#required -version 3.0
Find all user profiles across the local machine selected and allow removal
@GuyRLeech, 2018
Modification history:
09/06/2020 @guyrleech Cater for OneDrive Files on Demand by showing space consumed and potentially
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
[int]$outputWidth = 400
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
if( $args.Count -ne 3 )
Throw "Takes three arguments - last used (days), over size (MB) and delete (true/false)"
[int]$lastUsedDays = $args[0]
[int]$overSizeMB = $args[1]
[bool]$delete = $args[2] -eq 'true'
[string]$sortBy = 'Last Used'
[string[]]$excludeUsers = $null
[string[]]$includeUsers = $null #@( 'g[aeiou]' )
[switch]$excludeLocal = $false
[string]$logName = 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational'
$columns = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@('User Name','Full Name','Profile Path','Profile Size (MB)','Loaded','Roaming','Last Used','Last Local Login (days)','Last Local Logoff (days)','Last AD Login (days)','Account Disabled','Account Locked','Password Expired','Password Last Set','Last Bad Password' )
$nativeDefinitions = @'
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern uint GetCompressedFileSizeW( string pFileName , ref uint lpFileSizeHigh );
Add-Type -MemberDefinition $nativeDefinitions -Name 'kernel32' -Namespace 'win32' -UsingNamespace System.Text -Debug:$false
Function Calculate-FolderSize( [string]$folderName , [string]$sid , [string[]]$excludeUsers , [string[]]$includeUsers , [ref]$lastUsed , [ref]$potentialSize )
## can't do a Get-ChildItem -Recurse as can't seem to stop junction point traversal so do it manually
[string]$username = if( $sid )
ForEach( $includedUser in $includeUsers )
[bool]$found = $false
if( $username -match $includedUser )
$found = $false
if( ! $found )
return $null,$null
ForEach( $excludedUser in $excludeUsers )
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $username ) -or $username -match $excludedUser )
return $null,$null
$items = @( $folderName )
[array]$files = @( While( $items )
$newitems = @( $items | Get-ChildItem -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ## | Where-Object { ! ( $_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint ) }
$items = @( $newitems.Where( { $_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory } ) ) ## -and ! ( $_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint ) } ))
if( $files -and $files.Count )
$lastUsed.Value = (Get-Date).AddYears( -20 )
[string]$ntuserdotdat = Join-Path -Path $folderName -ChildPath 'ntuser.dat'
[uint64]$size = 0
$potentialSize.Value = 0
$files | . { Process `
[uint64]$expandedSize = 0
if( $_.FullName -ne $ntuserdotdat -and $_.LastWriteTime -gt $lastUsed.Value )
$lastUsed.Value = $_.LastWriteTime
if( $_.PSObject.Properties -and $_.PSObject.Properties[ 'Length' ] )
$expandedSize = $_.Length
if( ($_.Attributes.value__ -band $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS) -eq $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS ) ## e.g. OneDrive Files On Demand
[uint64]$filesizeHigh = 0
[uint64]$fileSizeLow = [win32.kernel32]::GetCompressedFileSizeW( $_.FullName , [ref] $filesizeHigh )
if( $fileSizeLow -ne $INVALID_FILE_SIZE )
[uint64]$actualsize = ( $filesizeHigh -shl 32 ) + $fileSizeLow
$size += $actualsize
$size += $expandedSize
$potentialSize.Value += $expandedSize
[hashtable]$profileObjects = @{}
[long]$totalSize = 0
[datetime]$overAge = (Get-Date).AddDays( -$lastUsedDays )
[bool]$notFullyDownloaded = $false
[uint64]$totalPotentialSize = 0
[array]$userProfiles = @( Get-WmiObject -Class win32_userprofile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object Special -ne $true | . { Process `
$profile = $_
[datetime]$lastUsed = Get-Date
$lastUsed = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime( $profile.LastUseTime )
