Tag: parallels ras

(41 Scripts)

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Use the change logon command to change the drain mode to one of the allowed values

Version: 1.0.3  •   Created: 2023-11-15  •   Modified: 2024-03-24
Get and display Parallels RAS session information.
Run on a Connection Broker and as a user who has CU stored credentials on the machine where the script will run.
Version: 1.0.7  •   Created: 2023-11-14  •   Modified: 2024-03-24
Show the status of all Parallels RAS agents.
Run on a Connection Broker and as a user who has CU stored credentials on the machine where the script will run.
Version: 1.0.7  •   Created: 2023-11-07  •   Modified: 2024-03-24
This script uses the CUActions available in v8.8 onwards to force power off VMs on any supported hypervisor. It can be used as a right-click action or as an automated action by a trigger.
Version: 7.0.34  •   Created: 2023-05-20  •   Modified: 2025-02-23
This script uses the CUActions available in v8.8 onwards to power on VMs on any supported hypervisor. It can be used as a right-click action or as an automated action by a trigger.
Version: 5.0.11  •   Created: 2023-05-20  •   Modified: 2025-02-23
Check Profile Sizes examines user profiles for all or selected user accounts on the target machine, grouping the results by file type, using the extension.

For each group of files, if the size of the group exceeds a threshold (default 15% of the total profile size) the individual files are listed, sorted by path or by size (descending) and showing the actual file size in bytes.

To keep the output reasonably short, a threshold is set on the number of files shown individually per are listed by path (default 6) - beyond this, files are summarized by folder (order by count of files, descending).

ThresholdPercentToExpand (default: 15) - the threshold percent of the total profile size at which a file-extension group is listed.
SamAccountNameList (default: All) - the list of account names to be reported (comma-separated, any leading or trailing spaces will be trimmed). If set to All, the script will include local user and Active Directory user accounts.
SortBy (default: Size) - must be set to Size (individual files are listed by size, descending) or Path (individual files are listed by full path, ascending).
PreSummarySize (default: 6) - the number of files that will be listed individually (by group, according to the configured sort order) before the script switches to reporting files grouped by folder.
Version: 1.2.17  •   Created: 2023-03-08  •   Modified: 2023-03-23
This script will test the connected virtual network of the machine, and validate if required outbound communication to use RDP Shortpath for public networks is open.
Version: 1.1.3  •   Created: 2022-10-05  •   Modified: 2022-10-06
Show FSLogix currently mounted volume details and cross reference to FSLogix session information in the registry.
Version: 2.2.25  •   Created: 2022-08-17  •   Modified: 2022-12-04
Add a public IP address if not already assisgned, launch mstsc to the public IP address, wait for mstsc to exit and then remove public IP address (if script assigned it)
Version: 4.2.14  •   Created: 2021-11-01  •   Modified: 2024-01-26
Shadows Citrix, VMware, RDSH and WVD sessions
Version: 1.3.13  •   Created: 2020-10-15  •   Modified: 2020-10-20
Gets the AVD Sessions hosts in the same pool as the target machine/session.
Version: 2.4.8  •   Created: 2020-07-10  •   Modified: 2022-08-31
Pull all or just error, warning & critical event log entries from a given number of seconds before logon to a given number of seconds after logon.
Can assist in finding causes of slow or incorrect logons.
Version: 1.3.18  •   Created: 2020-06-19  •   Modified: 2020-06-19
This AVD Script Based Action will retrieve the image information that is stored for the Hostpool.
README: https://support.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011378518
Version: 1.6.9  •   Created: 2020-06-13  •   Modified: 2020-07-22
This AVD Script Based Action retrieves the user session information for a specified Hostpool.
README: https://support.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011378518
Version: 1.4.10  •   Created: 2020-06-12  •   Modified: 2020-07-22
The AVD Script Based Action allows you to retrieve the AVD Application Groups for a specified Hostpool.
README: https://support.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011378518
Version: 1.8.8  •   Created: 2020-05-19  •   Modified: 2020-07-22
Get Azure Virtual Desktop Session Host information of the machine/session.
Version: 2.10.11  •   Created: 2020-05-19  •   Modified: 2022-08-31
Gets the details of the AVD Hostpool the target machine/session is in.
Requires credentials created with scrip AZ Store Azure Credentials
Version: 2.11.17  •   Created: 2020-05-18  •   Modified: 2022-08-31
Parses the Profile log for FSLogix event for a specific user and displays the results.
Version: 7.6.27  •   Created: 2019-12-03  •   Modified: 2023-10-26
Leverage MSTSC.exe for Shadow and remote control of sessions.

For troubleshooting see:

