Show StoreFront log file

Pull all log separate Citrix StoreFront log files into a single time sorted csv file. You may need to change the StoreFront logging levels first which can be done with the "Show or Change StoreFront Logging" SBA. Use to help diagnose StoreFront issues.
Output csv file - full path to a local or remote file to store the log entries in
Start - optional time to start log export from, e.g. just before the problem started or was reproduced. Can be specified as a date/time or as a number of units of time back from the present such as 7d or 1w where s=second,m=minute,h=hour,d=day,w=week,y=year
End - optional time to stop log export at. Can be specified either as a date/time or a number of units of time from the start value specified.
If date/time values are used, they must be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "02/02/2018 08:00:00"
Version 2.4.7
Created on 2018-10-23
Modified on 2024-01-26
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 268

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -version 3
    Take Citrix (almost) XML format StoreFront logs and convert to csv or grid view

    @guyrleech, 2018

    Modification History:
        2023/12/21  Guy Leech  Fixed bug where no results gave date error. Some optimisations

## Arguments are:
##  0  Output file (mandatory)
##  1  Start date/time or last x (defaults to 1 day)
##  2  End date/time (defaults to now)

[string]$logsFolder = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront\Admin\trace" 

$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $logsFolder -PathType Container ) )
    [string]$exceptionText = "StoreFront log folder $logsFolder does not exist."
    [string]$product = 'Citrix StoreFront'
    $installDir = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object DisplayName -match $product | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty InstallLocation
    if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $installDir ) )
        $exceptionText += ' StoreFront installation not found.'
    Throw $exceptionText

[string]$outputFile = $null

if( $args.Count -ge 1 -and $args[0] )
    $outputFile = $args[0]
    if( Test-Path -Path $outputFile )
        Throw "Output file `"$outputFile`" already exists, cannot overwrite"
    elseif( ! ( Test-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $outputFile -Parent) -PathType Container ) )
        Throw "Folder for output file `"$outputFile`" does not exist"

if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $outputFile ) )
    Throw "No output file specified"

$startDate = $null
$endDate = $null

if( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1] )
    ## This could be specified as a date/time or last days/minutes/hours/etc so figure out which
    $result = New-Object DateTime
    if( [datetime]::TryParse( $args[1] , [ref]$result ) )
        $startDate = $result
        ## see what last character is as will tell us what units to work with
        [string]$last = $args[1]
        [long]$multiplier = 0
        switch( $last[-1] )
            "s" { $multiplier = 1 }
            "m" { $multiplier = 60 }
            "h" { $multiplier = 3600 }
            "d" { $multiplier = 86400 }
            "w" { $multiplier = 86400 * 7 }
            "y" { $multiplier = 86400 * 365 }
            default { Throw "Unknown multiplier `"$($last[-1])`"" }
        $endDate = Get-Date
        if( $last.Length -le 1 )
            $startDate = $endDate.AddSeconds( -$multiplier )
            $startDate = $endDate.AddSeconds( - ( ( $last.Substring( 0 ,$last.Length - 1 ) -as [long] ) * $multiplier ) )
    $startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays( -1 )
    $endDate = Get-Date

if( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
    ## This could be specified as a date/time or a duration of days/minutes/hours/etc so figure out which
    $result = New-Object DateTime
    if( [datetime]::TryParse( $args[2] , [ref]$result ) )
        $endDate = $result
        [string]$last = $args[2]
        [long]$multiplier = 0
        switch( $last[-1] )
            "s" { $multiplier = 1 }
            "m" { $multiplier = 60 }
            "h" { $multiplier = 3600 }
            "d" { $multiplier = 86400 }
            "w" { $multiplier = 86400 * 7 }
            "y" { $multiplier = 86400 * 365 }
            default { Throw "Unknown multiplier `"$($last[-1])`"" }
        if( $last.Length -le 1 )
            $endDate = $startDate.AddSeconds( $multiplier )
            $endDate = $startDate.AddSeconds( ( ( $last.Substring( 0 ,$last.Length - 1 ) -as [long] ) * $multiplier ) )

Function Process-LogFile
    Param( [string]$inputFile , [datetime]$start , [datetime]$end )

    [string]$parent = 'GuyLeech' ## doesn't matter what it is since it only ever lives in memory

    Write-Verbose "Processing $inputFile ..." 
    ## Missing parent context so add
    [xml]$wellformatted = "<$parent>" + ( Get-Content -Path $inputFile ) + "</$parent>"

      <SubType Name="Information">0</SubType>
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-05-25T14:59:12.8077640Z" />
      <Source Name="Citrix.DeliveryServices.WebApplication" />
      <Correlation ActivityID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
      <Execution ProcessName="w3wp" ProcessID="52168" ThreadID="243" />

        $wellformatted.$parent.ChildNodes.Where( { [datetime]$_.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime -ge $start -and [datetime]$_.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime -le $end } ).ForEach( `
            $result = [pscustomobject]@{
                'File' = (Split-Path $inputFile -Leaf)
            ## Not all objects have all properties
            if( ( Get-Member -InputObject $_.system -Name 'Process' -Membertype Properties -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyMembers @{
                    'Process' = $_.System.Process.ProcessName
                    'PID' =  $_.System.Process.ProcessID
                    'TID' = $_.System.Process.ThreadID
                $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process' -Value $_.System.Process.ProcessName
                $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PID' -Value $_.System.Process.ProcessID;`
                $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TID' -Value $_.System.Process.ThreadID;`
        } ) | Select-Object -Property Date,File,SourceName,Type,SubType,Level,Computer,Process,PID,TID,ApplicationData ## This is the order they will be displayed in
    catch {}

[int]$filesCount = 0
[array]$relevantLogFiles =  @( Get-ChildItem -Path $logsFolder | Where-Object LastWriteTime -ge $startDate )

Write-Verbose -Message "Got $($relevantLogFiles.Count) log files modified after $($startDate.ToString('G'))"

[array]$results = @( ForEach( $logFile in $relevantLogFiles )
    Write-Verbose -Message "$filesCount / $($relevantLogFiles.Count) : $($logFile.Name)"
    Process-LogFile -inputFile $logFile.FullName -start $startDate -end $endDate

if( $results )
    "$($results.Count) log entries found in $filesCount files between $(Get-Date $startDate -Format U) and $(Get-Date $endDate -Format U), writing to $outputFile"

    $results | Sort-Object -Property Date | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber
    Write-Warning "No entries found between $(Get-Date $startDate -Format G) and $(Get-Date $endDate -Format G) in $filesCount files searched"