Analyze Logon Duration

Get a detailed overview of the most recent logon process for a specific user. This script queries the event log for every major event that relates to the logon process. Use this action to track down which phase is responsible for delays during the logon process. Uses WMI to retrieve pre-Windows logon phase data from Citrix so does not use OData and therefore does not need credentials
Version 22.33.182
Created on 2018-07-02
Modified on 2025-02-23
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 84144

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#Requires -version 3

        An advanced function that gives you a break-down analysis of a user's most recent logon on the machine.
        This function gives a detailed report on the logon process and its phases.
        Each phase documented have a column for duration in seconds, start time, end time
        and gap delay which is the time that passed between the end of one phase
        and the start of the one that comes after.
 .PARAMETER  DomainUser
  The user to analyze their logon duration. Must be in the format %DOMAIN%\%USERNAME%

  The Session ID of the user the function reports for. 

 .PARAMETER  SessionName
        The session name of the user. Usually formatted like RDP-Tcp#2

 .PARAMETER  CUDesktopLoadTime
  Specifies the duration of the Shell phase, can be used with ControlUp as passed argument.

 .PARAMETER  ClientName
  Specifies the client name of the session.

    .PARAMETER  SaveOutputTo
  Saves the ALD output to a text file. By default this is output to $env:windir\temp\$SessionID-$username-$dateTime

    .PARAMETER  CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage
  A path to save logs and other data into a folder to send to ControlUp for additional analysis.  Default is C:\Temp\$env:username

    .PARAMETER  OfflineAnalysis
  Path to a saved offline analysis package.

    .PARAMETER  PrepMachine
  Sets event logs to the defined size (in MB) and enables all pre-req's for ALD
        The HDX duration is a new metric that requires changes to the ICA protocol. 
        This means that, if the new version of the client is not being used, the metrics returned are NULL.
        It may take a few seconds until the HDX duration is reported and available at the Delivery Controller.
        For more information refer to:

        Stay in touch:

        C:\PS> Get-LogonDurationAnalysis -DomainUser BOTTHEORY\ttye
  Gets analysis of the logon process for the user 'Rick' in the current domain.
param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  ParameterSetName = 'Online', Position=0)][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage')]       [String]$DomainUser,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'Online')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage')]                      [int]$SessionID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'Online')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage')]                   [String]$SessionName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'Online')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage')]                   [string]$CUDesktopLoadTime,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'Online')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage')]                   [string]$ClientName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'Online')]                                                                                    [int]$PrepMachine = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'Online')]    [String]$SaveOutputTo = "$env:Windir\Temp\ALD\$($DomainUser.replace("\","-"))_$($SessionId)_$($SessionName.replace("#","-"))_$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-dd-M--HH-mm-ss")).txt",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  ParameterSetName = 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage')]    [System.IO.FileInfo]$CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = 'OfflineAnalysis')]    [System.IO.FileInfo]$OfflineAnalysis


Write-Verbose -Message "Load time string = '$CUDesktopLoadTime', Culture = '$([cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture)'"

if ($CUDesktopLoadTime -match "^-?(\d{1,3}(?<firstsep>\.|\,))((\d{3}\k<firstsep>)*(\d{3}(?!\k<firstsep>)(?<finalsep>(\.|\,))))?\d*$") {
    $firstSep = $Matches.firstsep
    $finalSep = $Matches.finalsep
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($finalSep)) {
        # we only have one separator, and it must be the decimal separator
        $decimalSep = $firstSep
    else {
        # we have multiple separators, and the final separator must be the decimal separator
        $decimalSep = $finalSep
    Write-Verbose "string '$LoadTime', decimalSep = '$decimalSep', firstSep = '$firstSep', finalSep = '$finalSep'"
    $newCulture = Get-Culture
    if ($decimalSep -eq '.') {
        $newCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = '.'
        $newCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = ','
    elseif ($decimalSep -eq ',') {
        $newCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ','
        $newCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = '.'
    else {
        Write-Error "$CUDesktopLoadTime : Unsupported decimal separator"
        exit 0
    [decimal]$CUDesktopLoadTime = [decimal]::Parse($CUDesktopLoadTime,$newCulture)
elseif ($CUDesktopLoadTime -match "^\d+$") {
    # zero or other integer load time
    [decimal]$CUDesktopLoadTime = [decimal]::Parse($CUDesktopLoadTime,[cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture)
elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CUDesktopLoadTime)) {
    # null - can happen for disconnected sessions or running from command-line
    [decimal]$CUDesktopLoadTime = 0
else {
    Write-Error "'$CUDesktopLoadTime' : Unsupported decimal number format"
    exit 0

Write-Verbose -Message "Internally-parsed Load time = $CUDesktopLoadTime ; $([math]::floor($CUDesktopLoadTime))"

## All parameters are not mandatory to allow for offline analysis
## Last modified 1410 GMT 2024/02/05 @guyrleech

## A mechanism to allow script use offline with saved event logs
[hashtable]$global:wmiactivityParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity' }
[hashtable]$global:terminalServicesParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager' }
[hashtable]$global:securityParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' }
[hashtable]$global:applicationParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Application' }
[hashtable]$global:userProfileParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service' }
[hashtable]$global:groupPolicyParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' }
[hashtable]$global:appdefaultsParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' }
[hashtable]$global:scheduledTasksParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler' }
[hashtable]$global:appSenseParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'AppSense Environment Manager.' }
[hashtable]$global:citrixUPMParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Citrix Profile Management' }
[hashtable]$global:printServiceParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-PrintService' }
[hashtable]$global:AppVolumesParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'svservice' }
[hashtable]$global:folderRedirectionParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection' }
[hashtable]$global:windowsShellCoreParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' }
[hashtable]$global:winlogonParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' }
[hashtable]$global:appReadinessParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness' }
[hashtable]$global:FsLogixParams = @{ 'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-FSLogix-Apps' }
[int]$global:windowsMajorVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
$currentVersionKey = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[string]$global:WindowsOSCaption     = $currentVersionKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProductName  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[string]$global:WindowsOSReleaseId   = $currentVersionKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ReleaseId    -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[string]$global:WindowsOSBuildNumber = $currentVersionKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CurrentBuild -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[array]$global:services = @()
[bool]$offline = $false
[int]$suggestedSecurityEventLogSizeMB = 100
[int]$outputWidth = 400
$script:warnings = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
if (-not(Test-Path "$env:Windir\Temp\ALD\")) { New-Item -Path "$env:Windir\Temp\ALD" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null}

## Check to see if we are saving the WMI Log file TTYE
$WMILogDirectory = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wbem\CIMOM' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Logging Directory" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$global:WMILogFile = Join-Path -Path $WMILogDirectory -ChildPath 'Framework.log'
Write-Debug "WMILogDirectory = $WMILogDirectory"

if( $UseWMILogFile = (Test-Path -Path $global:WMILogFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ){
    Write-Verbose -Message "WMI Framework.log file found!"
    [string]$global:wmiframeworklog = $global:WMILogFile
} else {
    $WMILogDirectory = $null
    Write-Verbose -Message "WMI Framework.log not present!"

[string]$global:appVolumesLogFile = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\CloudVolumes\Agent\Logs\svservice.log"
[version]$global:appVolumesVersion = $null
[bool]$global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly = $true
$script:ivantiEMNonBlockingPhases = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
$script:vmwareDEMNonBlockingPhases = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]

## need functions running in runspaces to be able to report warnings back to the main thread
$sharedVariables = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{ 'Warnings' = (New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[string])})

$LSADefinitions = @'
    [DllImport("secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
    public static extern uint LsaFreeReturnBuffer(IntPtr buffer);

    [DllImport("Secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
    public static extern uint LsaEnumerateLogonSessions
            (out UInt64 LogonSessionCount, out IntPtr LogonSessionList);

    [DllImport("Secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
    public static extern uint LsaGetLogonSessionData(IntPtr luid, 
        out IntPtr ppLogonSessionData);

    public struct LSA_UNICODE_STRING
        public UInt16 Length;
        public UInt16 MaximumLength;
        public IntPtr buffer;

    public struct LUID
        public UInt32 LowPart;
        public UInt32 HighPart;

        public UInt32 Size;
        public LUID LoginID;
        public LSA_UNICODE_STRING Username;
        public LSA_UNICODE_STRING LoginDomain;
        public LSA_UNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage;
        public UInt32 LogonType;
        public UInt32 Session;
        public IntPtr PSiD;
        public UInt64 LoginTime;
        public LSA_UNICODE_STRING LogonServer;
        public LSA_UNICODE_STRING DnsDomainName;
        public LSA_UNICODE_STRING Upn;

    public enum SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE : uint
        Interactive = 2,        //The security principal is logging on 
        Network,                //The security principal is logging using a 
        Batch,                  //The logon is for a batch process.
        Service,                //The logon is for a service account.
        Proxy,                  //Not supported.
        Unlock,                 //The logon is an attempt to unlock a workstation.
        NetworkCleartext,       //The logon is a network logon with cleartext 
        NewCredentials,         //Allows the caller to clone its current token and
                                //specify new credentials for outbound connections.
        RemoteInteractive,      //A terminal server session that is both remote 
                                //and interactive.
        CachedInteractive,      //Attempt to use the cached credentials without 
                                //going out across the network.
        CachedRemoteInteractive,// Same as RemoteInteractive, except used 
                                // internally for auditing purposes.
        CachedUnlock            // The logon is an attempt to unlock a workstation.

$AuditDefinitions = @'
    /// The AuditFree function frees the memory allocated by audit functions for the specified buffer.
    public static extern void AuditFree(IntPtr buffer);

    /// The AuditQuerySystemPolicy function retrieves system audit policy for one or more audit-policy subcategories.
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool AuditQuerySystemPolicy(Guid pSubCategoryGuids, uint PolicyCount, out IntPtr ppAuditPolicy);
    /// The AuditQuerySystemPolicy function retrieves system audit policy for one or more audit-policy subcategories.
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool AuditSetSystemPolicy( IntPtr ppAuditPolicy , uint PolicyCount);

    /// The AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION structure specifies a security event type and when to audit that type.
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        /// A GUID structure that specifies an audit subcategory.
        public Guid AuditSubCategoryGuid;
        /// A set of bit flags that specify the conditions under which the security event type specified by the AuditSubCategoryGuid and AuditCategoryGuid members are audited.
        public AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION_TYPE AuditingInformation;
        /// A GUID structure that specifies an audit-policy category.
        public Guid AuditCategoryGuid;

        None = 0,
        Success = 1,
        Failure = 2,

    // from
    public enum Rights
        SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege,             // Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller
        SeNetworkLogonRight,                         // Access this computer from the network
        SeTcbPrivilege,                              // Act as part of the operating system
        SeMachineAccountPrivilege,                   // Add workstations to domain
        SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege,                    // Adjust memory quotas for a process
        SeInteractiveLogonRight,                     // Allow log on locally
        SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight,               // Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services
        SeBackupPrivilege,                           // Back up files and directories
        SeChangeNotifyPrivilege,                     // Bypass traverse checking
        SeSystemtimePrivilege,                       // Change the system time
        SeTimeZonePrivilege,                         // Change the time zone
        SeCreatePagefilePrivilege,                   // Create a pagefile
        SeCreateTokenPrivilege,                      // Create a token object
        SeCreateGlobalPrivilege,                     // Create global objects
        SeCreatePermanentPrivilege,                  // Create permanent shared objects
        SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege,               // Create symbolic links
        SeDebugPrivilege,                            // Debug programs
        SeDenyNetworkLogonRight,                     // Deny access this computer from the network
        SeDenyBatchLogonRight,                       // Deny log on as a batch job
        SeDenyServiceLogonRight,                     // Deny log on as a service
        SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight,                 // Deny log on locally
        SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight,           // Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services
        SeEnableDelegationPrivilege,                 // Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation
        SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege,                   // Force shutdown from a remote system
        SeAuditPrivilege,                            // Generate security audits
        SeImpersonatePrivilege,                      // Impersonate a client after authentication
        SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege,               // Increase a process working set
        SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege,             // Increase scheduling priority
        SeLoadDriverPrivilege,                       // Load and unload device drivers
        SeLockMemoryPrivilege,                       // Lock pages in memory
        SeBatchLogonRight,                           // Log on as a batch job
        SeServiceLogonRight,                         // Log on as a service
        SeSecurityPrivilege,                         // Manage auditing and security log
        SeRelabelPrivilege,                          // Modify an object label
        SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege,                // Modify firmware environment values
        SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege,   // Obtain an impersonation token for another user in the same session
        SeManageVolumePrivilege,                     // Perform volume maintenance tasks
        SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege,             // Profile single process
        SeSystemProfilePrivilege,                    // Profile system performance
        SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege,                 // "Read unsolicited input from a terminal device"
        SeUndockPrivilege,                           // Remove computer from docking station
        SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege,               // Replace a process level token
        SeRestorePrivilege,                          // Restore files and directories
        SeShutdownPrivilege,                         // Shut down the system
        SeSyncAgentPrivilege,                        // Synchronize directory service data
        SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege                     // Take ownership of files or other objects
    public sealed class TokenManipulator
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        internal struct TokPriv1Luid
            public int Count;
            public long Luid;
            public int Attr;

        internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_DISABLED = 0x00000000;
        internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x00000002;
        internal const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0x00000008;
        internal const int TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x00000020;

        internal sealed class Win32Token
            [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
            internal static extern bool AdjustTokenPrivileges(
                IntPtr htok,
                bool disall,
                ref TokPriv1Luid newst,
                int len,
                IntPtr prev,
                IntPtr relen

            [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
            internal static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();

            [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
            internal static extern bool OpenProcessToken(
                IntPtr h,
                int acc,
                ref IntPtr phtok

            [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
            internal static extern bool LookupPrivilegeValue(
                string host,
                string name,
                ref long pluid

            [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
            internal static extern bool CloseHandle(
                IntPtr phtok

        public static int AddPrivilege(Rights privilege)
            bool retVal;
            TokPriv1Luid tp;
            IntPtr hproc = Win32Token.GetCurrentProcess();
            IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
            retVal = Win32Token.OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
            tp.Count = 1;
            tp.Luid = 0;
            tp.Attr = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
            retVal = Win32Token.LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege.ToString(), ref tp.Luid);
            retVal = Win32Token.AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, Marshal.SizeOf(tp), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
            return Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

        public static int RemovePrivilege(Rights privilege)
            bool retVal;
            TokPriv1Luid tp;
            IntPtr hproc = Win32Token.GetCurrentProcess();
            IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
            retVal = Win32Token.OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
            tp.Count = 1;
            tp.Luid = 0;
            tp.Attr = SE_PRIVILEGE_DISABLED;
            retVal = Win32Token.LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege.ToString(), ref tp.Luid);
            retVal = Win32Token.AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, Marshal.SizeOf(tp), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
            return Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

Write-Verbose -message "Line 373" 

Function Get-SystemPolicy( [Guid]$subCategoryGuid)
    $buffer = [IntPtr]::Zero
    if ([Win32.Advapi32]::AuditQuerySystemPolicy( $subCategoryGuid , 1 , [ref]$buffer) -and $buffer -ne [IntPtr]::Zero )
        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure( [System.IntPtr]$buffer , [type][Win32.Advapi32+AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION] ) ## return
        $buffer = [IntPtr]::Zero
Function Set-SystemPolicy( [Guid]$subCategoryGuid , [Guid]$categoryGuid  )
    [bool]$result = $false
    $policy = New-Object -TypeName 'Win32.Advapi32+AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION'
    [IntPtr]$buffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal( [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf( [type]$policy.GetType() ) )
    if( $buffer -ne [IntPtr]::Zero )
        $policy.AuditSubCategoryGuid = $subCategoryGuid
        $policy.AuditCategoryGuid = $categoryGuid
        $policy.AuditingInformation = [Win32.Advapi32+AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION_TYPE]::Success
        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StructureToPtr( $policy , $buffer , $false )
        [uint64]$number = 1
        $result = [Win32.Advapi32]::AuditSetSystemPolicy( $buffer , $number ); $LastError = [ComponentModel.Win32Exception][Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
        if( ! $result )
            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "AuditSetSystemPolicy failed - $LastError" )
        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal( $buffer )
        $buffer = [IntPtr]::Zero
        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to allocate memory for audit buffer" )
    $result ## return