Note for Win10: Make sure you are allowing "Remote Desktop -Shadow (TCP-In)" in the Firewall
Version: 1.7.20  •   Created: 2019-11-09  •   Modified: 2020-06-11
This script creates a video of the entire user display area and saves it in a location of choice. This script requires ffmpeg.exe to be downloaded and placed in an accessible location.
Version: 1.3.4  •   Created: 2019-03-13  •   Modified: 2019-03-27
This script gets the dimensions of the users working display area and takes screenshots. The screenshots can be saved as a BMP, JPG or PNG in a location of choice.
Version: 3.2.5  •   Created: 2019-03-13  •   Modified: 2023-03-20
This script gets the dimensions of the users working display area and take a screenshot. The screenshot can be saved as a BMP, JPG or PNG in a location of choice.
Version: 2.3.5  •   Created: 2019-02-25  •   Modified: 2022-12-14
Logs off the selected user session
Version: 2.1.2  •   Created: 2019-01-27  •   Modified: 2022-12-14
This script will power off the selected vSphere VM
Version: 1.2.10  •   Created: 2019-01-15  •   Modified: 2019-05-01
This script will power on a selected vSphere VM
Version: 2.2.15  •   Created: 2019-01-15  •   Modified: 2022-12-14
Displays the titles of all visible windows running in the user session
Version: 1.0.1  •   Created: 2019-01-13  •   Modified: 2019-01-13
Finds and optionally deletes local user profiles. The user can provide two arguments - the minimum profile age in days and the minimum profile size. The default operation mode is to display the profiles that fit these criteria. When the "Delete" option is set to "true", the script will delete the profiles it found.
Version: 2.4.20  •   Created: 2018-12-26  •   Modified: 2020-06-10
For any file on the target computer for which the user provides the full path, displays a list of processes with open handles to the file. This is useful for determining which process is locking the file, preventing its deletion or editing in another program.
The action makes use of Sysinternals handle.exe, which is downloaded, extracted into a temporary location and deleted after completion.
Version: 1.3.3  •   Created: 2018-12-11  •   Modified: 2019-04-03
This script displays a user's Name, Company, Title, Office, Office Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number and E-Mail Address if they exist in AD, as well as those same details for their Manager.

Requires the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module loaded on machine this is be exected from.

Created by Rory Monaghan.
Version: 1.1.7  •   Created: 2018-11-26  •   Modified: 2018-11-27
This SBA will check the event logs and report the negotiated RDP version.
Version: 1.5.13  •   Created: 2018-11-22  •   Modified: 2018-11-27
Logoff disconnected sessions on the selected computer(s) which have been disconnected in excess of a given period, specified in minutes.
Disconnected period - the time in minutes over which a user must have been disconnected before they are logged off (default is 10 minutes)
Version: 1.3.3  •   Created: 2018-10-13  •   Modified: 2018-11-23
Disconnect or logoff sessions on the selected computer(s) which have been idle in excess of a given period, specified in minutes.
Idle Period - the time in minutes after which a disconnected session will be logged off or disconnected depending on the value for the "Logoff" argument (default is 30 minutes)
Logoff - if true, sessions idle in excess of the idle period will be logged off, otherwise they will be disconnected (default is false so sessions will be disconnected)
Version: 1.5.7  •   Created: 2018-10-13  •   Modified: 2018-11-23
Cancels any "Message and Logoff" SBAs which are still running on the selected computer(s) by finding the associated PowerShell process and terminating it.
Cancellation Message - A message to display to the users so they can be informed that they will not be logged off (default is no mesage)
Version: 1.3.3  •   Created: 2018-10-12  •   Modified: 2018-11-23
Send a message to all connected sessions and then log them all off after a specified amount of time. The message can be repeated at a specified interval if required.
For instance, a delay of 15 minutes can be set and the users messaged every 5 minutes with the text specified in the "Message Text" argument.
When the configured script timeout of 60 seconds is reached, an error will be displayed but the script will keep running. If you need to cancel the logoff once the script has timed out, run the "Cancel Logoffs" SBA for the same computer(s)
Message Text - The text of the message to display to all connected users on the selected computer(s)
Delay Before Logoff - The period in minutes from when the script is invoked to when all users will be automatically logged off by the SBA
Message Every - how often, in minutes, the same message is displayed to the remaining users. Specify zero or a blank value to not repeat the message after the initial display
Version: 1.3.13  •   Created: 2018-10-12  •   Modified: 2018-11-23
Run gpresult for the selected user to get a list of scripts that ran at logon and show where they are located, including the containing GPO's name and GUID, so that it is easy to view the script contents with a view to troubleshooting, optimising, etc. It also shows the size of the script, any parameters passed to it and when it was last modified
Version: 1.4.9  •   Created: 2018-10-05  •   Modified: 2018-11-20
Cancel a reboot scheduled via the Schedule Reboot action by finding and deleting the scheduled task created by the Schedule Reboot action
Version: 1.5.13  •   Created: 2018-09-29  •   Modified: 2018-11-26
Shows established network connections for a process sorted on the most connections by processing netstat -ano output.
Show Top - Show the top n connections (default 1000)
Resolve IP to Name - Show DNS names rather than IP addresses (default false)
Resolve IP via RIPE - Use internet registrar API to resolve non-DNS resolvable names (default false)
Version: 1.6.14  •   Created: 2018-08-21  •   Modified: 2018-11-20
Show user name, logon and logoff times of all users who have logged off, or been logged off, the selected computer(s) in the last x hours where x is an argument defaulting to 48. Useful to be able to spot if many users were logged off at a specific time.
Hours back to search - default is 48
User - optional user name to search for otherwise all users will be displayed
Version: 1.5.7  •   Created: 2018-07-18  •   Modified: 2018-11-26
Use quser.exe to find disconnected sessions on the chosen computer and order on the most recently disconnected, showing the user's logon time too.
Hours Back to Check - how far back to look for disconnected sessions so those disconnected before this time will not be included (default is 24 hours)
Version: 1.6.19  •   Created: 2018-07-18  •   Modified: 2018-11-21
This script looks for Folder Redirection errors (Event ID 502) that occurred on the selected managed computer within the last 30 days.
Version: 2.3.8  •   Created: 2017-05-21  •   Modified: 2019-03-17
Run this SBA against one or more user sessions to lock that session. Taken from Stephen Owen's blog, https://foxdeploy.com/2016/12/15/locking-your-workstation-with-powershell/
Version: 1.1.6  •   Created: 2016-12-18  •   Modified: 2016-12-18