## TODO Rule out on age before we calculate size??
## Get size of profile, last used - translate SID on remote machine in case a local account
[uint64]$potentialSize = 0
[uint64]$spaceUsed,[string]$username = Calculate-FolderSize -folderName $profile.LocalPath -sid $profile.sid -excludeUsers $excludeUsers -includeUsers $includeUsers -lastUsed ([ref]$lastUsed) -potentialSize ([ref]$potentialSize)
[uint64]$sizeMB = 0
if( $spaceUsed )
$sizeMB = [math]::Round( $spaceUsed / 1MB ) -as [int]
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $username ) -and ( $sizeMB -ge $overSizeMB -or $lastUsed -lt $overAge ) ) ## username could be null if excluded by called function
[string]$domainname,[string]$unqualifiedUserName = ( $username -split '\\' )
## Look in user profile log for last logon
$lastLocalLogon = '-'
$lastLogonTime = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = $logName ; id = 1 ; UserId = $profile.SID } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty TimeCreated
if( $lastLogonTime )
$lastLocalLogon = [math]::round( (New-TimeSpan -End ([datetime]::Now) -Start $lastLogonTime).TotalDays , 1 )
$lastLocalLogoff = '-'
$lastLogoffTime = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = $logName ; id = 4 ; UserId = $profile.SID } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty TimeCreated
if( $lastLogoffTime )
$lastLocalLogoff = [math]::round( (New-TimeSpan -End ([datetime]::Now) -Start $lastLogoffTime).TotalDays , 1 )
if( $spaceUsed -lt $potentialSize )
$notFullyDownloaded = $true ## we will add an extra column showing the fully downloaded size
$totalPotentialSize += $potentialSize
[hashtable]$properties = @{ 'User Name' = $username ; 'Profile Path' = $profile.LocalPath ; 'Profile Size (MB)' = $sizeMB ; 'Fully Downloaded Size (MB)' = [int]($potentialSize / 1MB)
'Last Used' = $lastUsed ; 'Roaming' = $profile.RoamingConfigured ; 'Loaded' = $profile.Loaded ; 'Last Local Login (days)' = $lastLocalLogon ; 'Last Local Logoff (days)' = $lastLocalLogoff }
$totalSize += $properties[ 'Profile Size (MB)' ]
## if $unqualifiedUserNmame is null then not a domain\username so won't be in AD
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $unqualifiedUserName ) -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $domainname ) )
## we stuff the profile object into a separate hash table so we can call its delete method later if required.
$profileObjects.Add( $username , $profile )
$user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$domainname/$unqualifiedUserName,user"
if( $user -and $user.Path )
$lastLogin = 'Never'
$lastLogin = [math]::round( (New-TimeSpan -End ([datetime]::Now) -Start $user.LastLogin.Value).TotalDays , 1 )
$properties += @{
'Full Name' = $user.FullName.Value
##'Description' = $user.Description.Value
'Last AD Login (days)' = $lastLogin
##'Password Last Changed' = (Get-Date).AddSeconds( -($user.PasswordAge.Value) )
'Password Expired' = if( $user.PasswordExpired ) { 'Yes' } else { 'No' }
'Account Disabled' = if( ( $user.UserFlags.Value -band 0x02 ) ) { 'Yes' } else { 'No' }
'Account Locked' = if( ( $user.UserFlags.Value -band 0x10 ) ) { 'Yes' } else { 'No' }
##'Bad Passwords' = $user.BadPasswordAttempts.Value
if( $userProfiles -and $userProfiles.Count )
[string]$header = "Found $($userProfiles.Count) user profiles either not used in the last $lastUsedDays days or in excess of $($overSizeMB)MB which in total are consuming $($totalSize)MB"
if( $notFullyDownloaded )
$header += ", fully downloaded size would be $([int]($totalPotentialSize / 1MB))MB"
Write-Output -InputObject $header
[datetime]$oldestEvent = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = $logName ; id = 1,4 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -MaxEvents 1 -Oldest | Select -ExpandProperty TimeCreated
if( $oldestEvent )
"Oldest recorded logon/logoff event is from $(Get-Date $oldestEvent -Format G) ($([int](New-TimeSpan -Start $oldestEvent -End (Get-Date)).TotalDays) days ago)"
if( $notFullyDownloaded )
For( [int]$index = 0 ; $index -lt $columns.Count ; $index++ )
if( $columns[ $index ] -eq 'Profile Size (MB)' )
$columns.Insert( $index + 1 , 'Fully Downloaded Size (MB)' )
$userProfiles | Select-Object -Property $columns | Sort-Object -Property $sortBy -Descending |Format-Table -AutoSize
if( $delete )
[long]$totalSizeDeleted = 0
[int]$deleted = 0
$userProfiles | Where-Object { ! $_.Loaded } | ForEach-Object `
$profile = $_
$profileObject = $profileObjects[ $profile.'User Name' ]
if( $profileObject )
Write-Verbose "Deleting profile for $($profile.'User Name')"
if( $? )
$totalSizeDeleted += $profile.'Profile Size (MB)'
Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve cached profile object for user $($profile.'User Name')"
Write-Output "Deleted $deleted profiles occupying $totalSizeDeleted MB"
Write-Warning "No local user profiles found either not used in the last $lastUsedDays days or in excess of $($overSizeMB)MB"