Function Test-AuditSetting( [string]$GUID , [string]$name , [ref]$setting )
    $auditEvent = Get-SystemPolicy -subCategoryGuid $GUID
    if( $auditEvent )
        $setting.Value = $auditEvent.AuditingInformation.ToString()
        ( $auditEvent.AuditingInformation -band [Win32.Advapi32+AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION_TYPE]::Success ) -eq [Win32.Advapi32+AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION_TYPE]::Success 
        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Could not get setting for `"$name`" with GUID $GUID" )

Function Test-AuditSettings
    [hashtable]$requiredAuditEvents = @{
        'Process Creation'    = '0cce922b-69ae-11d9-bed3-505054503030'
        'Process Termination' = '0cce922c-69ae-11d9-bed3-505054503030'
        ##'Logon'               = '0cce9215-69ae-11d9-bed3-505054503030'

    [string]$resultString = $null

    if( ! ( ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Win32.Advapi32').Type ) )
        [void](Add-Type -MemberDefinition $AuditDefinitions -Name 'Advapi32' -Namespace 'Win32' -UsingNamespace System.Text -Debug:$false)
    [string]$newline = $null
    [string]$setting = $null
    ForEach( $requiredAuditEvent in ($requiredAuditEvents.GetEnumerator() ))
        $result = Test-AuditSetting -GUID $requiredAuditEvent.Value -name $requiredAuditEvent.Name -setting ([ref]$setting)
        if( $result -eq $null -or $result -eq $false )
            $resultString += "$($newline)Auditing of `"$($requiredAuditEvent.Name)`" is not set to at least `"Success`" as required, it is set to `"$setting`""
            $newline = "`n"

Function Get-JSONProperty

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='JSON object to search')]
        $inputObject ,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='JSON property name to search for')]
        [string]$name ,
        [switch]$multiple ,

    $foundIt = $null

    If( $inputObject -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $name ) )
        ForEach( $property in $inputObject.PSObject.Properties )
            If( $property.MemberType.ToString() -eq 'NoteProperty' )
                If( ( ! $regex -and $property.Name -eq $name ) -or ( $regex -and $property.Name -match $name ) )
                    Return $property
                Elseif( $property.Value -is [PSCustomObject] )
                    If( ( $multiple -or ! $foundIt ) -and ( $result = Get-JSONProperty -name $name -inputObject $property.value -multiple:$multiple -regex:$regex ))
                        $foundIt = $result

Function Test-IfCommandExists

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Command to check if it`s available')] $Command

 $oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
 $ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

 try {
     if (Get-Command $Command) {
         RETURN $true
    } Catch {
        Write-Verbose "$Command does not exist"; RETURN $false
    } Finally {
} #end function test-CommandExists

function Get-LogonDurationAnalysis {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Username = $env:USERNAME,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        $UserDomain = $env:USERDOMAIN,


    begin {
        $Script:Output = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        $Script:AppVolumesOutput = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        $Script:LogonStartDate = $null
        $Script:UseFSLogixWinLogonEvents = $false

        Write-Verbose -message "just entered Get-LogonDurationAnalysis" 

        ## array indexes for event log property fields to make retrieval more meaningful
        ## Event id 4688 (process start)
        Set-Variable -Name SubjectUserName   -Value 1  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name SubjectDomainName -Value 2  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name SubjectLogonId    -Value 3  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name ProcessIdNew      -Value 4  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name NewProcessName    -Value 5  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name ProcessIdStart    -Value 7  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name NewProcessCmdLine -Value 8  -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name TargetUserName    -Value 10 -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name TargetDomainName  -Value 11 -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name TargetLogonId     -Value 12 -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name ParentProcessName -Value 13 -Option ReadOnly
        [string]$auditingWarning = $null
        if( ! $offline )
        [bool]$SearchCommandLine = $false
        if( ! $offline ) {
            if ([version](Get-CimInstance -Classname Win32_OperatingSystem).version -gt ([version]6.1)) { # are we using a version of Windows newer than Windows 2008R2/Windows 7 as not implemented prior to that?
                if (Test-Path -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\Audit' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                    $commandLinePolicy = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\Audit' -Name 'ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if ($commandLinePolicy -and $commandLinePolicy.ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled -eq 1) {
                        if (-not($auditingWarning -like "*Process Termination*")) { #need process termination auditing enabled or else we can't find when the process finishes
                            Set-Variable -Name CommandLine -Value 8 -Option ReadOnly
                            $SearchCommandLine = $true
        Write-Debug "Process command line auditing enabled is $SearchCommandLine"
        ## Event id 4689 (process stop)
        Set-Variable -Name ProcessStopSid -Value 0 -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name ProcessIdStop  -Value 5 -Option ReadOnly
        Set-Variable -Name ProcessName    -Value 6 -Option ReadOnly

        # Generate a new XPath string
        function New-XPath {

                $UserData ,

            [string]$lessThan = if( $encode ) { '&lt;' } else { '<' }
            [string]$greaterThan = if( $encode ) { '&gt;' } else { '>' }
            [System.Text.StringBuilder]$sb = "*[System[("
            $ecounter = 0
            foreach ($eid in $EventId) {
                if ($ecounter -gt 0) {
                    [void]$sb.Append(" or EventID='$eid'")
                else {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CorrelationActivityID")) {
                [void]$sb.Append(") and (Correlation/@ActivityID=`"{$CorrelationActivityID}`"")
            if ($ToDate) {
                [void]$sb.Append(") and TimeCreated[@SystemTime$($greaterThan)='$($FromDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($FromDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z'")
                [void]$sb.Append(" and @SystemTime$($lessThan)='$($ToDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($FromDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z']")
                if (!$SecurityData) {
            elseif ($FromDate) {
                [void]$sb.Append(") and TimeCreated[@SystemTime$($greaterThan)='$($FromDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($FromDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z']")
                if (!$SecurityData) {
            else {
            if ($SecurityData) {
                    [void]$sb.Append(" and Security[@$($SecurityData.Keys[0])='$($SecurityData.Values[0])']]]")
            if ($EventData -and $EventData.GetType() -eq [hashtable]) {
                foreach ($i in $EventData.Keys) {
                    $counter = 0
                    [void]$sb.Append(" and *[EventData[Data[@Name='$i']")
                    foreach ($x in $($EventData.$i)) {
                        if ($counter -gt 0) {
                            [void]$sb.Append(" or Data=`"$($x)`"")
                        else {
                            [void]$sb.Append(" and (Data=`"$($x)`"")
            elseif ($EventData) {
                [void]$sb.Append(" and *[EventData[Data and (Data='$EventData')]]")
            if ($UserData) {
                [void]$sb.Append(" and *[UserData[EventXML[($($UserData.Keys[0])=`'$($UserData.Values[0])`')]]]")
            Write-Verbose "Generated XPath: $($sb.ToString())"
        # Get an event from the Windows Eventlog using specified parameters
        function Get-PhaseEventFromCache {
            param (
                $startEvent ,

                $endEvent ,

                $PhaseName ,

                $CUAddition ,

                [string]$source = 'Windows'
            if( ! $startEvent )
                Write-Error "Get-PhaseEventFromCache - no start event"
            if( ! $endEvent )
                if($CUAddition -gt 0 -and $startEvent ) {
                    [DateTime]$EndEvent = $StartEvent.TimeCreated.AddMilliseconds($CUAddition*1000)
                else {
                    Write-Error "Get-PhaseEventFromCache - no end event"
            $EventInfo = @{}
            if ($EndEvent) {
                if ((($EndEvent).GetType()).Name -eq 'DateTime') {
                    $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartEvent.TimeCreated -End $EndEvent
                    $EventInfo.EndTime = $EndEvent
                else {
                    $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartEvent.TimeCreated -End $EndEvent.TimeCreated
                    $EventInfo.EndTime = $EndEvent.TimeCreated 
            $EventInfo.Source = $source
            $EventInfo.PhaseName = $PhaseName
            $EventInfo.StartTime = $StartEvent.TimeCreated
            $EventInfo.Duration = $Duration.TotalSeconds
            $PSObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $EventInfo
            if ($EventInfo.Duration -and $PhaseName -eq 'GP Scripts' -and ($StartEvent.Properties[3]).Value) {
            elseif ($EventInfo.Duration -and $PhaseName -eq 'GP Scripts') {
                $sharedVars.Add( 'GPASync' , [math]::Round( $PSObject.Duration , 1 ) )
            elseif ($EventInfo.Duration) {
        function Get-EventLogEnabledStatus {
            param (

            [string]$status = $null
            if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $eventLog ) )
                $eventlogProperties = wevtutil.exe get-log $eventLog
                if( ! $? -or ! $eventlogProperties )
                    $status = "Unable to find event log `"$eventLog`""
                elseif( $eventlogProperties | Where-Object { $_ -match '^enabled: (.*$)' -and $Matches.Count -ge 2 -and $Matches[1] } )
                    if( $Matches[1] -ne 'true' )
                        $status = "Event log `"$eventLog`" is not enabled so it cannot accept events"
                    $status = "Unable to determine if event log `"$eventLog`" is enabled"
        # Get an event from the Windows Eventlog using specified parameters
        function Get-PhaseEvent {
            param (
                $StartEventFile ,
                $EndEventFile ,

                $eventLog ,

                $CUAddition ,

                $source = 'Windows' ,

            [datetime]$started = Get-Date

            [hashtable]$startParams = if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'StartEventFile' ] ) { @{ 'Path' = $StartEventFile } } else { @{ 'ProviderName' = $StartProvider } }
            [hashtable]$endParams = if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'EndEventFile' ] ) { @{ 'Path' = $EndEventFile } } else { @{ 'ProviderName' = $EndProvider } }

            try {
                $PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose("Looking $PhaseName Events")
                if(!$StartEvent) {
                    $StartEvent = Get-WinEvent -Oldest -MaxEvents 1 @startParams -FilterXPath $StartXPath -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
                if (!$EndEvent) {
                    if ($StartProvider -eq 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' -and $EndProvider -eq 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing') {
                        $EndEvent = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 1 @endParams -FilterXPath ("{0}{1}" -f $EndXPath,(
                            "and *[EventData[Data[@Name='ProcessId']" +
                            "and (Data=`'$($StartEvent.Properties[4].Value)`')]]")
                            ) -ErrorAction Stop # Responsible to match the process termination event to the exact process
                    elseif ($CUAddition) {
                        [DateTime]$EndEvent = $StartEvent.TimeCreated.AddSeconds($CUAddition)
                    else {
                        $EndEvent = Get-WinEvent -Oldest -MaxEvents 1 @endParams -FilterXPath $EndXPath 
            catch {
                [string]$eventLogStatus = Get-EventLogEnabledStatus -eventLog $eventLog
                if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $eventLogStatus ) )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $eventLogStatus )
                if ($PhaseName -ne 'Citrix Profile Mgmt' -and $PhaseName -ne 'GP Scripts') {
                    if ($StartProvider -eq 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' -or $EndProvider -eq 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' ) {
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add("Could not find $PhaseName events (requires audit process tracking)")
                    else {
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Could not find $PhaseName events for source $source")
            finally {
                $EventInfo = @{}
                if ($EndEvent) {
                    if ((($EndEvent).GetType()).Name -eq 'DateTime') {
                        $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartEvent.TimeCreated -End $EndEvent
                        $EventInfo.EndTime = $EndEvent
                    else {
                        $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartEvent.TimeCreated -End $EndEvent.TimeCreated
                        $EventInfo.EndTime = $EndEvent.TimeCreated 
                $EventInfo.Source = $source
                $EventInfo.PhaseName = $PhaseName
                $EventInfo.StartTime = $StartEvent.TimeCreated
                $EventInfo.Duration = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                $PSObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $EventInfo
                if ($EventInfo.Duration -and $PhaseName -eq 'GP Scripts' -and ($StartEvent.Properties[3]).Value) {
                elseif ($EventInfo.Duration -and $PhaseName -eq 'GP Scripts') {
                    $sharedVars.Add( 'GPASync' , [math]::Round( $PSObject.Duration , 1 ) )
                    ##$Script:GPAsync = "{0:N1}" -f $PSObject.Duration
                elseif ($EventInfo.Duration) {

        function Get-CitrixData {
            Param (
            [string]$clientStartupJsonFile = $(if( $global:logsFolder ) { Join-Path -Path $global:logsfolder -ChildPath 'clientStartup.json' } )
            $clientStartup = $null

            if( $offline )
                if( $clientStartupJsonFile )
                    $clientStartup = Get-Content -Path $clientStartupJsonFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json
                if( -Not $clientStartup )
                    Write-Warning -Message "Unable to get offline Citrix data from $clientStartupJsonFile"
                if( ! ( $clientStartup = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\Citrix\EUEM -ClassName Citrix_Euem_ClientStartup | Where-Object SessionId -eq $sessionId ) )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to get Citrix information via CIM for session $sessionId" )
                elseif( $dumpForOffline -and $clientStartupJsonFile )
                    $clientStartup | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 | Out-File -FilePath $clientStartupJsonFile

            if( $clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp.Year -lt 2020 )
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Bad date $(Get-Date -Date $clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp -Format G) returned from root\Citrix\EUEM\Citrix_Euem_ClientStartup" )
            ## check if this data is for a reconnection
            elseif( $clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp -gt $logon.LogonTime )
                [hashtable]$onlineOfflineTS = @{}
                if( $global:terminalServicesParams[ 'Path' ] )
                    $onlineOfflineTS.Add( 'Path' , $global:terminalServicesParams[ 'Path' ] )
                ## Look for disconnect and reconnect events for this session and user between these two times
                [array]$connectionEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; EndTime = $clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp.AddSeconds( 120 ) ; Id = @( 24 , 25) ; ProviderName = 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager' } + $onlineOfflineTS ) | Where-Object { $_.Properties[0].Value -eq "$($Logon.Userdomain)\$($logon.username)" -and $_.Properties[1].Value -eq $sessionId } )
                if( $connectionEvents -and $connectionEvents.Count )
                    [string]$warningMessage = "Session "
                    if( $disconnectedEvent = $connectionEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 24 }  | Select-Object -First 1 )
                        $warningMessage += "disconnected at $(Get-Date -Date $disconnectedEvent.TimeCreated -Format G) "
                    if( $reconnectedEvent = $connectionEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 25 }  | Select-Object -First 1 )
                        if( $disconnectedEvent )
                            $warningMessage += 'and '
                        $warningMessage += "reconnected at $(Get-Date -Date $reconnectedEvent.TimeCreated -Format G) "
                    $warningMessage += 'so ignoring Citrix WMI event data which is for the reconnection'
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warningMessage )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Citrix WMI ICA event is $([math]::Round( ($clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp - $logon.LogonTime).TotalMinutes , 1 ) ) minutes after logon but unable to find evidence of disconnect & reconnect in event log" )

                SCCD - STARTUP_CLIENT
                This is the high-level client connection startup metric. It starts as close as possible to the time of the request (mouse click) and ends when the ICA connection between the client device and server running Presentation Server has been established.
                In the case of a shared session, this duration will normally be much smaller, as many of the setup costs associated with the creation of a new connection to the server are not incurred.

