Tag: cost

(3 Scripts)

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This Azure Script Based Action allows you to to retrieve detailed information on actual costs of selected VM in the Azure Subscription your Service Principal has access to.
README: https://support.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011378518#h_01EE8GMB35X9Y20MXV22N1GGE9
Version: 1.1.2  •   Created: 2020-12-25  •   Modified: 2020-12-27
This Azure Script Based Action allows you to to retrieve detailed information on actual and forecast costs of the Azure Subscription your Service Principal has access too.
README: https://support.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011378518#h_01EE8GMB35X9Y20MXV22N1GGE9
Version: 1.1.2  •   Created: 2020-12-06  •   Modified: 2020-12-13
This Azure Script Based Action allows you to to retrieve detailed information on actual and forecast costs of the Azure Subscription your Service Principal has access too.

README: https://support.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011378518#h_01EE8GMB35X9Y20MXV22N1GGE9
Version: 1.1.2  •   Created: 2020-12-06  •   Modified: 2020-12-13