#requires -version 3.0
Show or export Citrix PVS audit logs.
Enable auditing if not enabled and requested via parameter.
@guyrleech, 2018
Modification history:
[string]$outputFile = $null
[bool]$enableAuditing = $false
[int]$outputWidth = 400
[string]$pvsModule = "$env:ProgramFiles\Citrix\Provisioning Services Console\Citrix.PVS.SnapIn.dll"
$startDate = $null
$endDate = $null
if( $args.Count -ge 1 -and $args[0] )
$enableAuditing = $args[0] -eq 'true'
if( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1] )
## This could be specified as a date/time or last days/minutes/hours/etc so figure out which
$result = New-Object DateTime
if( [datetime]::TryParse( $args[1] , [ref]$result ) )
$startDate = $result
## see what last character is as will tell us what units to work with
[string]$last = $args[1]
[long]$multiplier = 0
switch( $last[-1] )
"s" { $multiplier = 1 }
"m" { $multiplier = 60 }
"h" { $multiplier = 3600 }
"d" { $multiplier = 86400 }
"w" { $multiplier = 86400 * 7 }
"y" { $multiplier = 86400 * 365 }
default { Throw "Unknown multiplier `"$($last[-1])`"" }
$endDate = Get-Date
if( $last.Length -le 1 )
$startDate = $endDate.AddSeconds( -$multiplier )
$startDate = $endDate.AddSeconds( - ( ( $last.Substring( 0 ,$last.Length - 1 ) -as [long] ) * $multiplier ) )
$startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays( -1 )
$endDate = Get-Date
if( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
## This could be specified as a date/time or a duration of days/minutes/hours/etc so figure out which
$result = New-Object DateTime
if( [datetime]::TryParse( $args[2] , [ref]$result ) )
$endDate = $result
[string]$last = $args[2]
[long]$multiplier = 0
switch( $last[-1] )
"s" { $multiplier = 1 }
"m" { $multiplier = 60 }
"h" { $multiplier = 3600 }
"d" { $multiplier = 86400 }
"w" { $multiplier = 86400 * 7 }
"y" { $multiplier = 86400 * 365 }
default { Throw "Unknown multiplier `"$($last[-1])`"" }
if( $last.Length -le 1 )
$endDate = $startDate.AddSeconds( $multiplier )
$endDate = $startDate.AddSeconds( ( ( $last.Substring( 0 ,$last.Length - 1 ) -as [long] ) * $multiplier ) )
[string[]]$audittypes = @(
'Many' ,
'AuthGroup' ,
'Collection' ,
'Device' ,
'Disk' ,
'DiskLocator' ,
'Farm' ,
'FarmView' ,
'Server' ,
'Site' ,
'SiteView' ,
'Store' ,
'System' ,
[hashtable]$auditActions = @{
1 = 'AddAuthGroup'
2 = 'AddCollection'
3 = 'AddDevice'
4 = 'AddDiskLocator'
5 = 'AddFarmView'
6 = 'AddServer'
7 = 'AddSite'
8 = 'AddSiteView'
9 = 'AddStore'
10 = 'AddUserGroup'
11 = 'AddVirtualHostingPool'
12 = 'AddUpdateTask'
13 = 'AddDiskUpdateDevice'
1001 = 'DeleteAuthGroup'
1002 = 'DeleteCollection'
1003 = 'DeleteDevice'
1004 = 'DeleteDeviceDiskCacheFile'
1005 = 'DeleteDiskLocator'
1006 = 'DeleteFarmView'
1007 = 'DeleteServer'
1008 = 'DeleteServerStore'
1009 = 'DeleteSite'
1010 = 'DeleteSiteView'
1011 = 'DeleteStore'
1012 = 'DeleteUserGroup'
1013 = 'DeleteVirtualHostingPool'
1014 = 'DeleteUpdateTask'
1015 = 'DeleteDiskUpdateDevice'
1016 = 'DeleteDiskVersion'
2001 = 'RunAddDeviceToDomain'
2002 = 'RunApplyAutoUpdate'
2003 = 'RunApplyIncrementalUpdate'
2004 = 'RunArchiveAuditTrail'
2005 = 'RunAssignAuthGroup'
2006 = 'RunAssignDevice'
2007 = 'RunAssignDiskLocator'
2008 = 'RunAssignServer'
2009 = 'RunWithReturnBoot'