                New session creation time, from the moment wfica32.exe is launched to when the connection is established.

                [datetime]$clicktime = $clientstartup.WfIcaTimestamp.AddMilliseconds($ClientStartup.SCCD).AddMilliseconds(-$ClientStartup.SCD)
                $returning = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
                            Source = 'Citrix'
                            PhaseName = 'App/Desktop Icon Clicked until ICA File Downloaded'
                            StartTime = $clickTime
                            EndTime   = $clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp
                            Duration  = ($ClientStartup.SCD - $ClientStartup.SCCD) / 1000 } )
                            Source = 'Citrix'
                            PhaseName = 'ICA File Opened until Remote Session Commences'
                            StartTime = $clientStartup.WfIcaTimestamp
                            EndTime   = $clientstartup.WfIcaTimestamp.AddMilliseconds($ClientStartup.SCCD)
                            Duration  = $ClientStartup.SCCD / 1000 } )

        function Get-UserLogonDetails {

                [string[]]$sess = (quser.exe "$username" | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Select-Object -Last 1) -split '\s+'
                [string]$info = $null

                if( $sess -and $sess.Count )
                    if( $sess[-1] -match '^[AP]M$' )
                        $info = " - logon was $($sess[-3..-1] -join ' ')"
                        $info = " - logon was $($sess[-2..-1] -join ' ')"
                    $info = " - user $username not currently logged on"

        function Get-LogonTask {

            [hashtable]$logonTaskParams = $global:scheduledTasksParams.Clone()
            $logonTaskParams.Add( 'StartTime' , $start )
            $logonTaskParams.Add( 'EndTime' , $End )
            $logonTaskParams.Add( 'Id' , @(119,201) )
            [array]$logontaskEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $logonTaskParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

            $logontaskEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 119 -and $_.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties[1].Value -eq "$UserDomain\$UserName" } | ForEach-Object `
                $taskStart = $_
                $taskEnd = $logontaskEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 201 -and $taskStart.Properties[2].Value -eq $_.Properties[1].Value }  ## Correlate task instance id
                if( $taskEnd )
                    New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ 
                            'Duration'=$taskEnd.TimeCreated - $taskStart.TimeCreated

        function Get-PrinterEvents {


            Write-Verbose "Get-PrinterEvents Start Time: $start"
            Write-Verbose "Get-PrinterEvents End Time: $end"
            Write-Verbose "Get-PrinterEvents ClientName: $ClientName"

            if( ! $offline )
                [string]$eventLogStatus = Get-EventLogEnabledStatus -eventLog 'Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational'
                if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $eventLogStatus ) )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $eventLogStatus )

            if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $End ) )
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "No logon end event was found.  Please wait and try again once logon has completed.  Printer information will not be displayed." )

            if (-not(Test-Path HKU:\)) {
                New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Name HKU -Root HKEY_USERS | out-null
            $UserPrinterGUIDs = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]@()
            [array]$PrinterClientSidePortGUIDs = @()

            if (-not(Test-Path HKU:\$($Logon.UserSID)\Printers\Connections\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                Write-Verbose "Unable to find mapped printers in the user session."  #we'll do our best though with what's available
            } else {
                $UserPrinterGUIDs += Get-ItemProperty -Path HKU:\$($Logon.UserSID)\Printers\Connections\* -Name GuidPrinter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                $PrintServers = Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider\Servers" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSChildName
                Write-Verbose "Found the following print servers:"
                Write-Verbose "$printServers"
                $PrinterClientSidePortGUIDs = @( foreach ($printServer in $printServers) {
                   Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider\Servers\$printServer\Monitors\Client Side Port\*" -Name PrinterPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($DebugPreference -eq "continue") {
                    Write-Debug "Printer GUIDS:"
                    foreach ($ClientSidePortGUID in $PrinterClientSidePortGUIDs) {
                        Write-Debug "$($ClientSidePortGUID.printerPath)"
            [hashtable]$printerParams = $global:printServiceParams.Clone() +  @{ StartTime = $start ; EndTime = $end ; Id = 300,306}
            [array]$printerTaskEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $printerParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
            if ($printerTaskEvents.count -eq 0) {
                #no printer events found.  This may occur if the application is not set to wait for printers (totally normal!) so just return without a message
                Write-Verbose "No Printer Events Found."
            #get list of printers:
            $listOfPrinters = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]@()
            $AllPrinterEvents = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]@()
            foreach ($printerEvent in $printerTaskEvents) {
                if ($printerEvent.Id -eq "300") { #look for event ID 300 -- "Add printer".  Should be unique for each printer
                    #check if this is a GUID
                    if ($printerEvent.Properties.Value -match("^(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}$")) {
                        foreach ($printerGUID in $UserPrinterGUIDs) {
                            Write-Debug "Searching for User Printer GUID: $($printerGUID.GuidPrinter)"
                            if ($printerGUID.GuidPrinter -eq $printerEvent.Properties.Value) {
                                #if printer has a GUID than it's a direct connection printer.  Capture its properties here
                                $printerName = $printerGUID.PSChildName -replace (",","\")
                                $printerGUIDValue = $printerEvent.Properties.Value
                                $printer = New-Object PSObject -property @{Name="$printerName";Value="$printerGUIDValue";Type="Direct Connection"}
                                Write-Verbose "Found Direct Connection Printer: $($printer)"
                                Write-Verbose "GUID: $($printerGUIDValue)"
                                $listOfPrinters += $printer

                                if ($SearchCommandLine) {
                                    Write-Verbose "We can search the command line for the print driver install events"
                                    #pull driver installation time -- requires 2012R2+ and command line capture policy enabled.
                                    $printDriverInstallationStartEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe' -and $[$CommandLine].Value -like "*$printerGUIDValue*" }) 
                                    $printDriverInstallationEndEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $[$ProcessIdStop].Value -eq $printDriverInstallationStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$processName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe'})
                                    Write-Verbose "New-TimeSpan -Start $($printDriverInstallationStartEvent.TimeCreated) -End $($printDriverInstallationEndEvent.TimeCreated)"
                                    $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $($printDriverInstallationStartEvent.TimeCreated) -End $($printDriverInstallationEndEvent.TimeCreated)
                                    $EventInfo = @{}
                                    $EventInfo.Source = 'Printers'
                                    $EventInfo.PhaseName = "    Driver : $printerName "
                                    $EventInfo.Duration = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                                    $EventInfo.EndTime = $printDriverInstallationEndEvent.TimeCreated
                                    $EventInfo.StartTime = $printDriverInstallationStartEvent.TimeCreated
                                    $AllPrinterEvents +=  New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $EventInfo
                                    Write-Debug "Post event creation"
                                    $PSObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $EventInfo
                                    if ($EventInfo.Duration) {
                                        Write-Verbose "Adding driver phase to Output"
                                        $Script:Output.Add( $PSObject )
                        foreach ($PrinterClientSidePortGUID in $PrinterClientSidePortGUIDs) {
                            Write-Debug "Searching for Printer Client Side Port GUID: $($PrinterClientSidePortGUID.PSChildName)"
                            if ($PrinterClientSidePortGUID.PSChildName -eq $printerEvent.Properties.Value) {
                                #we've found a printer client side port match.  This maybe due to a user reconnecting and the GUID's change on reconnect.
                                #the client side port registry keys contain the path to the real printer key
                                Write-Verbose "Client side port printer path: $($PrinterClientSidePortGUID.PrinterPath)"
                                $printerPath = ($PrinterClientSidePortGUID.PrinterPath -replace "\\Users\\$($Logon.UserSID)\\Printers\\","" -replace "\^","")
                                foreach ($printerGUID in $UserPrinterGUIDs) {
                                    $printerName = $printerGUID.PSChildName -replace (",","\")
                                    Write-Debug "Searching for Printer Name Match: $printerName"
                                    if ($printerName -eq $printerPath) {
                                        Write-Verbose "Found a Match: $printerName"
                                        #check to see if we captured this previously
                                        if (-not($listOfPrinters.Name -contains $printerPath)) {
                                            #if printer has a GUID than it's a direct connection printer.  Capture its properties here
                                            $printerGUIDValue = $printerEvent.Properties.Value
                                            $printer = New-Object PSObject -property @{Name="$printerName";Value="$printerGUIDValue";Type="Direct Connection"}
                                            Write-Verbose "Found Direct Connection Printer: $($printer)"
                                            Write-Verbose "GUID: $($printerGUIDValue)"
                                            $listOfPrinters += $printer

                                            if ($SearchCommandLine) {
                                                Write-Verbose "We can search the command line for the print driver install events"
                                                #pull driver installation time -- requires 2012R2+ and command line capture policy enabled.
                                                $printDriverInstallationStartEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe' -and $[$CommandLine].Value -like "*$printerGUIDValue*" }) 
                                                $printDriverInstallationEndEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $[$ProcessIdStop].Value -eq $printDriverInstallationStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$processName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe'})
                                                Write-Verbose "New-TimeSpan -Start $($printDriverInstallationStartEvent.TimeCreated) -End $($printDriverInstallationEndEvent.TimeCreated)"
                                                $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $($printDriverInstallationStartEvent.TimeCreated) -End $($printDriverInstallationEndEvent.TimeCreated)
                                                $EventInfo = @{}
                                                $EventInfo.Source = 'Printers'
                                                $EventInfo.PhaseName = "    Driver : $printerName "
                                                $EventInfo.Duration = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                                                $EventInfo.EndTime = $printDriverInstallationEndEvent.TimeCreated
                                                $EventInfo.StartTime = $printDriverInstallationStartEvent.TimeCreated
                                                $AllPrinterEvents +=  New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $EventInfo
                                                Write-Verbose "Post event creation"
                                                $PSObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $EventInfo
                                                if ($EventInfo.Duration) {
                                                    Write-Verbose "Adding driver phase to Output"
                                                    $Script:Output.Add( $PSObject )

                   } else {
                        #printer is a regular mapped printer.  Capture its properties here
                        #check client name in case there were concurrent logons to ensure we're targetting just events from this user
                        if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $clientName ) ) {
                            if ($printerEvent.Message -like "*$clientName*") {
                                $printerName = ($printerEvent.Message -split "Printer " -split " on " -split "\(from")[1]
                                $printer = New-Object PSObject -property @{Name="$printerName";Value="N/A";Type="Mapped"}
                                Write-Verbose "Found Mapped Printer           : $($printer)"
                                $listOfPrinters += $printer

            foreach ($printer in $listOfPrinters) {
                $phaseName = "    Printer: $($printer.Name)"
                Write-Verbose "Phase: $phaseName"
                #capture each event 300 and 306 for the target printer.  There are further events 312 and 314 (add forms, deleting forms) that
                #occur for direct connection printers that is difficult to capture because the events lack targets, you can only do it via
                #date stamps.  Relying on that would be risky if there were concurrent logons, so we'll rely on the interim delay.
                $Events = New-Object -Typename System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]

                foreach ($printerEvent in $printerTaskEvents | Where-Object {($_.message -like "*$($printer.Name)*") -or ($_.message -like "*$($printer.Value)*")}) {
                    $FoundPrinterEvent = [pscustomobject]@{
                        'TimeCreated' = $printerEvent.TimeCreated
                        'Id' = $printerEvent.Id
                    $Events.Add( $FoundPrinterEvent)
                    Write-Verbose "Found $($"
                write-Verbose "Events: $($events.count) for $($" #this should be more than 1
                if ($events.count -gt 1) {
                    if( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $($Events[-1].TimeCreated) -End $($Events[0].TimeCreated) )
                        $eventInfo = [pscustomobject]@{
                            'Source' = 'Printers'
                            'PhaseName' = $PhaseName
                            'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                            'EndTime' = $Events[0].TimeCreated
                            'StartTime' = $Events[-1].TimeCreated
                        $Script:Output.Add( $eventInfo )
                        $AllPrinterEvent.Add( $EventInfo )
                    Clear-Variable Events

            #capture the totality of the printer mapping sequence.
            if( $AllPrinterEvents -and $AllPrinterEvents.Count )
                if( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $($AllPrinterEvents.StartTime | sort-Object -Descending)[-1] -End $($AllPrinterEvents.EndTime | sort-Object -Descending)[0] )
                    $Script:Output.Add( [pscutomobject]@{
                        'Source' = 'Printers'
                        'PhaseName' = "Connect to Printers"
                        'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                        'EndTime' = ($AllPrinterEvents.EndTime | sort-Object -Descending)[0]
                        'StartTime' = (($AllPrinterEvents.StartTime | sort-Object -Descending)[-1]).AddMilliseconds(-10) #we subtract 5 milliseconds so the order sorts correctly
                        } )
                Write-Debug "No printer events found for client $ClientName"
        function Get-FSLogixProfileEvents {


            Write-Verbose "Entered Get-FSLogixProfileEvents function"
            #Default FSLogix Log path is here: C:\ProgramData\FSLogix\Logs\Profile
            #at the time of this testing version 2.9.7205.27375 of FSLogix provided all the necessary information
            $GetFSLogixEvents = $false

            if( $offline )
                if (Test-Path $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'FSLogixProfileLog*.txt')) {
                    Write-Verbose "Offline FSLogix Logfile found."
                    $profileLog = Get-ChildItem $global:logsFolder -Filter 'FSLogixProfileLog*.txt'
                    $GetFSLogixEvents = $true
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Unable to determine or find the text-based offline FSLogix profile log file."
                if ($global:FsLogixParams[ 'Path' ]) {
                    $GetFSLogixEvents = "true"
                if ($Offset -ne 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "Offsetting hours to account for FSLogix Log File being a text file." ## You can hate yourself later Trentent.
                    Write-Verbose "Start Time             : $Start"
                    Write-Verbose "End   Time             : $End"
                    $Start = $start.AddHours($Offset.TotalHours)
                    $End = $end.AddHours($Offset.TotalHours)
                    Write-Verbose "Start Time with offset : $Start"
                    Write-Verbose "End   Time with offset : $End"
            } else {
                [string]$FSLogixLogDir = $null

                try {
                    $FSLogixLogDir = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Logging  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Logdir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Catch {
                    #LogDir registry value not found. Set to default:
                    Write-Verbose "LogDir value not set. Setting LogDir to default path"
                    $FSLogixLogDir = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath( [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonApplicationData )) -ChildPath 'FSLogix\Logs'

                [string]$FSLogixProfileLogDir = $( if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $FSLogixLogDir ) ) { Join-Path -Path $FSLogixLogDir -ChildPath 'Profile' } )
                if ( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $FSLogixLogDir ) -and ( Test-Path -Path $FSLogixProfileLogDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ) {
                    Write-Verbose "Found FSLogix Profile Log directory."
                    $profileLog = Get-ChildItem $FSLogixProfileLogDir | Where-Object Name -like "*$($($start).ToString("yyyyMMdd"))*"
                    if ( $profileLog -and ( Test-Path $profileLog.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )) {
                        $GetFSLogixEvents = $true
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose "Unable to determine or find FSLogix profile log file."

