Path -Path $newLocation -ChildPath 'pagefile.sys'
elseif( $file -ne 'pagefile.sys' )
Throw "Page file name `"$file`" is not allowed as can only be called ""pagefiles.sys"""
$folder = Split-Path -Path $newLocation -Parent
if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
[void](New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop)
$newPageFile = $newLocation
elseif( $newLocation -match '^[a-z]:[^\\]' )
Throw "Path `"$newLocation`" is invalid as an absolute path must be specified"
# Works around a PowerShell bug when trying to find if the new page file already exists
$fileProperties = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq (Split-Path -Path $newPageFile -Leaf) }
if( $fileProperties )
Write-Warning "New page file $newPageFile already exists, size $([math]::Round($fileProperties.Length / 1MB))MB, created $(Get-Date $fileProperties.CreationTime -Format G), last modified $(Get-Date $fileProperties.LastWriteTime -Format G)"
$wasAutomaticallyManaged = $computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile
if( $wasAutomaticallyManaged)
$computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $false
$changed = Set-CimInstance -InputObject $computer -PassThru
if( ! $? -or ! $changed )
Throw "Failed to enable automatic page file management"
else ## no name so setting to automatically managed
if ($computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile)
Write-Warning 'Already using automatically managed pagefile so making no changes'
$computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $true
$changed = Set-CimInstance -InputObject $computer -PassThru
if( ! $? -or ! $changed )
Throw 'Failed to enable automatic page file management'
Write-Output "Page file successfully changed to being automatically managed`n`nYou must reboot before this takes effect"
Exit 0
[string]$oldPagefile = ''
$currentPageFile = @( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFileSetting )
[string]$currentPageFileName = $null
if( ! $currentPageFile -or ! $currentPageFile.Count )
Write-Warning "There is currently no page file set"
elseif( $currentPageFile.Count -gt 1 )
Throw "There are $($currentPageFile.Count) page files already ($(($currentPageFile|Select -ExpandProperty Name) -join ' , ')) so don't know which one to change"
$currentPageFileName = $currentPageFile[0].Name
if( ! $wasAutomaticallyManaged )
if( $currentPageFileName -eq $newPageFile -and $currentPageFile[0].InitialSize -eq $initialSize -and $currentPageFile[0].MaximumSize -eq $maximumSize )
Write-Warning "Current page file is already $newPageFile with same sizes so no changes required"
Exit 0
$oldPagefile = " from $currentPageFileName"
## delete current page file settings and create new
$currentPageFile | Remove-CimInstance
$newSetting = New-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFileSetting -Property @{ 'Name' = $newPageFile } -ErrorAction Stop
if( ! $newSetting )
Throw "Failed to change page file$oldPagefile to $newPageFile"
$changedSize = Set-CimInstance -PassThru -InputObject $newSetting -Property @{
'InitialSize' = [uint32]$initialSize
'MaximumSize' = [uint32]$maximumSize
if( ! $? -or ! $changedSize )
Throw "Failed to change $newPageFile initial size to $initialSize MB and maximum $maximumSize MB"
Write-Output "Page file successfully changed$oldPagefile to $newPageFile`n`nYou must reboot before this takes effect"
if ($changed)
$computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $true
$changedBack = Set-CimInstance -InputObject $computer -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
if( ! $? -or ! $changedBack )
Write-Warning 'Failed to re-enable automatic page file management'
Throw $_