2010 = 'RunCopyPasteDevice'
2011 = 'RunCopyPasteDisk'
2012 = 'RunCopyPasteServer'
2013 = 'RunCreateDirectory'
2014 = 'RunCreateDiskCancel'
2015 = 'RunDisableCollection'
2016 = 'RunDisableDevice'
2017 = 'RunDisableDeviceDiskLocator'
2018 = 'RunDisableDiskLocator'
2019 = 'RunDisableUserGroup'
2020 = 'RunDisableUserGroupDiskLocator'
2021 = 'RunWithReturnDisplayMessage'
2022 = 'RunEnableCollection'
2023 = 'RunEnableDevice'
2024 = 'RunEnableDeviceDiskLocator'
2025 = 'RunEnableDiskLocator'
2026 = 'RunEnableUserGroup'
2027 = 'RunEnableUserGroupDiskLocator'
2028 = 'RunExportOemLicenses'
2029 = 'RunImportDatabase'
2030 = 'RunImportDevices'
2031 = 'RunImportOemLicenses'
2032 = 'RunMarkDown'
2033 = 'RunWithReturnReboot'
2034 = 'RunRemoveAuthGroup'
2035 = 'RunRemoveDevice'
2036 = 'RunRemoveDeviceFromDomain'
2037 = 'RunRemoveDirectory'
2038 = 'RunRemoveDiskLocator'
2039 = 'RunResetDeviceForDomain'
2040 = 'RunResetDatabaseConnection'
2041 = 'RunRestartStreamingService'
2042 = 'RunWithReturnShutdown'
2043 = 'RunStartStreamingService'
2044 = 'RunStopStreamingService'
2045 = 'RunUnlockAllDisk'
2046 = 'RunUnlockDisk'
2047 = 'RunServerStoreVolumeAccess'
2048 = 'RunServerStoreVolumeMode'
2049 = 'RunMergeDisk'
2050 = 'RunRevertDiskVersion'
2051 = 'RunPromoteDiskVersion'
2052 = 'RunCancelDiskMaintenance'
2053 = 'RunActivateDevice'
2054 = 'RunAddDiskVersion'
2055 = 'RunExportDisk'
2056 = 'RunAssignDisk'
2057 = 'RunRemoveDisk'
2058 = 'RunDiskUpdateStart'
2059 = 'RunDiskUpdateCancel'
2060 = 'RunSetOverrideVersion'
2061 = 'RunCancelTask'
2062 = 'RunClearTask'
2063 = 'RunForceInventory'
2064 = 'RunUpdateBDM'
2065 = 'RunStartDeviceDiskTempVersionMode'
2066 = 'RunStopDeviceDiskTempVersionMode'
3001 = 'RunWithReturnCreateDisk'
3002 = 'RunWithReturnCreateDiskStatus'
3003 = 'RunWithReturnMapDisk'
3004 = 'RunWithReturnRebalanceDevices'
3005 = 'RunWithReturnCreateMaintenanceVersion'
3006 = 'RunWithReturnImportDisk'
4001 = 'RunByteArrayInputImportDevices'
4002 = 'RunByteArrayInputImportOemLicenses'
5001 = 'RunByteArrayOutputArchiveAuditTrail'
5002 = 'RunByteArrayOutputExportOemLicenses'
6001 = 'SetAuthGroup'
6002 = 'SetCollection'
6003 = 'SetDevice'
6004 = 'SetDisk'
6005 = 'SetDiskLocator'
6006 = 'SetFarm'
6007 = 'SetFarmView'
6008 = 'SetServer'
6009 = 'SetServerBiosBootstrap'
6010 = 'SetServerBootstrap'
6011 = 'SetServerStore'
6012 = 'SetSite'
6013 = 'SetSiteView'
6014 = 'SetStore'
6015 = 'SetUserGroup'
6016 = 'SetVirtualHostingPool'
6017 = 'SetUpdateTask'
6018 = 'SetDiskUpdateDevice'
7001 = 'SetListDeviceBootstraps'
7002 = 'SetListDeviceBootstrapsDelete'
7003 = 'SetListDeviceBootstrapsAdd'
7004 = 'SetListDeviceCustomProperty'
7005 = 'SetListDeviceCustomPropertyDelete'
7006 = 'SetListDeviceCustomPropertyAdd'
7007 = 'SetListDeviceDiskPrinters'
7008 = 'SetListDeviceDiskPrintersDelete'
7009 = 'SetListDeviceDiskPrintersAdd'
7010 = 'SetListDevicePersonality'
7011 = 'SetListDevicePersonalityDelete'
7012 = 'SetListDevicePersonalityAdd'
7013 = 'SetListDiskLocatorCustomProperty'
7014 = 'SetListDiskLocatorCustomPropertyDelete'
7015 = 'SetListDiskLocatorCustomPropertyAdd'
7016 = 'SetListServerCustomProperty'
7017 = 'SetListServerCustomPropertyDelete'
7018 = 'SetListServerCustomPropertyAdd'
7019 = 'SetListUserGroupCustomProperty'
7020 = 'SetListUserGroupCustomPropertyDelete'