            $SessionEvents = $null

            if ($GetFSLogixEvents) {
                if (Get-Variable profileLog -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                    if ($profileLog -and $profileLog -is [array] -and $profileLog.count -ge 2) { Write-Verbose "Multiple FSLogix Profile Log Files found!" }
                    foreach ($FSlogixLogFile in $profileLog) {
                        Write-Verbose "Found Profile Log file: $($FSlogixLogFile.FullName)"
                        $FSLogixLogFileContents = Get-Content -Path "$($FSlogixLogFile.fullname)"

                        $FSLogixLogObject = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
                        $date = Get-Date -Date $start -Format d
                        #Create powershell object out of the FSLogix Log.
                        $FSLogixLogFileContents | . { Process {
                            $line = $_
                            ## [14:08:54.654][tid:00000bbc.000007e0][INFO]           ===== Begin Session: Logon 
                            if( $line -match '^\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]+)\]\s*(.+)' `
                                -and ( $fslogixTime = "$($matches[1]) $date" -as [datetime] ) `
                                -and $fslogixTime -ge $start -and $fslogixTime -le $end ) {
                                Write-Debug "$line"
                                if ($offline) {
                                    $fslogixTime = $fslogixTime.addhours($($offset.TotalHours*-1)) #add the offset back so it's not out of order.
                                    $FSLogixLogObject.Add( [PSCustomObject]@{
                                        Time     = $FSLogixTime
                                        ThreadId = $Matches[2]
                                        LogLevel = $Matches[3]
                                        Message  = $Matches[4].Trim()

                    ## see if it's running but not configured in which case omit the phase and issue a warning
                    if( $FSLogixLogObject.Where( { $_.Message -match 'Profiles feature is not enabled' } , 1 ) )
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( 'FSLogix is running but not configured' )
                    elseif( $failure = $FSLogixLogObject.Where( { $_.Message -match "LoadProfile failed.*\b$username\b" } , 1 ) )
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Error $($failure.LogLevel -replace 'ERROR:') loading FSlogix profile" )

                    $SessionEvents = $FSLogixLogObject.Where( { $_.Message -like "*LoadProfile: $username*" } )
                    Write-Verbose "FSLogix: SessionEvents Count: $($SessionEvents.message.count)"

            if ( ! $SessionEvents -or ! $SessionEvents.message -or $SessionEvents.message.count -le 1 -or $profileLog -eq $null) {
                #TTYE - It's been noticed that if TimeZone settings apply during the logon the timestamps in the log file
                #will be modified to reflect that, this 
                Write-Verbose "FSLogix: Unable to find start or end event in the log file."
                Write-Verbose "FSLogix: Will attempt to use WinLogon to track this phase"
                if ($logon.OSReleaseId -eq $null -or $logon.OSReleaseId -gt 1607) {
                    if ( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                        [scriptblock]$winLogonScriptBlock = $null
                        if( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] )
                            $winLogonScriptBlock =
                                Param( $logon , $username , $WinlogonFile )
                                Get-PhaseEvent -source 'FSLogix' -PhaseName 'LoadProfile*' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                                    -StartEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                                    -EndEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                                    New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                                        -SecurityData @{
                                        } -EventData @{
                                            }) -EndXPath (
                                    New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                                        -SecurityData @{
                                        } -EventData @{
                        else ## online
                            $winLogonScriptBlock =
                                Param( $logon )
                                Get-PhaseEvent -source 'FSLogix' -PhaseName 'LoadProfile*' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                                    New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                                        -SecurityData @{
                                        } -EventData @{
                                            }) -EndXPath (
                                    New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                                        -SecurityData @{
                                        } -EventData @{

                        if ($offline) {
                            $FSLogixWinLogonOutput = Invoke-Command $winLogonScriptBlock -ArgumentList $logon,$username,$parameters.winlogonFile
                        } else {
                            $FSLogixWinLogonOutput = Invoke-Command $winLogonScriptBlock -ArgumentList $logon
                        if( (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FSLogixWinLogonOutput)) `
                            -and ( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $FSLogixWinLogonOutput.StartTime -End $FSLogixWinLogonOutput.EndTime ) )
                            $Script:Output.Add( [pscustomobject]@{
                                'Source' = 'FSLogix'
                                'PhaseName' = 'Profile Container*'
                                'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                                'EndTime' = $FSLogixWinLogonOutput.EndTime
                                'StartTime' = $FSLogixWinLogonOutput.StartTime
                            } )
            } else {
                    Write-Verbose "FSLogix: Using FSLogix log file for calculations"
                    $FSLogixStartEvent = $SessionEvents[0].time
                    $FSLogixEndEvent = $SessionEvents[1].time

                    if( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $SessionEvents[0].time -End $SessionEvents[1].time )
                            'Source' = 'FSLogix'
                            'PhaseName' = "Profile Container"
                            'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                            'EndTime' = $SessionEvents[1].time
                            'StartTime' = $SessionEvents[0].time

        function Get-AppVolumeEvents {
            ## event log filters for using online or offline
            [hashtable]$onlineOfflineFilter = @{}

            if( $offline )
                $onlineOfflineFilter.Add( 'Path' , $global:AppVolumesParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $onlineOfflineFilter.Add( 'LogName' , 'Application' )

            if( ! $global:appVolumesVersion -and ! $offline -and ( $appvolumesKey = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' -Name DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object DisplayName -match 'App Volumes Agent' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSPath ) ) {
                $global:appVolumesVersion = Get-ItemProperty -Path $appvolumesKey -Name DisplayVersion | Sort-Object -Descending -Property DisplayVersion | Select-object -ExpandProperty DisplayVersion -First 1
            if ($global:appVolumesVersion -lt [version]'2.12') {
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Untested AppVolumes version detected: $global:appVolumesVersion" )

            Write-Debug "AppVolumes: AppVolumes version detected: $global:appVolumesVersion"
            Defined in seconds, only hold logon for the first volume. After the first volume is complete, the remaining are handled in the background, 
            and the logon process is allowed to proceed. To wait for all volumes to load before releasing the logon process, 
            set this value to 0. The default is 1.

            From the description this will block the logon process as it will wait for all volumes to attach. We'll track this and change how we measure
            The AppVolumes - VolumeAttach stage.
            if( ! $offline )
                try {
                    if( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\svservice\Parameters -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty WaitForFirstVolumeOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -eq  0 ) {
                       $global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly = $false
                } catch {
                    Write-Debug 'AppVolumes: WaitForFirstVolumeOnly value not found. Using Default'
            ## else we will have set it by parsing the svservice.log file name which contains the version number as well
            if ($offline) {
                Write-Debug "AppVolumes: WaitForFirstVolumeOnly unknown. Assuming TRUE and attempting evaluation"
            } else {
                Write-Debug "AppVolumes: WaitForFirstVolumeOnly set to $global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly"

            Determines if logon is ASYNC or synchronously. We'll do that by looking at event 218 and see if the last line in the message is 'ASYNC'. If
            it's not then we'll assume we're running synchonsouly.
            [bool]$Async = $false
            if( ( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable ( @{ ProviderName='svservice'; StartTime=$Start; Id=218 } + $onlineOfflineFilter ) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $ -and $[1].value -cmatch 'ASYNC$' } ) ) {
            Write-Debug "AppVolumes: AppVolumes Mount Mode Async? : $Async"

            if (Test-Path -Path $appVolumesLogFile ) {
                ## Step 1, Parse the log file to a sortable, searchable object.
                [int]$DEBUGNumberOfLines = 0

                $StreamStartTime = Get-Date
                $timeZone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local
                $svserviceLogObject = @( Get-Content -Path $appVolumesLogFile | . { Process {
                    ## [2020-01-10 13:43:23.383 UTC] [svservice:P7776:T1108] Service path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CloudVolumes\Agent\svservice.exe
                    ## Split into 3 - the first two [ ] delimited sections and then the rest
                    if( $_ -match '^\[([^\]]+)\] \[([^\]]+)\] (.+)$' -and ( $time = [datetime]::ParseExact( $Matches[1] , 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff UTC' , $null ) ) `
                        -and ( $adjustedForTimeZone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc( $time, $timeZone ) ) `
                            -and $adjustedForTimeZone -ge $start )
                            'Time' = $adjustedForTimeZone
                            'ProcessInfo' = $Matches[2]
                            'Message' = $Matches[3]

                $StreamEndTime = Get-Date
                Write-Verbose "AppVolumes log number of lines parsed : $DEBUGNumberOfLines"
                Write-Verbose "AppVolumes log parsing took : $($(New-TimeSpan -Start $StreamStartTime -End $StreamEndTime).TotalSeconds) seconds"

                ## Step 2, Create an object with the following relationship --> AppName, DiskGUID, AppGUID
                ## sort-Object log by relevant events
                [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$AppVolumesLogonEvents = $svserviceLogObject | Where-Object {($_.Time -ge $Start) -and ($_.Time -le $End)}
                ## Get Mapped in AppVolumes from the Event Logs
                $AppList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
                Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable ( @{ 'ProviderName' = 'svservice' ; Id = 218 ; StartTime = $start ; EndTime = $end } + $onlineOfflineFilter ) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | . { Process { $[1].Value -split  "`r`n" } } | . { Process {
                    ## multiple lines of MOUNTED-READ;External SSD\appvolumes\packages\PuTTY.vmdk;{b2a70e3f-90ef-45b5-87a0-b7d07402a977}
                    if( $_ -match '(MOUNTED.*);(.+);({.+})' ) {
                        $AppList.Add( [pscustomobject]@{
                            'MountType' = $matches[1]
                            'AppPath'   = $matches[2]
                            'AppGUID'   = $matches[3] 
                            'AppName'   = $matches[2].Split( '\' )[-1].Replace( '.vmdk' , '' ).Replace( '!20!' , ' ').Replace( '!2B!' , '+' ).Replace( '!5C!' , '\' )  
                            'AppId'     = $null } )
                    elseif( $_ -match 'ENABLE-APP;({.+});({.+})' ) ## ENABLE-APP;{65950e61-0304-45a6-b354-f3b26ced3f64};{b2a70e3f-90ef-45b5-87a0-b7d07402a977}
                        if( $appObject = $AppList | Where-Object AppGuid -eq $Matches[2] | Select-Object -First 1 )
                            $appObject.AppId = $Matches[1]
                            Write-Debug "Couldn't find appguid $($matches[2]) in AppList"

                Write-Verbose "AppVolumes List:"
                Write-Verbose "$($AppList | Select-Object -Property * | Out-String)"

                [array]$AppVolGUIDMappings = $( @( Foreach ($App in $AppList) {
                    $result = $null
                    Write-Verbose "AppGUID   : $($App.AppGUID)"
                    $AppVolGUIDEvents = $AppVolumesLogonEvents.Message | Where-Object {$_ -like "*$($App.AppGUID)*"}
                    Write-Debug "AppVolGUIDEvents : $($AppVolGuidEvents | Out-String)"
                    foreach ($GUIDEvent in $AppVolGUIDEvents) {
                        if( ! $result -and $GUIDEvent -match '(\\Device\\\w+)' ) {
                            [string]$appDevice = $Matches[1]
                            Write-Verbose "AppDevice : $appDevice"
                            $AppVolDeviceEvents = $AppVolumesLogonEvents.Message | Where-Object {$_ -like "*$appDevice*"}
                            ## Do we assume VMWare will always keep the messages to a specific format? Or filter out the AppGUID
                            ## and assume what's left is the device GUID?  I'm leaning towards the latter... Let me know if this fails future Trentent
                            foreach ($AppVolDeviceEvent in $AppVolDeviceEvents) {
                                if (($AppVolDeviceEvent -like "*$appDevice*") -and ($AppVolDeviceEvent -notlike "*$($App.AppGUID)*")) {
                                    Write-Debug "AppVolDeviceEvent: $AppVolDeviceEvent"
                                    if( $appDevice -and $App.AppGUID -and ( $GUIDs = [regex]::Match( $AppVolDeviceEvent , "({[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{12}})" ) ) -and $GUIDS.Success )
                                        $DiskGUID =  $(if ( ! ( $GUIDS -is [array] ) -or $GUIDS.count -eq 1) {
                                        } elseif ($GUIDS.count -eq 2) {
                                            $GUIDS.Value | Where-Object { $_ -ne $App.AppGUID }
                                        } else {
                                            Write-Debug "AppVolumes: ERROR -- Unable to determine DiskGUD from `"$AppVolDeviceEvent`""
                                        ## only create object if all fields are present
                                        if( $DiskGUID -and ($appName = $AppList | Where-Object AppGUID -eq $App.AppGUID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AppName ) )
                                            Write-Verbose "$appName DiskGUID : $DiskGUID"
                                            $result = [pscustomobject]@{
                                                'AppGUID' = $App.AppGUID
                                                'AppDevice' = $appDevice
                                                'DiskGUID' = $DiskGUID
                                                'AppName' = $appName
                                                'AppId' = $app.AppId }
                } ) | Sort-Object -Property AppGUID -Unique ) ## ensure only have 1 entry per app

                ## Now that we have the full relationships for each App we can trace how long they took for each stage
                $appVolArgs = @{}
                $appVolArgs.Add("StartTime", $($Start))
                $appVolArgs.Add("EndTime", $($End))
                $AppVolWinEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable ( $appVolArgs + $onlineOfflineFilter ) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

                Write-Debug "Number of AppVolume events: $($AppVolWinEvents.count)"

                #We are going to aggregate all the results. We're going to check for the 3 properties for each AppVolume (DiskGUID, AppGUID, AppDevice)
                #for each event in the Windows Application Event log, Security Event Log and the svservice.log file. If there is a match we'll add it to a sortable object with those
                $perAppTimes = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]"
                for ($i=0; $AppVolGUIDMappings -and $i -lt $AppVolGUIDMappings.Count; $i++) {
                    #get all Windows Application events for that specific AppVol Object
                    foreach ($AppVolWinEvent in $AppVolWinEvents) {
                        if (($AppVolWinEvent.message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].DiskGUID)*") -or ($AppVolWinEvent.message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppDevice)*") -or ($AppVolWinEvent.message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppGUID)*") -or ($AppVolWinEvent.Message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId)*")){
                            $perAppTimes.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 
                                'Time' = $AppVolWinEvent.TimeCreated
                                'Message' = $AppVolWinEvent.Message
                                'ID' = $AppVolWinEvent.Id
                                'DiskGUID' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].DiskGUID
                                'AppDevice' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppDevice
                                'AppGUID' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppGUID
                                'AppName' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppName
                                'AppId' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId
                                'EventRecord' = $AppVolWinEvent
                            #Write-Host "$($AppVolWinEvent | out-string)"
                    #Get svservice.log events
                    $svserviceLogObject | Where-Object { $_.Time -le $End -and $_.Time -ge $Start -and ( $_.message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].DiskGUID)*" -or $_.message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppDevice)*" -or $_.message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppGUID)*" -or ( $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId -and $_.Message -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId)*")) } | . { Process {
                        $perAppTimes.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 
                            'Time' = $_.Time
                            'ID' = $_.ProcessInfo
                            'Message' = $_.Message
                            'DiskGUID' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].DiskGUID
                            'AppDevice' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppDevice
                            'AppGUID' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppGUID
                            'AppName' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppName
                            'AppId' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId
                            'EventRecord' =$null })

                    #Get Process start events
                    $securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.TimeCreated -le $End -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $Start `
                            -and ($_.Properties[8].Value -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].DiskGUID)*" -or $_.Properties[8].Value -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppDevice)*" -or $_.Properties[8].Value -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppGUID)*" -or ( $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId -and $_.Properties[8].Value -like "*$($AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppID)*" )) } | . { Process {
                        $perAppTimes.Add( [pscustomobject]@{
                            'Time' = $_.TimeCreated
                            'ID' = $_.Id
                            'Message' = $_.Message
                            'DiskGUID' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].DiskGUID
                            'AppDevice' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppDevice
                            'AppGUID' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppGUID
                            'AppName' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppName
                            'AppId' = $AppVolGUIDMappings[$i].AppId
                            'EventRecord' = $_

