Tag: HotFix

(2 Scripts)

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Show running drivers with different versions on two different systems and also show drivers that exist on one but not the other.
Also compares OS hotfixes between the two systems and shows any differences.
The account that runs the script must have remote WMI/CIM permission to the other machine.
Version: 1.1.9  •   Created: 2024-02-01  •   Modified: 2024-02-25
The script checks if a Windows Update is installed, using Get-WMIObject commandlet and WMI information under 'win32_quickfixengineering' and 'win32_ReliabilityRecords'.

About Win32_ReliabilityRecords:
They are enabled by default on Windows 7 but Group Policy has to be used to enable them on the server side. See Computer Settings – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Reliability Analysis.

MSDN Win32_ReliabilityRecords class https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee706630(v=vs.85).aspx
Version: 1.12.57  •   Created: 2015-02-21  •   Modified: 2016-04-05