.NAME: Disable or Enable SSH on an VMware ESXi host
Using PowerCLI, Connect to vCenter and start or stop the SSH service on a host.
The computer running this script requires PowerCLI and vCenter credentails will be PROMPTED
.CREDITS: https://vmguru.com/2016/01/powershell-friday-enabling-ssh-with-powercli/
.AUTHOR: Marcel Calef 2019-10-04
.TAGS: $HypervisorPlatform="VMware"
$sshDesired = $args[0]
$hypervisor = $args[1]
$input= $args[2] ; $p1,$p2,$vCenter,$sdk= $input.split('/') ## Remove the https:// and /sdk
$ESXhost = $args[3]
# Checks
If ($hypervisor -ne "VMware") { Write-host "This script is designed for VMware ESXi hosts only" ; exit }
Connect-VIServer $vCenter # Credentials will be prompted
Get-VMHostService -VMHost "$ESXhost" | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} # list current state
if ($sshDesired -eq "Stop") {Get-VMHostService -VMHost "$ESXhost" | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false}
if ($sshDesired -eq "Start") {Get-VMHostService -VMHost "$ESXhost" | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | Start-VMHostService -Confirm:$false}