                #Get Process End Events
                 ## -and $[$processName].Value -like '*\cmd.exe*'
                $perAppTimes += @( $perAppTimes | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $[5].Value -like '*\cmd.exe' } | . { Process {
                    $perAppEvent = $_
                    $BatchStartEvent = $_.EventRecord
                    ## $_.TimeCreated -eq $perAppEvent.Time -and $_.Message -like $perAppEvent.message } ) `
                    ##if( ( $BatchStartEvent = $securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $perAppEvent.EventRecord.RecordId -eq $_.RecordId } ) `
                    if ( $BatchEndEvent = $securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $BatchStartEvent.TimeCreated -and $[$ProcessIdStop].Value -eq $BatchStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$processName].Value -like '*\cmd.exe*'} | Select-Object -First 1 ) {
                        Write-Debug "Found process end event: $(($BatchEndEvent).TimeCreated) : $(($BatchEndEvent).Message.Substring(0,20))"
                        #This finds process start events.  Need to find process end events (see further below)
                        [pscustomobject] @{
                            'Time' =  $BatchEndEvent.TimeCreated
                            'ID' =  $BatchEndEvent.Id
                            'Message' =  $BatchEndEvent.Message
                            'DiskGUID' =  $perAppEvent.DiskGUID
                            'AppDevice' =  $perAppEvent.AppDevice
                            'AppGUID' =  $perAppEvent.AppGUID
                            'AppName' =  $perAppEvent.AppName
                            'AppId' = $perAppEvent.AppId
                            'EventRecord' =  $perAppEvent }
                #measure appvolumes logon blocking event (Wait for volume(s) to mount) -- start (eventID 210) and end event "227" in - last 227 event if WaitForVolumes is false/first if true
                if( $startRecord = $AppVolWinEvents.Where( { $_.Id -eq "210" -and $_.Properties[1].Value -match "Session ID:\s*$SessionId$" } , 1 ) ) {
                    if ($global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly) {
                        $endRecord = $AppVolWinEvents.Where( { $ -eq "226" -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $startRecord.TimeCreated } ) | Sort-Object -Property TimeCreated | Select-Object -First 1
                    } else {
                        $endRecord = $AppVolWinEvents.Where( { $ -eq "227" -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $startRecord.TimeCreated } ) | Sort-Object -Property TimeCreated | Select-Object -Last 1
                    if( $endRecord )
                        if( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartRecord.TimeCreated -End $EndRecord.TimeCreated -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
                            ## as this is a blocking phase we add to main output
                            $Script:output.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 
                                'Source' = 'App Volumes'
                                'PhaseName' = 'Wait For Volume Attach'
                                'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                                'EndTime' = $EndRecord.TimeCreated
                                'StartTime' = $StartRecord.TimeCreated
                            Write-Debug -Message "Unable to get duration for measure app volumes logon blocking event"
                        ## Don't have disk info so can't check if mounted. Will be errors in the log file
                        $sharedVariables.Warnings.Add( "Unable to find VMware App Volumes disk mount event for apps $((($applist | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AppName) -replace '!2B!' , '+' -replace '!20!' , ' ' ) -join ', ')" )

                #OK, we finally have all of our information we need to measure everything. We will measure each app for each stage. For each stage
                #we are going to find the process start and end times and use the process end times to determine when the app completed it's work.
                #this is because the events AppVolumes generates are ambiguous for when a script finishes or when a stage was complete. If we can't find the event
                #we're going to have to rely on the events within the capture itself
                #Find first Logon Event
                $stages = @( "Prestartup" , "Startup_Postsvc" , "Startup" , "Logon" , "AllVolAttached" , "ShellStart" )

                foreach ($App in $AppVolGUIDMappings) {
                    if( $global:appVolumesVersion -ge '4.0' ) {
                        $perAppTimes | Where-Object { $_.AppGuid -eq $app.AppGUID -and $_.Message -like "*RunScript_VolumeScripts: user script*" }| Sort-Object -Property Time | . { Process {
                            $scriptStartEvent = $_
                            [int]$index = ($AppVolumesLogonEvents.FindIndex( {$args[0].Message -eq $ScriptStartEvent.Message } ))

                            if( $index -ge 0 -and ( $stage = $([regex]::Matches($ScriptStartEvent.Message, "(\[.*?\])") | Select-Object -First 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ))
                                Write-Verbose "AppVolumes: Phase Event: $($app.AppName) - $stage"
                                #Get launch event that should occur immediately after RunScript_
                                #Look for event 4688 and 4689 pairs
                                Write-Verbose "AppVolumes: Message to key in on: `"$($ScriptStartEvent.Message)`""

                                $StartEvent = $null
                                $EndEvent = $null
                                $result = $null
                                for ($a = $index ; $a -lt ($index + 8) -and ! $result ; $a++) {  #script launch events should occur within the next 4 lines (for AppVolumes 4) from where we found RunScript_Volume
                                    #sample line: CreateProcessCheckResult: Successfully launched: "C:\PROGRA~2\CLOUDV~1\Agent\Config\Default\app\SHELLS~1.BAT". WaitMilliseconds -1 ms, pid=6244 tid=2780
                                    #if ( $AppVolumesLogonEvents[$a].Message -like '*launch*BAT*pid=*' -and $AppVolumesLogonEvents[$a].ProcessInfo -eq $ScriptStartEvent.Id ) {  
                                    if ( $AppVolumesLogonEvents[$a].Message -match 'launch.*\.BAT\b.*\bpid=(\d+)' -and $AppVolumesLogonEvents[$a].ProcessInfo -eq $ScriptStartEvent.Id ) {  
                                        [int]$processId = $Matches[1]

                                        Write-Verbose "AppVolumes: Found PID : $processId"

                                       if( ! $result -and ( $startRecord = $securityEvents.Where( { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $Start -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -eq $processId -and $_.Properties[13].value.EndsWith( '\svservice.exe' )  -and $_.Properties[5].Value.EndsWith( '\cmd.exe' ) } )| Select-Object -Last 1 ) `
                                            -and ( $endRecord = $securityEvents.Where( { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $Start -and $[$ProcessIdStop].Value -eq $startRecord.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$processName].Value.EndsWith( '\cmd.exe' ) } )| Select-Object -Last 1 ) ) {
                                                 $result = [pscustomobject]@{
                                                        Source = 'App Volumes'
                                                        PhaseName = "$($stage -replace '[\[\]]') `"$($App.AppName)`""
                                                        Duration  = ($endRecord.TimeCreated - $startRecord.TimeCreated).TotalSeconds
                                                        EndTime   = $endRecord.TimeCreated
                                                        StartTime = $startRecord.TimeCreated }
                                if( $result )
                                    $Script:AppVolumesOutput.Add( $result )
                                    Write-Debug -Message "Failed to find launch event for app $($App|Select-Object -ExpandProperty AppName -EA SilentlyContinue) $($scriptStartEvent.Message)"
                    else ## not v4.0 or higher
                        foreach ($stage in $stages) {
                            [bool]$foundStage = $false
                            try {
                                if( ! $foundStage -and ( $startRecord = $perAppTimes | Where-Object { $_.AppName -eq $App.AppName -and $_.PSObject.Properties[ 'EventRecord' ] -and $_.EventRecord.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.EventRecord.Properties[8].value -like "*\$stage.bat*" } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty EventRecord ) `
                                    -and ( $EndRecord = ($securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $StartRecord.TimeCreated -and $[$ProcessIdStop].Value -eq $StartRecord.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$processName].Value -like '*\cmd.exe'} | Select-Object -First 1 ) ) )
                                    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
                                        'Source' = 'App Volumes'
                                        'PhaseName' = "$stage `"$($App.AppName)`""
                                        'Duration' = ($EndRecord.TimeCreated - $startRecord.TimeCreated).TotalSeconds
                                        'EndTime' = $EndRecord.TimeCreated
                                        'StartTime' = $StartRecord.TimeCreated
                                    if( $appVolumesVersion -le [version]'2.12.9999.0' )
                                        $Script:Output.Add( $result )
                                    else ## not blocking so we will list afterwards
                                        $Script:AppVolumesOutput.Add( $result )
                                    $foundStage = $true ## only want one per phase
                            catch {
                                Write-Debug "Found no start or stop events for $($App.AppName) in $($stage)"


                # GRL Code commented out since AppVolumes events are output as a separate phase so can't intertwine them with the Windows phases

                $AppVolumesLogonPhase = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]"
                $AppVolumesShellStartPhase =  New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]"

                foreach ($phase in $Script:AppVolumesOutput ) {
                    if (($phase.phaseName -like "*prestartup*") -or ($phase.phaseName -like "*startup_postsvc*") -or ($phase.phaseName -like "*startup*") -or ($phase.phaseName -like "*logon*") -or ($phase.phaseName -like "*allvolattached*")) {

                    if (($phase.phaseName -like "*shellstart*")) {


                if( $AppVolumesLogonPhase -and ( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start ($AppVolumesLogonPhase | sort-Object -Property StartTime)[0].StartTime -End ($AppVolumesLogonPhase | sort-Object -Property EndTime -Descending)[0].EndTime )) {
                    $Script:AppVolumesOutput.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 
                        'PhaseName' = "AppVolumes - Logon"
                        'Duration'  = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                        'EndTime'   = $AppVolumesLogonPhase | Sort-Object -Property EndTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty EndTime
                        'StartTime' = $AppVolumesLogonPhase | Sort-Object -Property StartTime | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty StartTime
                    } )

                if( $AppVolumesShellStartPhase -and ( $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start ($AppVolumesShellStartPhase | sort-Object -Property StartTime)[0].StartTime -End ($AppVolumesShellStartPhase | sort-Object -Property EndTime -Descending)[0].EndTime ) ) {
                    $ScriptAppVolumesOutput.Add( [pscustomobject]@{
                        'PhaseName' = "AppVolumes - ShellStart"
                        'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                        'EndTime' = $AppVolumesShellStartPhase | Sort-Object -Property EndTime -Descending| Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty EndTime
                        'StartTime' = $AppVolumesShellStartPhase | Sort-Object -Property StartTime | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty StartTime

            } else {
                Write-Verbose "AppVolumes log file `"$appVolumesLogFile`" not found. Skipping AppVolumes verbose enumeration"

        ## Set up runspacepool as we will parallelise some operations
        $SessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
        ## need to import the functions we need from this module
        @( 'New-XPath' , 'Get-PhaseEvent' , 'Get-EventLogEnabledStatus' ) | ForEach-Object `
            $function = $_
            $Definition = Get-Content Function:\$function -ErrorAction Continue
            $SessionStateFunction = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry -ArgumentList $function , $Definition
        ## sharing variables with the runspaces which includes the warnings output at the end
        $SessionState.Variables.Add( (New-Object -Typename System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry  -ArgumentList 'sharedVariables' , $sharedVariables , 'Shared Variables hashtable' ) )

        $RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(
            1, ## Min Runspaces
            10 , ## Max parallel runspaces ,
            $sessionstate ,
        $sharedVars = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
        $tsevent = $null
        $logonEvent = $null
        $UserLogon = $null
        $wmiEvent = $null
        $jobs = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        $prelogonData = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]

        [string]$initialProgram = $null

        if( $offline )
            $logon = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'logon.json' ) | ConvertFrom-Json
            $logon.LogonTime = [DateTime]::FromFileTime( $logon.LogonTimeFileTime ) ## have to use this absolute figure otherwise is wrong timezone potentially
            $logon.UserSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier -ArgumentList $logon.UserSID.Value
            $global:windowsMajorVersion = $logon.OSversion
            $ClientName = $logon.ClientName
            $CUDesktopLoadTime = $logon.CUDesktopLoadTime
            $initialProgram = $logon.InitialProgram
            $LoopbackProcessingMode = $logon.LoopbackProcessingMode
            $RSOPLogging = $logon.RSOPLogging
            $WMILoggingMode = $logon.WMILoggingMode
            $UserDomain = $logon.UserDomain
            $OSBuildNumber = $global:WindowsOSBuildNumber
            $OSCaption = $global:WindowsOSCaption
            $OSReleaseId = $global:WindowsOSReleaseId
            $initialProgram = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Ica\Session\$SessionId\Connection" -Name InitialProgram -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InitialProgram
            $OS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $CS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_computersystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if( $OS )
                Write-Debug "OS is $($OS.Caption) $($OS.Version), last booted $(Get-Date $OS.LastBootupTime -Format G), PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"
            if( $CS )
                Write-Debug "Manufacturer $($CS.Manufacturer) model $($CS.Model), name $($CS.Name) domain $($CS.Domain) virtual $($CS.HypervisorPresent)"

            ## we use LSA to get the definitive logon time
            if( ! ( ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Win32.Secure32').Type ) )
                Add-Type -MemberDefinition $LSADefinitions -Name 'Secure32' -Namespace 'Win32' -UsingNamespace System.Text -Debug:$false

            $count = [UInt64]0
            $luidPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero

            [uint64]$ntStatus = [Win32.Secure32]::LsaEnumerateLogonSessions( [ref]$count , [ref]$luidPtr )

            if( $ntStatus )
                Write-Error "LsaEnumerateLogonSessions failed with error $ntStatus"
            elseif( ! $count )
                Write-Error "No sessions returned by LsaEnumerateLogonSessions"
            elseif( $luidPtr -eq [IntPtr]::Zero )
                Write-Error "No buffer returned by LsaEnumerateLogonSessions"
                Write-Debug "$count sessions retrieved from LSASS"
                [IntPtr] $iter = $luidPtr
                $earliestSession = $null
                [array]$lsaSessions = @( For ([uint64]$i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++)
                    $sessionData = [IntPtr]::Zero
                    $ntStatus = [Win32.Secure32]::LsaGetLogonSessionData( $iter , [ref]$sessionData )

                    if( ! $ntStatus -and $sessionData -ne [IntPtr]::Zero )
                        $data = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure( $sessionData , [type][Win32.Secure32+SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA] )

                        if ($data.PSiD -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)
                            $sid = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier -ArgumentList $Data.PSiD

                            #extract some useful information from the session data struct
                            [datetime]$loginTime = [datetime]::FromFileTime( $data.LoginTime )
                            $thisUser = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.Username.buffer) #get the account name
                            $thisDomain = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.LoginDomain.buffer) #get the domain name
                                $secType = [Win32.Secure32+SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE]$data.LogonType
                                $secType = 'Unknown'

                            if( ! $earliestSession -or $loginTime -lt $earliestSession )
                                $earliestSession = $loginTime

                            if( $thisUser -eq $Username -and $thisDomain -eq $UserDomain -and $secType -match 'Interactive' )
                                $authPackage = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.AuthenticationPackage.buffer) #get the authentication package
                                $session = $data.Session # get the session number
                                Write-Debug "session: $session"
                                if( $session -eq $SessionId )
                                    $logonServer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.LogonServer.buffer) #get the logon server
                                    $DnsDomainName = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.DnsDomainName.buffer) #get the DNS Domain Name
                                    $upn = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.upn.buffer) #get the User Principal Name

                                        'Sid' = $sid
                                        'Username' = $thisUser
                                        'Domain' = $thisDomain
                                        'Session' = $session
                                        'LoginId' = [uint64]( $loginID = [Int64]("0x{0:x8}{1:x8}" -f $data.LoginID.HighPart , $data.LoginID.LowPart) )
                                        'LogonServer' = $logonServer
                                        'DnsDomainName' = $DnsDomainName
                                        'UPN' = $upn
                                        'AuthPackage' = $authPackage
                                        'SecurityType' = $secType
                                        'Type' = $data.LogonType
                                        'LoginTime' = [datetime]$loginTime
                        [void][Win32.Secure32]::LsaFreeReturnBuffer( $sessionData )
                        $sessionData = [IntPtr]::Zero
                    $iter = $iter.ToInt64() + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([type][Win32.Secure32+LUID])  # move to next pointer
                }) | Sort-Object -Descending -Property 'LoginTime'

                [void]([Win32.Secure32]::LsaFreeReturnBuffer( $luidPtr ))
                $luidPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero

