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Tap into a wealth of knowledge from your peers, industry experts, and the ControlUp team, deepening your understanding of ControlUp products and solutions.
NOTE: This post comes from Oleg Alter, a Senior Product Manager at ControlUp.In Part 1, I shared with you some really cool scripts written by ControlUp colleagues. I’ve personally tested and verified those scripts, as did others on the team, to make sure that they are rock-solid. Please check them out! If you find great ways to automate with ControlUp, please share in the comments. You never know — I may email you to find out more. The scripts I cover in this post were all submitted by the ControlUp community. If you’re a ControlUp user, your ControlUp console will notify you when a new script is added by the community. You can also check for new scripts in our Script Library. If you’re a ControlUp user, and you’ve written a script that you’d like to share with the community, just submit it using your ControlUp console. Learn more here.To help you produce your script, two of our most successful contributors, Guy Leach and Ton de Vreede, have written a ControlUp scripting standards guide. Download the guide from the Script Library here.Let’s check out some of our newest additions.Trim Process Working SetsCommunity Script Contributor: Guy LeechReviewed and Approved by: Oleg AlterCompletely empty or trim process working sets to a specific size in order to make more memory available for other processes/users. The memory is paged out and pages of this will be paged back in if the process needs it.This script is an ideal candidate to be used as part of an Automated Action. If you done any work on automation, please let us know how it’s going by emailing support@controlup.com with the subject line “Automation”.Rebuild Windows Search Index Version 2.1.6Community Script Originator: Tas Smith Reviewed and Approved by: Ton de VreedeThe script will delete the Windows Search Index file in order to rebuild it. This script can be used as a quick fix if you suspect that the Search Index file is corrupted. The script disables the Windows Search service prior to deleting the Search Index file to reduce errors caused when the Windows Search service restarts while the corrupted Search Index file is being deleted. After deleting the Index file the service is set back to the default Automatic (DelayedStart), so the Search service will start on its own when it’s good and ready, eliminating errors cause when the service is forced to start immediately. Analyze VMware Blast Session Version 3.5.38Community Script Originator: Rotem Agmon Reviewed and Approved by: Dennis GeerlingsThis script provides statistics for a given VMware Blast session.Clean User Temp folder Version 2.2.14Community Script Originator: Andy GresbachReviewed and Approved by: Ton de VreedeThe script will identify and delete all your end-users’ temp folders and files. The script may be helpful when the end-user’s TEMP folder needs to be cleaned because it has become too large or when a program has left data in the TEMP folder that causes it to malfunction. Automate this script and trigger it when you run out of disk capacity. Extend a Logical Disk to maximum partition size for that volume Version 1.0.5Community Originator: Marcel CalefReviewed and Approved by: Oleg AlterThe script will leverage PowerShell commands to extend a logical disk to the maximum available size.Run procmon and sample file access Version 2.10.45Community Originator: Guy Leech Reviewed and approved by: Oleg AlterRun the Sysinternals Process Monitor (procmon) utility for a specified amount of time for a selected process to see which files are most frequently accessed.
Vendor-Specific Scripts
Are you using Ivanti in your environment? Now you can run some advanced performance monitoring and configurations with scripts contributed by the community. Here are a few courtesy of Ivanti experts Guy Leech and Landon Winburn:Show Ivanti Performance Manager Configuration Details Version 2.3.7Community Originator: Guy LeechReviewer and Approver: Landon WinburnFor endpoints with Ivanti UWM agents and configurations installed, retrieve and show details of the configurations installed for the installed agent, whether installed via MSI or a native configuration. Will also show details of any pending install/uninstall tasks for the Deployment Agent.Show Ivanti Application Control Configuration Details Version 2.3.8Community Originator: Guy LeechReviewer and Approver: Landon WinburnFor end-points with Ivanti UWM agents and configurations installed, retrieve and show details of the configurations installed for the installed agent, whether installed via MSI or a native configuration. Will also show details of any pending install/uninstall tasks for the Deployment Agent.Show Ivanti Environment Manager Configuration Details Version 2.3.6Version: 2.3.6 Originator: Guy Leech Reviewer and Approver: Landon WinburnFor endpoints with Ivanti UWM agents and configurations installed, retrieve and show details of the configurations installed for the installed agent, whether installed via MSI or a native configuration. Will also show details of any pending install/uninstall tasks for the Deployment Agent.Ivanti Deployment Agent – Poll Now Version 2.2.9Community Originator: Landon WinburnReviewer and Approver: Guy LeechIssues a poll now to the designated endpoint. It will also force the endpoint to download the assigned config regardless of the installation schedule as long as the “Allow update initiation” is selected for the assigned deployment group.I hope you’ve found a script on this list that helps you solve a problem and get some time back in your day. We’ll continue adding to the Community Library, and I’ll be back on our blog soon with an update.