#Requires -version 3.0
Find repeated event log entries in a given time window across all event logs and output the most frequent
ControlUp SBA
Guy Leech @guyrleech 2018
Modification history:
09/07/18 GL Only display Level in results if more than one level was requested (e.g. Warning,Error,Critical)
20/11/18 GL Give message if no events found
## Arguments
## 0 Minutes back from current time
## 1 Event log level(s)
## 2 Regex of event log names to exclude
[string]$multipleUsers = '<Multiple>' ## this is output when more than one user has generated the same event log id entry
[int]$outputWidth = 200 ## could expose this as a parameter
## see if we have been called via ControlUp or by ourself
if( ! $args.Count -or $args.Count -lt 2 )
Write-Error "Incorrect number of arguments passed to script - was expecting minutes back , log levels and optional regex for excluding event log names"
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
if( $PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI )
if( $WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize )
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
[int]$minutes = $args[0]
[string]$excludedLognames = $args[2]
[hashtable]$eventLevelConversions = @{
'LogAlways' = 0 ;
'Critical' = 1 ;
'Error' = 2;
'Warning' = 3 ;
'Informational' = 4;
'Verbose' = 5;
[string]$logname = '*' ## could expose this as a parameter
[datetime]$end = Get-Date
[datetime]$start = $end.AddMinutes( -$minutes )
[array]$results = @()
[int]$eventlogs = 0
[int[]]$eventLevels = @()
ForEach( $level in ( $args[1] -split ',' ) )
$eventLevels += $eventLevelConversions[ $level ]
[hashtable]$events = @{}
Get-WinEvent -ListLog $logname -EA silentlycontinue | Where-Object { $_.RecordCount -gt 0 } | ForEach-Object `
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $excludedLognames ) -or $_.LogName -notmatch $excludedLogNames )
Write-Verbose "$($_.LogName) $($_.recordcount) $($_.lastwritetime)"
[hashtable]$filters = @{'Logname'=$_.LogName;StartTime=$start;EndTime=$end }
if( $eventLevels.Count )
$filters.Add( 'Level' , $eventLevels )
[bool]$first = $true
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $filters -EA SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object `
$event = $_
[string]$key = "{0}:{1}:{2}" -f $event.id , $event.LogName , $event.ProviderName
$existing = $events[ $key ]
if( $existing )
if( $event.TimeCreated -lt $existing.First )
$existing.First = $event.TimeCreated
if( $event.TimeCreated -gt $existing.Last )
$existing.Last = $event.TimeCreated
## if different user then change to multiple
if( $event.UserId )
[string]$thisUser = ([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]($event.UserId)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
if( $existing.User )
if( $existing.User -ne $multipleUsers )
if( $existing.user -ne $thisUser )
$existing.user = $multipleUsers
## else already recorded it as a multipl euser event
$existing.User = $thisUser
catch {}
$events.Add( $key , [pscustomobject]@{ 'Count' = [int]1 ; 'First' = $event.TimeCreated ; 'Last' = $event.TimeCreated ; 'Message' = $event.Message ; 'LogName' = $event.LogName ; 'Id' = $event.id ; 'Level' = $event.LevelDisplayName ;
'User' = $( if( $event.Userid ) {([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]($event.UserId)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value }); 'Task' = $event.TaskDisplayName } )
if( $first )
$first = $false
Write-Verbose "Found $($events.Count) $($args[1]) events in $eventlogs event logs on $env:COMPUTERNAME between $(Get-Date $start -Format G) and $(Get-Date $end -Format G)"
[string]$dateFormat = 'T'
if( $start.DayOfYear -ne $end.DayOfYear )
$dateFormat = 'G' ## put date in too since covers more than one day
[array]$fields = @( 'Count',@{n='First';e={Get-Date $_.First -Format $dateFormat}},@{n='Last';e={Get-Date $_.Last -Format $dateFormat}},@{n='Log Name';e={($_.LogName -split '/')[0] -replace '^Microsoft-Windows-',''}} )
if( $eventLevels.Count -gt 1 )
$fields += 'Level' ## only put the level in if there is more than one, e.g. error and warning
$fields += @( 'Id','User','Message','Task' )
if( $events -and $events.Count )
## Only show those with at least one repetition
[array]$repeated = @( $events.GetEnumerator() | Select -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1 } )
"Found $($repeated.Count) $($args[1]) repeated events out of $($events.Count) events found in event logs between $(Get-Date $start -Format G) and $(Get-Date $end -Format G)"
if( $repeated -and $repeated.Count )
$repeated |Sort Count -Descending | Select $fields | Format-Table -Wrap
"Found no $($args[1]) events in event logs between $(Get-Date $start -Format G) and $(Get-Date $end -Format G)"