                Write-Debug "Found $(if( $lsaSessions ) { $lsaSessions.Count } else { 0 }) LSA sessions for $UserDomain\$Username, earliest session $(if( $earliestSession ) { Get-Date $earliestSession -Format G } else { 'never' })"

            if( $lsaSessions -and $lsaSessions.Count )
                ## get all logon ids for logons that happened at the same time
                [array]$loginIds = @( $lsaSessions | Where-Object { $_.LoginTime -eq $lsaSessions[0].LoginTime } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LoginId )
                if( ! $loginIds -or ! $loginIds.Count )
                    Write-Error "Found no login ids for $username at $(Get-Date -Date $lsaSessions[0].LoginTime -Format G)"

                ## Merge can add quite a bit if WMI is enabled, so it would be interesting to know if it's used
                if (-not( $offline )) {
                    $LoopbackProcessingMode = "Not configured"
                    switch (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "UserPolicyMode" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
                            1 { $LoopBackProcessingMode = "Merge" }
                            2 { $LoopBackProcessingMode = "Replace" }

                if (-not( $offline )) {
                    $RSoPLogging = "Not configured (Default: Enabled)" 
                    switch (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "RSoPLogging" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
                            1 { $RSoPLogging = "Enabled"  }
                            0 { $RSoPLogging = "Disabled" }

                $Logon = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                    LogonTime = $lsaSessions[0].LoginTime
                    LogonTimeFileTime = $lsaSessions[0].LoginTime.ToFileTime()
                    FormatTime = $lsaSessions[0].LoginTime.ToString( 'HH:mm:ss.fff' )
                    TimeZone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    SessionId = $SessionId
                    LogonID = $loginIds
                    UserSID = $lsaSessions[0].Sid
                    Type = $lsaSessions[0].Type
                    OSversion = $global:windowsMajorVersion
                    ClientName = $ClientName
                    CUDesktopLoadTime = $CUDesktopLoadTime
                    InitialProgram = $initialProgram
                    UserName = $Username
                    UserDomain = $UserDomain
                    WMILoggingMode = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wbem\CIMOM' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Logging" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
                    LoopbackProcessingMode = $LoopBackProcessingMode
                    RSOPLogging = $RSOPLogging
                    OSBuildNumber = $global:WindowsOSBuildNumber
                    OSCaption = $global:WindowsOSCaption
                    OSReleaseId = $global:WindowsOSReleaseId
                    ## No point saving XD details since these cannot be used offline
                if( $dumpForOffline )
                    if( $logon )
                        $logon | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 | Set-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'logon.json' )

                    Write-Debug "Required files dumped to `"$logsFolder`". Please zip and email to"
                Throw "Failed to retrieve logon session for $UserDomain\$Username from LSASS"

        Write-Debug "Logon data: $($Logon | Out-String) Logon Ids $($logon.LogonID -join ' , ')"

    process {
            [hashtable]$parameters = @{
                'UserName' = $userName
                'UserDomain' = $UserDomain
                'Logon' = $logon
                'SharedVars' = $sharedVars
                'ApplicationEventFile'  = $global:applicationParams[ 'Path' ]
                'UserProfileEventFile'  = $global:userProfileParams[ 'Path' ]
                'GroupPolicyEventFile'  = $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ]
                'CitrixUPMEventFile'    = $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ]
                'AppVolumesEventFile'   = $global:AppVolumesParams[ 'Path' ]
                'SecurityEventFile'     = $global:securityParams[ 'Path' ]
                'terminalEventFile'     = $global:terminalServicesParams[ 'Path' ]
                'fslogixEventFile'      = $global:FsLogixParams[ 'Path' ]
                'schedEventFile'        = $global:scheduledTasksParams[ 'Path' ]
                'appsenseEventFile'     = $global:appsenseParams[ 'Path' ]
                'printEventFile'        = $global:printServiceParams[ 'Path' ]
                'appdefaultEventFile'   = $global:appdefaultsParams[ 'Path' ]
                'FolderRedirectionFile' = $global:folderRedirectionParams[ 'Path' ]
                'WindowsShellCoreFile'  = $global:windowsShellCoreParams[ 'Path' ]
                'appreadinessEventFile' = $global:appReadinessParams[ 'Path' ]
                'wmiactivityEventFile'  = $global:wmiactivityParams[ 'Path' ]
                'winlogonFile'          = $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ]

        # If the machine is a Citrix VDA and a Session ID is provided, look for "HDX Connection" Phase
        [string]$profilerDataJsonFile = $(if( $dumpForOffline -or $global:logsFolder ){ (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'profilerdata.json' ) })
        [string]$citrixDataJsonFile = $(if( -Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $global:logsFolder )){ (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'CitrixData.json') })
        $odataPhase = [pscustomobject]@{}

        if ( ((Get-Service -Name BrokerAgent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $SessionID ) -or $Global:services.Where( { $_.Name -eq 'BrokerAgent' } ) ) {
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$prelogonData = Get-CitrixData -sessionId $SessionID
            if( $offline )
                if( -Not ( $odataPhase = Get-Content -Path $citrixDataJsonFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json ) )
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to get offline Citrix data from $citrixDataJsonFile"
            elseif( ( $citrixClient = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\Citrix\hdx -ClassName Citrix_Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Where-Object SessionId -eq $sessionId ) `
                -or ( $citrixClient = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\Citrix\hdx -ClassName Citrix_Client_Enum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object SessionId -eq $sessionId ) )
                $odataPhase = [pscustomobject]@{
                    'Client Name' = $citrixClient.Name
                    'Client Version' = $citrixClient.Version
                    'Client Address' = $citrixClient.Address }
                if( $vdaVersion = Get-Process -name BrokerAgent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty versioninfo|Select-Object -ExpandProperty productversion )
                    Add-Member -InputObject $odataPhase -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'VDA Version' -Value $vdaVersion
                if( $dumpForOffline )
                    $odataPhase | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 | Out-File -FilePath $citrixDataJsonFile
        elseif( (Get-Service -Name WSNM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or ( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $profilerDataJsonFile ) -and ( Test-Path -Path $profilerDataJsonFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ) )
            ## VMware Horizon View Agent
            [string]$horizonSessionKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\SessionData\$SessionId"
            [hashtable]$onlineOfflineTS = @{}
            if( $global:terminalServicesParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $onlineOfflineTS.Add( 'Path' , $global:terminalServicesParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $horizonInfoValues = Get-ItemProperty -Path $horizonSessionKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if( ! $offline -and ! $horizonInfoValues )
                $VDMversion = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM' -Name 'ProductVersion' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProductVersion') -as [version]
                if( ! $VDMversion -or $VDMversion.Major -lt 7 )
                   $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "At least version 7.x of VMware Horizon View is required, detected version was $($VDMversion.ToString())" )
                elseif( $currentSessionState -eq 4 )
                    [string]$warningMessage = "Session is currently disconnected "
                    if( $disconnectionEvent = Get-WinEvent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; EndTime = [datetime]::Now ; Id = 24 ; ProviderName = 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager' } + $onlineOfflineTS ) | Where-Object { $_.Properties[0].Value -eq "$($Logon.Userdomain)\$($logon.username)" -and $_.Properties[1].Value -eq $sessionId } | Select-Object -First 1 )
                        $warningMessage += "(at $(Get-Date -Date $disconnectionEvent.TimeCreated -Format G)) "
                    $warningMessage += "so VMware Horizon View session key has been deleted meaning that data is not available"
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warningMessage )
                    [string]$message = "Horizon SessionData registry key `"$horizonSessionKey`" not yet present - it can take up to 10 minutes after logon to appear - logon was $([math]::Round( ([datetime]::Now - $logon.LogonTime).Minutes , 1 )) minutes ago"
                    ## see if parent key exists as this has been observed to be missing
                    [string]$parentKey = Split-Path -Path $horizonSessionKey -Parent
                    if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $parentKey -PathType Container -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                        $message += " (parent key `"$(Split-Path -Path $parentKey -Leaf)`" is missing)"
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $message )
                    ## if whole key not there soon after logon then almost certainly RDP as PCOIP and BLAST cause session key to be created
                    Add-Member -InputObject $odataPhase -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Display Protocol' -Value 'RDP'
                if( $horizonInfoValues )
                    ## Use Citrix phase to pass back info we want displayed first
                    ## values are missing for RDP protocol
                    [hashtable]$sessionProperties = @{ 'Display Protocol' = 'RDP' }
                    if( $horizonInfoValues.PSObject.Properties[ 'ViewClient_Protocol' ] )
                        $sessionProperties.'Display Protocol' = $horizonInfoValues.ViewClient_Protocol
                    if( $horizonInfoValues.PSObject.Properties[ 'ViewClient_Machine_Name' ] )
                        $sessionProperties.Add( 'Client Name' , $horizonInfoValues.ViewClient_Machine_Name )
                    if( $horizonInfoValues.PSObject.Properties[ 'ViewClient_Broker_DNS_Name' ] )
                        $sessionProperties.Add( 'Broker' , $horizonInfoValues.ViewClient_Broker_DNS_Name )
                    Add-Member -InputObject $odataPhase -NotePropertyMembers $sessionProperties

                ## See if profilerdata exists yet - it can take up to 10 minues to appear!
                if( ! $offline -and ! $horizonInfoValues.PSObject.Properties[ 'ProfilerData' ] )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "VMware Horizon ProfilerData registry value not present in key `"$horizonSessionKey`" - it can take up to 10 minutes after logon to appear - logon was $([math]::Round( ([datetime]::Now - $logon.LogonTime).Minutes , 1 )) minutes ago. Run vdmadmin -I -timingProfiler -enable ?" )
                    if( $dumpForOffline )
                        $horizonInfoValues.ProfilerData | Out-File -FilePath $profilerDataJsonFile
                    if( $offline -and ( Test-Path -Path $profilerDataJsonFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                        $profilerData = Get-Content -Path $profilerDataJsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
                        $profilerData = $horizonInfoValues.ProfilerData | ConvertFrom-Json

                    if( $profilerData )
                        ## If session has reconnected then profilerdata is for the reconnection not the original logon so no point showing it
                        if( ( $brokerTime = Get-JSONProperty -inputObject $profilerData -name 'broker' ) `
                         -and ($StartTime = (Get-Date -Date $brokertime.value.s).ToLocalTime()) `
                            -and $StartTime -gt $logon.LogonTime )
                            ## Look for disconnect and reconnect events for this session and user between these two times
                            [array]$connectionEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; EndTime = $StartTime.AddSeconds( 120 ) ; Id = @( 24 , 25) ; ProviderName = 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager' } + $onlineOfflineTS ) | Where-Object { $_.Properties[0].Value -eq "$($Logon.Userdomain)\$($logon.username)" -and $_.Properties[1].Value -eq $sessionId } )
                            if( $connectionEvents -and $connectionEvents.Count )
                                [string]$warningMessage = "Session "
                                if( $disconnectedEvent = $connectionEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 24 }  | Select-Object -First 1 )
                                    $warningMessage += "disconnected at $(Get-Date -Date $disconnectedEvent.TimeCreated -Format G) "
                                if( $reconnectedEvent = $connectionEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 25 }  | Select-Object -First 1 )
                                    if( $disconnectedEvent )
                                        $warningMessage += 'and '
                                    $warningMessage += "reconnected at $(Get-Date -Date $reconnectedEvent.TimeCreated -Format G) "
                                $warningMessage += 'so ignoring VMware brokering data which is for the reconnection'
                                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warningMessage )
                                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "VMware brokering event is $([math]::Round( ($StartTime - $logon.LogonTime).TotalMinutes , 1 ) ) minutes after logon but unable to find evidence of disconnect & reconnect in event log" )
                        else ## profilerdata data is for the logon so get the VMware phases
                            ForEach( $jsonProperty in @( 'broker' , 'authentication' , 'protocol-connection' , 'clientConnectWait' , 'appLaunch' , 'agentPrepare' , 'protocolStartup' ))
                                If( $property = Get-JSONProperty -inputObject $profilerData -name $jsonProperty )
                                        $object = [pscustomobject]@{
                                            Source = 'Horizon'
                                            PhaseName =  (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase( ($jsonProperty -creplace '([A-Z])' , ' $1' -replace '(\-)' , ' ') )
                                            StartTime = (Get-Date -Date $property.value.s).ToLocalTime()
                                            EndTime   = (Get-Date -Date $property.value.e).ToLocalTime()
                                            Duration  = ($property.value.d -as [int]) / 1000 }
                                        $object = $null

                                    if( $object -and $object.Duration -gt 0 )
                                        $prelogonData.Add( $object )
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to translate JSON session data information in VMware Horizon View session key `"$horizonSessionKey`"" )
        [hashtable]$securityFilter = @{StartTime=$logon.LogonTime;EndTime=($logon.LogonTime.AddMinutes( 20 ));Id=4018,5018,4688,4689}  ## TTYE Bringing search time down from 60min to 20min (perf enhancement)
        if( $securityParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $securityFilter.Add( 'Path' , $securityParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $securityFilter.Add( 'LogName' , 'Security' )
        [array]$securityEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $securityFilter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        if( ! $securityEvents -or ! $securityEvents.Count )
            [string]$errorMessage = "Failed to cache any relevant security event log entries from $(Get-Date $logon.LogonTime -Format G) for 60 minutes"
            $endTime = $securityFilter[ 'Endtime' ]
            $securityFilter.Remove( 'StartTime' )
            $securityFilter.Remove( 'EndTime' )
            if( $oldestEvent = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $securityFilter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Oldest -MaxEvents 1 )
                $errorMessage += ". Oldest event is $(Get-Date -Date $oldestEvent.TimeCreated -Format G)"
                if( $endTime -and $oldestEvent.TimeCreated -gt $endTime )
                    $errorMessage += "`nSecurity event log looks to have been overwritten"
            Write-Error -Message $errorMessage
        ## Get CSE finishes as we may need them for VMware DEM but if we don't they are useful/interesting anyway
        ## Find event id 4001 from GP log so we can get activity id to cross ref to 5016 event for finishing of GPO processing
        ## TODO make work offline
        [string]$query = "*[EventData[Data[@Name='PrincipalSamName'] and (Data='$($logon.UserDomain)\$($logon.Username)')]] and *[System[(EventID='4001')]]"
        $CSEArray = $null
        [hashtable]$CSE2GPO = @{}

        if( $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $startProcessingEvent = Get-WinEvent -Path  $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] -FilterXPath $query -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if( $startProcessingEvent = Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy -FilterXPath $query -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
                if ($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated -lt $logon.LogonTime) {
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "User logon processing event was found before when the session was logged on. This occurs when multiple sessions from the same user are on this server." )
                $query = "*[System[(EventID='4016' or EventID='5016' or EventID='6016' or EventID='7016') and TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z'] and Correlation[@ActivityID='{$($startProcessingEvent.ActivityID.Guid)}']]]"
                if( ! ( $CSEarray = @( Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ) -or ! $CSEArray.Count )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to find any group policy event id 5016 instances for CSE finishes" )
                    ## build hash table of cse id and GPO names so we can output when we iterate over finish events later
                    $CSEArray.Where( { $_.Id -eq 4016 } ).ForEach( `
                        $CSE2GPO.Add( $_.Properties[0].Value , $_.Properties[5].Value )
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to find group policy processing starting event id 4001" )

        ## TODO make work offline - difficult given we are looking at registry
        if( ( Get-Service -Name ImmidioFlexProfiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -or $Global:services.Where( { $_.Name -eq 'ImmidioFlexProfiles' } ) )
            ## Need to see if we are being run via GPO or logon script          
            if ( ! (Test-Path -Path HKU:\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) 
                if( ! ( New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Name HKU -Root HKEY_USERS ) )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Unable to map HKEY_USERS" )
            [string]$productName = $null

