<# .SYNOPSIS HDX Browser content redirection capability test
.EXAMPLE HDXredir_test.ps1
.CONTEXT Process
.TAGS $Name="iexplore.exe,chrome.exe",$CPU>"5"
Marcel Calef - 2020-03-10 - Initial release
Marcel Calef - 2020-10-07 - Modified to Session and separated test from report
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Session CPU consumption')] [string]$sessionCPU,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='SessionID')] [int]$sessionID,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Citrix VDA Version')] [string]$vdaVer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Session protocol')] [string]$protocol,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Citrix Workspace app version')] [string]$ctxRx,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='session HDX Bandwidth Avg')] [string]$bwAvg,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='session Active Application ')] [string]$activeApp,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='session Active URL')] [string]$activeURL
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$VerbosePreference = "continue" # Uncomment this line to enable verbose debug output
Write-Verbose "inputs:"
Write-Verbose " sessionCPU : $sessionCPU"
Write-Verbose " sessionID : $sessionID"
Write-Verbose " vdaVer : $vdaVer"
Write-Verbose " protocol : $protocol"
Write-Verbose " ctxRx : $ctxRx"
Write-Verbose " bwAvg : $bwAvg"
Write-Verbose " activeApp : $activeApp"
Write-Verbose " activeURL : $activeURL"
# If not a Citrix session - no need to continue
if($protocol -ne "HDX" -and $protocol -ne "Console"){Write-Output "Not a Citrix session. Exiting"; exit }
# Citrix components versions and capability validations
# Check if the VDA supports it (7.15 CU3 and 1808 or newer)
$vdaVerTest = ($vdaVer -match '^7\.15\.[3-8]000\.[0-9]{1,6}$|^7\.1[6-8]\..+|^1808\..+|^1811\..+|^19.{2}\..+|^2.{3}\..+')
# Check if the VDA has the webSockets service running
Try{$WebSocketSvc = (Get-Process -Name WebSocketService)}
catch {$WebSocketSvc = $false} # return $false if process not found
# Check the WebBrowserRedirection Policy 1=enabled (implicitly enabled if not found in VDA > 7.??)
Try {$redirPol = (get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\MultimediaPolicies -name "WebBrowserRedirection").WebBrowserRedirection}
catch {$redirPol = "notFound"} # return empty if not found
# Read the WebBrowserRedirectionACL for this user session (from the registry (youtube is implicitly allowed)
Try {$redirACL = (get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\$sessionID\User\MultimediaPolicies).WebBrowserRedirectionAcl}
catch {$redirACL = "https://www.youtube.com/*"} # return YouTube as it is implicitly allowed
# Check the Citrix Reciever (CWA) version
$ctxRxVerTest = ($ctxRx -match '^14\.10\..+$|^13\.9\..+|^18\.08\..+|^19\..+|^20\..+')
# Check if the session has WebSocketAgent
Try{$WebSocketAgent = (Get-Process -Name WebSocketAgent | Where-Object {$_.SessionID -eq $sessionID})}
catch {$WebSocketAgent = $false} # return $false if process not found
Write-Verbose " redirPol : $redirPol"
Write-Verbose " redirACL : $redirACL"
Write-Verbose "=============================="
# Need to do a pattern search of the Active URL in the contents of $redirACL
$ActiveInACL = ($redirACL -like "*$activeURL*")
# Report findings - some tests return $true , other return a value
if ($vdaVerTest) {Write-Output "PASS: VDA Version $vdaVer supports HDX Browser Content Redirection" }
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "FAIL: VDA Version $vdaVer does not support HDX Browser Content Redirection (or not found in the output)"
Write-Output " TRY: Upgrade VDA to 7.15 CU3, 1808 or newer. see CTX230052"
if ($ctxRxVerTest) {Write-Output "PASS: Receiver/CWA Version $ctxRx supports HDX Browser Content Redirection" }
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "FAIL: Receiver/CWA Version $ctxRx does not support HDX Browser Content Redirection "
Write-Output " TRY: Upgrade the Client device Receiver/CWA to a more recent version"
if ($vdaVerTest -eq $false) {exit}
if ($redirPol -eq 1) {Write-Output "PASS: HDX Browser redirection policy explicitly ENABLED from Citrix Studio"}
if ($redirPol -eq 0) {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
Write-Output "FAIL: HDX Browser redirection policy DISABLED explicitly via policy"
Write-Output " TRY: Review Citrix Policies in Citrix Studio & Enable HDX Browser content redirection"
if ($WebSocketSvc) {Write-Output "PASS: HDX redirection service (WebSocketService.exe) found running in the VDA" }
else {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
if ($redirPol -eq "notFound") {
Write-Output "INFO: HDX Browser redirection policy not set explicitly via policy"
Write-Output " TRY: Review Citrix Policies in Citrix Studio & Enable HDX Browser content redirection"
Write-Output " Check if the CtxHdxWebSocketService service is running on the VDA"
Write-Output "FAIL: HDX Browser redirection service (WebSocketService.exe) not found "
Write-Output " TRY: Check if the CtxHdxWebSocketService service is running on the VDA"
if ($ActiveInACL) {Write-Output "PASS: Active URL: $activeURL is on the redirection ACL"
if ($WebSocketAgent) {
Write-Output "PASS: HDX redirection Agent (WebSocketAgent.exe) found in the session"
else {Write-Output "INFO: HDX redirection Agent (WebSocketAgent.exe) not found in the session "
Write-Output "INFO: WebSocketAgent.exe is only present if a browser is engaging the Redirection"
Write-Output "INFO: For Chromium browsers (Chrome and new Edge):"
Write-Output " TRY: Add the Browser redirection Extension from the Chrome store"
Write-Output " TRY: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/browser-redirection-exten/hdppkjifljbdpckfajcmlblbchhledln/related"
## add here a test if the Active URL is found in $redirACL
Write-Output "RECOMMEND: Check all previous FAILURES and review the ACL in the Citrix Studio"