7021 = 'SetListUserGroupCustomPropertyAdd'
[hashtable]$auditParams = @{}
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $startDate ) )
$auditParams.Add( 'BeginDate' , [datetime]::Parse( $startDate ) )
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $endDate ) )
$auditParams.Add( 'EndDate' , [datetime]::Parse( $endDate ) )
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $startDate ) )
if( $auditParams[ 'EndDate' ] -lt $auditParams[ 'BeginDate' ] )
Write-Error "End date $endDate earlier than start date $startDate"
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $pvsModule ) )
Import-Module $pvsModule -ErrorAction Stop
## Check if auditing is enabled
$farm = Get-PvsFarm
if( $farm -and ! $farm.AuditingEnabled )
Write-Warning "Auditing is not enabled on farm `"$($farm.Name)`""
if( $enableAuditing )
Set-PvsFarm -FarmId $farm.FarmId -AuditingEnabled:$true
if( $? )
"Auditing succesfully enabled"
Write-Warning "Failed to enable auditing"
elseif( ! $farm )
Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve PVS farm details"
[hashtable]$sites = @{}
[hashtable]$stores = @{}
[hashtable]$collections = @{}
## Lookup table for site id to name
Get-PvsSite | ForEach-Object `
$sites.Add( $_.SiteId , $_.SiteName )
Get-PvsCollection | ForEach-Object `
$collections.Add( $_.CollectionId , $_.CollectionName )
Get-PvsStore | ForEach-Object `
$stores.Add( $_.StoreId , $_.StoreName )
[array]$auditevents = @( Get-PvsAuditTrail @auditParams | ForEach-Object `
$auditItem = $_
[string]$subItem = $null
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $auditItem.SubId ) ) ## GUID of the Collection or Store of the action
$subItem = $collections[ $auditItem.SubId ]
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $subItem ) )
$subItem = $stores[ $auditItem.SubId ]
[string]$parameters = $null
[string]$properties = $null
if( $auditItem.Attachments -band 0x4 ) ## parameters
$parameters = ( Get-PvsAuditActionParameter -AuditActionId $auditItem.AuditActionId | ForEach-Object `
"$($_.name)=$($_.value) "
} )
if( $auditItem.Attachments -band 0x8 ) ## properties
$properties = ( Get-PvsAuditActionProperty -AuditActionId $auditItem.AuditActionId | ForEach-Object `
"$($_.name):$($_.OldValue)=>$($_.NewValue) "
} )
'Time' = $auditItem.Time
'Domain' = $auditItem.Domain
'User' = $auditItem.UserName
'Type' = $audittypes[ $auditItem.Type ]
'Action' = $auditActions[ $auditItem.Action -as [int] ]
'Object Name' = $auditItem.ObjectName
'Sub Item' = $subItem
'Path' = $auditItem.Path
'Site' = $sites[ $auditItem.SiteId ]
'Properties' = $properties
'Parameters' = $parameters }
} ) | Sort Time -Descending
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
[string]$message = "Got $(if( $auditevents -and $auditevents.Count ) { $auditevents.Count } else { 'no' }) audit events"
if( $startDate )
$message += " from $(Get-Date $startDate -Format G)"
if( $endDate )
$message += " until $(Get-Date $endDate -Format G)"
if( $auditevents -and $auditevents.Count )
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $outputFile ) )
"Writing to `"$outputFile`""
$auditevents | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation
$auditevents | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Warning $message