            ## get all flexeengine processes first as we use several. Need to check source and target subjectlogonid and domain\user as will use different ones depending on if run via CSE or logon script
            [array]$flexEngineStarts = @( $securityEvents.Where( { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and (($_.Properties[$TargetLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                -and $_.Properties[$TargetUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$TargetDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain ) `
                    -or ($_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                        -and $_.Properties[$SubjectUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$SubjectDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain ))`
                            -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -match '\\flexengine\.exe$' -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $logon.LogonTime } ) )

            if( ! $OfflineAnalysis -and ! ( $immidioKey = Get-Item -Path "HKU:\$($Logon.UserSID.Value)\Software\Policies\Immidio\Flex Profiles\Arguments" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Unable to get VMware DEM GPO settings from HKCU" )
            elseif( ! $OfflineAnalysis -and $immidioKey.GetValue('GPClientSideExtension') -eq [int]1 ) ## GPO
                Write-Verbose -Message "VMware DEM running as CSE"
                ## reported later in CSEs
                if( $CSEarray -and $CSEarray.Count )
                    # TODO what about older versions, eg. UEM?
                    if( ! ( $DEMEvent = $CSEarray.Where( { $_.Properties[2].Value -match 'VMware\b.*\bEnvironment Manager' -or $_.Properties[2].Value -match 'VMware\b.*\bUEM\b' } , 1 ) ) )
                        $warnings.Add( "Failed to find group policy event log id 5016 for VMware DEM" )
                        $Script:output.Add( ([pscustomobject]@{
                                        Source    = 'VMware DEM'
                                        PhaseName = 'Logon'
                                        StartTime = $DEMEvent.TimeCreated
                                        EndTime   = $DEMEvent.TimeCreated.AddMilliseconds( -$DEMEvent.Properties[0].Value )
                                        Duration  = $DEMEvent.Properties[0].Value / 1000 }))
            else ## run by logon script so we look for the flexengine processes with specific command lines for this user after logon
                Write-Verbose -Message "VMware DEM not running as CSE or offline analysis"
                ## look for flexengine.exe -r but don't insist as parent of gpscript.exe (logon script) in case launched some other way
                if( ! $flexEngineStarts -or ! $flexEngineStarts.Count )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to find any flexengine.exe process start events for VMware DEM" )
                    ## find the flexengine start with -r argument - could be quoted or unquoted path to flexengine.exe. Need to exclude -ra and ::Async -r calls
                    ## Don't use .Where() as doesn't work with $Matches
                    ## "C:\Program Files\Immidio\Flex Profiles\FlexEngine.exe" -r
                    if( $flexengineMinusRStart = $flexEngineStarts | Where-Object { ( $_.Properties[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value -match '^"([^"]+)"\s+(.*)$' -or $_.Properties[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value -match '^([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$' ) `
                        -and ($theMatch = $Matches[2]) -like '*-r*' -and $theMatch -notlike '*-ra*' -and $theMatch -notlike '*::*' } | Select-Object -Last 1)
                        [string]$executable = $matches[1]
                        ## find stop event
                        if( $flexengineMinusRStop = $securityEvents.Where( { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $flexengineMinusRStart.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStop].value -eq $flexengineMinusRStart.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].value `
                            -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -eq $flexengineMinusRStart.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value } ) | Select-Object -Last 1 )
                            ## try and pull the product name from the flexengine.exe file so we can report if DEM, UEM, etc
                            $productName = $(if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $executable ) -and ($properties = Get-ItemProperty -Path $executable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) { $properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProductName })
                            if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $productName ) )
                                $productName = 'VMware DEM'
                            $Script:output.Add( ([pscustomobject]@{
                                Source    = $productName
                                PhaseName = 'Logon'
                                StartTime = $flexengineMinusRStart.TimeCreated
                                EndTime   = $flexengineMinusRStop.TimeCreated
                                Duration  = ($flexengineMinusRStop.TimeCreated - $flexengineMinusRStart.TimeCreated).TotalSeconds }))
                            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to find process terminated event for '$($flexengineMinusRStart[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value)' started at $(Get-Date -Date $flexengineMinusRStart.TimeCreated -Format G)" )
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Unable to find VMware DEM flexengine.exe process start with -r argument" )
            ## see if any async flexengine runs and add those to a separate list for displaying in the non-blocking section
            $flexEngineStarts | Where-Object { ( $_.Properties[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value -match '^"([^"]+)"\s+(.*)$' -or $_.Properties[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value -match '^([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$' ) -and (( $arguments = $Matches[2] ) -like '*::Async*' -or $arguments -like '*::DefaultApplications*' ) } | ForEach-Object `
                $asyncFlexengineStart = $_
                ## find stop event - may not be same subjectlogonid as may be launched in generic 999 but end up in the user's session
                if( ! ( $asyncFlexengineStop = $securityEvents.Where( { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $asyncFlexengineStart.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStop].value -eq $asyncFlexengineStart.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].value `
                    -and ( $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -eq $asyncFlexengineStart.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -or $_.Properties[$ProcessStopSid].Value -eq $logon.UserSID.Value ) } ) | Select-Object -Last 1 ) )
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to find process terminated event for '$($asyncFlexengineStart.Properties[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value)' started at $(Get-Date -Date $asyncFlexengineStart.TimeCreated -Format G)" )
                if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $productName ) )
                    if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( ( $productName = $(if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Matches[1] ) -and ($properties = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Matches[1] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) { $properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProductName }) )))
                        $productName = 'VMware DEM'
                $script:vmwareDEMNonBlockingPhases.Add( ([pscustomobject]@{
                    Source    = $productName
                    PhaseName = $arguments -replace '.*::(\w+).*$' , '$1' -creplace '([a-z])([A-Z])' , '$1 $2' ## turn "DefaultApplications" into "Default Applications"
                    StartTime = $asyncFlexengineStart.TimeCreated
                    EndTime   = $asyncFlexengineStop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TimeCreated
                    Duration  = $(if( $asyncFlexengineStop ) { ($asyncFlexengineStop.TimeCreated - $asyncFlexengineStart.TimeCreated).TotalSeconds } )}))

        ## 14/05/19 GRL - if published app then logon finished when icast.exe exits, for published desktop it's explorer.exe start
        [bool]$isPublishedApp = $false
        [bool]$isScript = $false
        $logonFinishedEvent = $null
        [int]$shellPid = -1
        [string]$shellProgram = $null
        [string]$publishedApp = $null
        [string]$publishedAppParameters = $null

        ## Grab the first exe, which is usually icast.exe, as that's the process we look for. If published desktop then value won't exist or will be empty
        if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $initialProgram ) )
            if( $initialProgram -match '^"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"(\s*.*)?' -or $initialProgram -match '^([^\s]*)\s*"([^"]*)"(\s*.*)?' ) ## if icast.exe used then published app will always be "quoted"
                ## look for the published app/script - if a script then figure out what the process would be that launches it
                $shellProgram = $Matches[ 1 ]
                $publishedApp = $Matches[ 2 ]
                $publishedAppParameters = $( if( $Matches[3] ) { $Matches[ 3 ].Trim() } )
                $isPublishedApp = $true
                Write-Debug "Published app detected for session $sessionId (`"$initialProgram`") shell `"$shellProgram`" published app `"$publishedApp`" with parameters `"$publishedAppParameters`""

                ## Executable for published app may have been specified without a full path but events will have path so get the full path
                $publishedApp = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $( switch ( [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension( $publishedApp ) )
                    ## seems that .vbs scripts must be specified via wscript or cscript as the executable
                    '.cmd'  { Join-Path -Path ([environment]::GetFolderPath('System')) -ChildPath 'cmd.exe' ; $isScript = $true } 
                    default { [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables( $publishedApp ) }
                Write-Error "Unable to retrieve published app from `"$initialProgram`""
        else ## published desktop so logon finished is when explorer starts 
            Write-Debug "Published desktop detected for session $sessionId"
            $publishedApp = $shellProgram = (Join-Path -Path $env:SystemRoot -ChildPath 'explorer.exe' )
        $userinitStartEvent = $null

        if( $global:windowsMajorVersion -ge 10 )
            $userinitStartEvent = ($securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$TargetLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                -and $_.Properties[$TargetUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$TargetDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq (Join-Path -Path ([environment]::GetFolderPath('System')) -ChildPath 'userinit.exe' ) } | Select-Object -Last 1 )
        ## else older OS where we don't have enough properties in the process started events to get what we need so will have to look up later

        if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $publishedApp ) )
            ## look for the process start event for the shell (explorer.exe) or pubished app by finding the process start after logon for this user with the same logonid. Select-Object last one in case manually restarted in the session
            if( $userinitStartEvent ) ## we have userinit pid so get published app which isn't a child of this process (e.g. if cmd.exe then don't grab logon scripts but if explorer then must be child of userinit.exe)
                if( $isPublishedApp )
                    $logonFinishedEvent = ($securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                        -and $_.Properties[$SubjectUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$SubjectDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain `
                            -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq $publishedApp `
                                 -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].value -ne $userinitStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].value} ) | Select-Object -Last 1
                    $logonFinishedEvent = ($securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                        -and $_.Properties[$SubjectUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$SubjectDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain `
                            -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq $publishedApp `
                                 -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].value -eq $userinitStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].value} ) | Select-Object -Last 1
            if( ! $logonFinishedEvent -and $SearchCommandLine -and  ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $publishedAppParameters ) ) ## we have parameters so look for those in process invocation
                $logonFinishedEvent = ($securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                    -and $_.Properties[$SubjectUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$SubjectDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain `
                        -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq $publishedApp -and $_.Properties[$NewProcessCmdLine].Value -match [regex]::Escape( $publishedAppParameters ) } ) | Select-Object -Last 1 
            if( ! $logonFinishedEvent ) ## probably older OS so we don't have userinit pid yet
                $logonFinishedEvent = ($securityEvents | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId `
                    -and $_.Properties[$SubjectUserName ].value -eq $Username -and $_.Properties[$SubjectDomainName ].value -eq $UserDomain `
                        -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq $publishedApp } ) | Select-Object -Last 1 
            if( $logonFinishedEvent )
                $shellPid = $logonFinishedEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value
        if( $logonFinishedEvent )
            Write-Debug "Got logon finished time of $((Get-Date -Date $logonFinishedEvent.TimeCreated).ToString( 'hh:mm:ss.fff' )), shell pid $shellPid"
            Write-Debug "Failed to get logon finished time"

        ## This doesn't work on Win7 & 2008R2/2012R2 as target username and domainname don't exist - event only have first 9 properties
        if( ! $userinitStartEvent )
            if( $logonFinishedEvent )
                ## shell will have been spawned by userinit.exe whose pid is $ProcessIdStart of $shellStart so now we can find that
                $userinitStartEvent = ($securityEvents  |Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -eq $logonFinishedEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].Value `
                    -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq (Join-Path -Path ([environment]::GetFolderPath('System')) -ChildPath 'userinit.exe' ) } | Select-Object -Last 1 )
                Write-Debug "Couldn't find a shell process event for user"
        ## Now that we don't user the security logon event 4624, we need another way to get the Winlogon PID to be able to find the mpnotify event but it's only required for that
        ## From the userinit start event, we have the pid of winlogon as that is the parent process

        ## only seem to get this when RDS role is installed (Multi-user Win10 or Server OS)
        if( ! $offline -and (Test-Path -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\Compatibility' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) )
            $networkStartEvent = $null
            if( $userinitStartEvent ) ## need userinitstartevent as it contains Winlogon PID which we used to get from logon event
                $networkStartEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].value -eq $userinitStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].value -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\mpnotify.exe' } | Select-Object -Last 1 )
            if( $networkStartEvent )
                $Script:Output.Add( ( Get-PhaseEventFromCache -source 'Windows' -PhaseName 'Network Providers' `
                    -startEvent $networkStartEvent `
                    -endEvent ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $networkStartEvent.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStop].value -eq $networkStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$ProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\mpnotify.exe' } | Select-Object -Last 1) ) )
                [string]$warning = "Unable to find network providers start event"
                if( $auditingWarning )
                    $warning += "`n$auditingWarning"
                    $auditingWarning = $null ## stop multiple occurrences
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warning )

        if ($offline) { #get the network providers events
            $networkStartEvent = $null
            if( $userinitStartEvent ) ## need userinitstartevent as it contains Winlogon PID which we used to get from logon event
                $networkStartEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].value -eq $userinitStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdStart].value -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\mpnotify.exe' } | Select-Object -Last 1 )
            if( $networkStartEvent )
                $Script:Output.Add( ( Get-PhaseEventFromCache -source 'Windows' -PhaseName 'Network Providers' `
                    -startEvent $networkStartEvent `
                    -endEvent ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $networkStartEvent.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStop].value -eq $networkStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].Value -and $[$ProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\System32\mpnotify.exe' } | Select-Object -Last 1) ) )
                [string]$warning = "Unable to find network providers start event"
                if( $auditingWarning )
                    $warning += "`n$auditingWarning"
                    $auditingWarning = $null ## stop multiple occurrences
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warning )

        if ( $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Citrix Profile management' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$citrixScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $citrixScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $CitrixUPMEventFile , $UserProfileEventFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'Citrix Profile Mgmt' -StartProvider 'Citrix Profile management' `
                        -StartEventFile $CitrixUPMEventFile `
                        -EndEventFile $UserProfileEventFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 10 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                         -EventData $UserName) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                         -SecurityData @{
            else ## online
                $citrixScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'Citrix Profile Mgmt' -StartProvider 'Citrix Profile management' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 10 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -EventData $UserName) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                         -SecurityData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $citrixScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

        ##TTYE New-XPath doesn't support OR's on root event data (eg, no matching key to the key-value pair) so this is a second attempt at getting this information
        ## The original query with just the username did work (XenApp 6.5 - XenApp 7.X) but at some point it got changed to include a domain prefix so
        ## we'll search twice. Once to preserve original query for older versions and this new query for current versions
        if ( $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Citrix Profile management' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$citrixScriptBlockDomain = $null
            if( $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $citrixScriptBlockDomain =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $CitrixUPMEventFile , $UserProfileEventFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'Citrix Profile Mgmt' -StartProvider 'Citrix Profile management' `
                        -StartEventFile $CitrixUPMEventFile `
                        -EndEventFile $UserProfileEventFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 10 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                         -EventData "$($logon.UserDomain)\$($username)") -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                         -SecurityData @{
            else ## online
                $citrixScriptBlockDomain =
                    Param( $logon , $username )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'Citrix Profile Mgmt' -StartProvider 'Citrix Profile management' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 10 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -EventData "$($logon.UserDomain)\$($username)") -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                         -SecurityData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $citrixScriptBlockDomain )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )
#region TTYE ActiveSetup time

         if ( $global:windowsShellCoreParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
            [scriptblock]$windowsShellCoreScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:windowsShellCoreParams[ 'Path' ] )
##            Write-Host "Ugggg... $WindowsShellCoreFile" -ForegroundColor Green
                $windowsShellCoreScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $WindowsShellCoreFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Shell' -PhaseName 'ActiveSetup' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' `
                        -StartEventFile $WindowsShellCoreFile `
                        -EndEventFile $WindowsShellCoreFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62170 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62171 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            else ## online
                $windowsShellCoreScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Shell' -PhaseName 'ActiveSetup' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62170 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62171 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $windowsShellCoreScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

<# TTYE Commented out because it messes with the phases to show FolderRedirection stage. But I'm leaving it in if we ever think about enabling it.
#region TTYE FolderRedirection time
         if ( $global:folderRedirectionParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$FolderRedirectionScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:folderRedirectionParams[ 'Path' ] )
                Write-Host "Finding Folder Redirection Events offline"
                $FolderRedirectionScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $startProcessingEvent , $FolderRedirectionFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Test' -PhaseName 'Folder Redirection' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection' `
                        -StartEventFile $FolderRedirectionFile `
                        -EndEventFile $FolderRedirectionFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1000 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -CorrelationActivityID "$($startProcessingEvent.ActivityID.Guid)"
                                ) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1001 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -CorrelationActivityID "$($startProcessingEvent.ActivityID.Guid)")
            else ## online
                Write-Host "Finding Folder Redirection Events online"
                $FolderRedirectionScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon, $startProcessingEvent )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Group Policy' -PhaseName 'Folder Redirection' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1000 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -CorrelationActivityID "$($startProcessingEvent.ActivityID.Guid)"
                        ) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 1001 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -CorrelationActivityID "$($startProcessingEvent.ActivityID.Guid)")
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $FolderRedirectionScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameter( "startProcessingEvent",$startProcessingEvent )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

#region TTYE VMware DEM Blocking Configurations - #Path based imports
         if ( $global:applicationParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Application' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$VMwareDEM1ScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:applicationParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $VMwareDEM1ScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $ApplicationEventFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'VMware DEM' -PhaseName 'Path-based Import' -StartProvider 'Application' `
                        -StartEventFile $ApplicationEventFile `
                        -EndEventFile $ApplicationEventFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Application' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 256 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 257 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
            else ## online
                $VMwareDEM1ScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'VMware DEM' -PhaseName 'Path-based Import' -StartProvider 'Immidio Flex+' `
                        -EndProvider 'Immidio Flex+' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 256 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 257 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $VMwareDEM1ScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

#region TTYE VMware DEM Blocking Configurations - #Asynchronous actions
         if ( $global:applicationParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Application' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$VMwareDEM2ScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:applicationParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $VMwareDEM2ScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $ApplicationEventFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'VMware DEM' -PhaseName 'Async Actions' -StartProvider 'Application' `
                        -StartEventFile $ApplicationEventFile `
                        -EndEventFile $ApplicationEventFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Application' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 266 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 267 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
            else ## online
                $VMwareDEM2ScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'VMware DEM' -PhaseName 'Async Actions' -StartProvider 'Immidio Flex+' `
                        -EndProvider 'Immidio Flex+' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 266 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 267 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $VMwareDEM2ScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

#region TTYE Citrix WEM phase
if ($logon.OSReleaseId -eq $null -or $logon.OSReleaseId -gt 1607) {
    if ( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

        [scriptblock]$WEMCoreScriptBlock = $null
        if( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $WEMCoreScriptBlock =
                Param( $logon , $username , $winlogonFile )
                Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Citrix' -PhaseName 'WEM Policies' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                    -StartEventFile $winlogonFile `
                    -EndEventFile $winlogonFile `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                        -SecurityData @{
                        } -EventData @{
                            }) -EndXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                        -SecurityData @{
                        } -EventData @{
        elseif( Get-Service -DisplayName "Citrix WEM*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ## online
            $WEMCoreScriptBlock =
                Param( $logon )
                Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Citrix' -PhaseName 'WEM Policies' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                        -SecurityData @{
                        } -EventData @{
                            }) -EndXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                        -SecurityData @{
                        } -EventData @{
        if( $WEMCoreScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $WEMCoreScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

#region TTYE Citrix RSOP time
if ( $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'CitrixCseEngine' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
    [hashtable]$GetWinEventParams = @{}
    if( $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] ) { ## Offline
        $GetWinEventParams.Add( 'Path' , $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] )  
    } else { ## Online
        $GetWinEventParams.Add( 'ProviderName' , 'CitrixCseEngine' )

    ## TTYE - There might be multiple Citrix RSOP events *BEFORE* Logon, and maybe after?
    ## These events have a start-stop marker -- event id 8 and 9. All we need to do is get all events with ID 8 or 9
    ## for each event 8, get the next 9 --> Add to phase and repeat
    $EventIds = @()
    [array]$EventIds = 8,9
    $CitrixRSOPEventsXPath = $null
    [array]$CitrixRSOPEvents = @()
    if( $userinitStartEvent )
        if( $CitrixRSOPEventsXPath = New-XPath -EventId $EventIds -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) -ToDate $userinitStartEvent.TimeCreated -EventData "$Userdomain\$UserName" )
            $CitrixRSOPEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -Oldest @GetWinEventParams -FilterXPath $CitrixRSOPEventsXPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

    if ($CitrixRSOPEvents -and $CitrixRSOPEvents.Count) { ## We have Citrix RSOP Events!
        $CitrixRSOPEventCount = $($($CitrixRSOPEvents.where({$_.Id -eq 8})).count)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Found $CitrixRSOPEventCount Citrix RSOP Events!"
        $CitrixRSOPDuringGroupPolicy = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        foreach ($CitrixRSOPEvent in $CitrixRSOPEvents) {
            if ($CitrixRSOPEvent.Id -eq 8 -and $CitrixRSOPEvent.TimeCreated -lt $startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated) {
                $CitrixRSOPEndEvent = $CitrixRSOPEvents | Where-Object { $_.TimeCreated -ge $CitrixRSOPEvent.TimeCreated -and $_.Id -eq 9 } | Select-Object -First 1
                $Script:Output.Add( ( Get-PhaseEventFromCache -source 'Citrix' -PhaseName 'RSOP' -startEvent $CitrixRSOPEvent -endEvent $CitrixRSOPEndEvent ) )
            if ($CitrixRSOPEvent.Id -eq 8 -and $CitrixRSOPEvent.TimeCreated -gt $startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated) {
                $CitrixRSOPEndEvent = $CitrixRSOPEvents | Where-Object {$_.TimeCreated -ge $CitrixRSOPEvent.TimeCreated -and $_.Id -eq 9} | Select-Object -First 1
                $CitrixRSOPDuration = $($CitrixRSOPEndEvent.TimeCreated - $CitrixRSOPEvent.TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds
                if ($CitrixRSOPDuration -ge 1000) {
                    $CitrixRSOPDuration =  [math]::Round( $CitrixRSOPDuration / 1000,1)
                } else {
                    $CitrixRSOPDuration = 0
                        Source    = 'RSOP'
                        PhaseName = "Citrix"
                        StartTime = $CitrixRSOPEvent.TimeCreated
                        EndTime   = $CitrixRSOPEndEvent.TimeCreated
                        Duration  = $CitrixRSOPDuration
                        GPOs      = "None"


#region TTYE AppVolumes ShellStart --> event can be tracked in the Winlogon log
    if ($logon.OSReleaseId -eq $null -or $logon.OSReleaseId -gt 1607) {
      if ( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$winlogonScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $winlogonScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $WinlogonFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'App Volumes' -PhaseName 'ShellStart' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                        -StartEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                        -EndEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            elseif( Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' -Name DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Where-Object DisplayName -match 'App Volumes Agent' ) ## online and App Volumes agent present
                $winlogonScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'App Volumes' -PhaseName 'ShellStart' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            if( $winlogonScriptBlock )
                [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $winlogonScriptBlock )
                [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
                [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

#region TTYE AppVolumes OnLogon --> event can be tracked in the Winlogon log
    if ($logon.OSReleaseId -eq $null -or $logon.OSReleaseId -gt 1607) {
      if ( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$winlogonScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $AppVolumePrestartScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $WinlogonFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'App Volumes' -PhaseName 'OnLogon' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                        -StartEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                        -EndEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            elseif( Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' -Name DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Where-Object DisplayName -match 'App Volumes Agent' ) ## online and App Volumes agent present
                $AppVolumePrestartScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'App Volumes' -PhaseName 'OnLogon' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            if( $AppVolumePrestartScriptBlock )
                [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $AppVolumePrestartScriptBlock )
                [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
                [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

#region TTYE FSLogix ShellStart --> event can be tracked in the Winlogon log
    if ($logon.OSReleaseId -eq $null -or $logon.OSReleaseId -gt 1607) {
         if ( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$winlogonScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $winlogonScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $WinlogonFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'FSLogix' -PhaseName 'ODFC Container' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                        -StartEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                        -EndEventFile $WinlogonFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            else ## online
                $winlogonScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'FSLogix' -PhaseName 'ODFC Container' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 811 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 812 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $winlogonScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

        #region TTYE AppX file association load time
    if ($logon.OSReleaseId -eq $null -or $logon.OSReleaseId -gt 1607) {
         if ( $global:appdefaultsParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$appDefaultsScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:appdefaultsParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $appDefaultsScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $appdefaultEventFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Shell' -PhaseName 'AppX File Associations' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' `
                        -StartEventFile $appdefaultEventFile `
                        -EndEventFile $appdefaultEventFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62443 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62443 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            else ## online
                $appDefaultsScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Shell' -PhaseName 'AppX File Associations' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62443 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 62443 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -SecurityData @{
                            } -EventData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $appDefaultsScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

        #region TTYE AppX application load time
        if ( $global:appReadinessParams[ 'Path' ] -or ( Get-WinEvent -ListProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

            [scriptblock]$appReadinessCoreScriptBlock = $null
            if( $global:appReadinessParams[ 'Path' ] )
                $appReadinessCoreScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon , $username , $appreadinessEventFile )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Shell' -PhaseName 'AppX - Load Packages' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness' `
                        -StartEventFile $appreadinessEventFile `
                        -EndEventFile $appreadinessEventFile `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 209 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 209 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -EventData @{
            else ## online
                $appReadinessCoreScriptBlock =
                    Param( $logon )
                    Get-PhaseEvent -source 'Shell' -PhaseName 'AppX - Load Packages' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness' `
                        -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness' -StartXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 209 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -EventData @{
                                }) -EndXPath (
                        New-XPath -EventId 209 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                            -EventData @{
            [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $appReadinessCoreScriptBlock )
            [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
            [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )

        ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

        [scriptblock]$scriptBlock = $null
        if( $global:userProfileParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $scriptBlock = `
                Param( $logon , $UserProfileEventFile )
                Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'User Profile' `
                    -StartEventFile $UserProfileEventFile `
                    -EndEventFile $UserProfileEventFile `
                    -eventLog 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational' `
                    -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' `
                    -StartXPath (New-XPath -EventId 1 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -SecurityData @{UserID=$Logon.UserSID}) `
                    -EndXPath (New-XPath -EventId 2 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -SecurityData @{
        else ## online
            $scriptBlock = `
                Param( $logon )
                Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'User Profile' `
                    -eventLog 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational' `
                    -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service' `
                    -StartXPath (New-XPath -EventId 1 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -SecurityData @{UserID=$Logon.UserSID}) `
                    -EndXPath (New-XPath -EventId 2 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -SecurityData @{
        [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $scriptBlock )
        [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
        [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )
        ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

        [scriptblock]$groupPolicyScriptBlock = $null
        if( $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $groupPolicyScriptBlock = {
                Param( $logon , $Username , $UserDomain , $groupPolicyEventFile )
                Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'Group Policy' `
                    -StartEventFile $groupPolicyEventFile `
                    -EndEventFile $groupPolicyEventFile `
                    -eventLog 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational' `
                    -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' `
                    -StartXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 4001 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{
                    }) -EndXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 8001 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{
            $groupPolicyScriptBlock = {
                Param( $logon , $Username , $UserDomain )
                Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'Group Policy' `
                    -eventLog 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational' `
                    -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' `
                    -StartXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 4001 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{
                    }) -EndXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 8001 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{
        [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $groupPolicyScriptBlock )
        [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
        [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )
        ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

        [scriptblock]$gpScriptBlock = $null
        if( $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] )
            $gpScriptBlock = 
                Param( $logon , $UserDomain , $Username , $sharedVars , $groupPolicyEventFile )
                Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'GP Scripts' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' -SharedVars $sharedVars `
                    -StartEventFile $groupPolicyEventFile `
                    -EndEventFile $groupPolicyEventFile `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' `
                    -StartXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 4018 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{PrincipalSamName="$UserDomain\$UserName";ScriptType=1}) `
                    -EndXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 5018 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{
            $gpScriptBlock = 
                Param( $logon , $UserDomain , $Username , $sharedVars )
                Get-PhaseEvent -PhaseName 'GP Scripts' -StartProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' -SharedVars $sharedVars `
                    -EndProvider 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy' `
                    -StartXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 4018 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{PrincipalSamName="$UserDomain\$UserName";ScriptType=1}) `
                    -EndXPath (
                    New-XPath -EventId 5018 -From (Get-Date -Date $Logon.LogonTime) `
                    -EventData @{
        [void]$PowerShell.AddScript( $gpScriptBlock )    
        [void]$PowerShell.AddParameters( $Parameters )
        [void]$jobs.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PowerShell' = $PowerShell ; 'Handle' = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() } )
        ($PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool

        if( $userinitStartEvent )
            $endevent = $null
            if( $isPublishedApp )
                [string]$shell = $shellProgram
                if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $shell ) )
                    $shell = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemRoot -ChildPath 'icast.exe'
                ## we already have process end of this but not process start
                $endevent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $logon.LogonTime -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonID -and $_.Properties[$NewProcessName].value -eq $shell } | Select-Object -Last 1)
                $endevent = $logonFinishedEvent ## this is explorer starting
            if( $endEvent )
                $Script:Output.Add( ( Get-PhaseEventFromCache -source 'Windows' -PhaseName 'Pre-Shell (Userinit)' -startEvent $userinitStartEvent -endEvent $endEvent ) )
                Write-Debug "Unable to find userinit end event"
            [string]$info = "Unable to find Pre-Shell (Userinit) start event"
            if( $auditingWarning )
                $info += "`n$auditingWarning"
                $auditingWarning = $null ## stop multiple occurrences
            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $info )

        ## check if offline as probably not in the same domain
        if( ! $offline )
            ## See if user has a login script in AD and if so look for start and end in process start/stop events
            if( $ADuser = ([ADSI]"WinNT://$UserDomain/$Username,user") )
                if( $ADuser.LoginScript )
                    if( $searchCommandLine -or $offline )
                        ## could be more than one since usrlogon.cmd may also be launched so need to check we have the right one although not checking down to which server as can't. Don't check for actual process as could be cmd, wscript, etc
                        ## can't check for parent of userinit.exe as that doesn't exist on Win7/2008R2 but we could check for its PID as parent if we have $userinitStartEvent
                        [string]$escapedLogonScript = [regex]::Escape( ( Join-Path -Path '\NETLOGON' -ChildPath ($ADuser.LoginScript.ToString()) ) )
                        $logonScriptStartEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$SubjectUserName].value -eq $userName -and $_.Properties[$SubjectDomainName].value -eq $UserDomain `
                             -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonId -and $_.Properties[$CommandLine].value -match "[^\\\""]$($escapedLogonScript)[^a-z0-9_]" } ) | Select-Object -Last 1
                        if( $logonScriptStartEvent )
                            $Script:Output.Add( ( Get-PhaseEventFromCache -source 'Windows' -PhaseName 'User logon script' `
                                -startEvent $logonScriptStartEvent `
                                -endEvent ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4689 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $logonScriptStartEvent.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties[$ProcessIdStop].value -eq $logonScriptStartEvent.Properties[$ProcessIdNew].value -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -eq $logonScriptStartEvent.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value } | Select-Object -Last 1) ) )
                        $logonScriptStartEvent = $null

                    if( ! $logonScriptStartEvent )
                        [string]$warning = "Unable to find user logon script ($($ADUser.LoginScript)) start event"
                        if( $auditingWarning )
                            $warning += "`n$auditingWarning"
                            $auditingWarning = $null ## stop multiple occurrences
                        if( $commandLinePolicy -and $commandLinePolicy.ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled -ne 1 )
                            $warning += ', "Command line process auditing" is not enabled'
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warning )
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Failed to find user $UserDomain\$username via ADSI to check if has logon script assigned" )

        if ($CUDesktopLoadTime -gt 0 ) {
            $shellStartEvent = ($securityEvents|Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[$SubjectLogonId].value -in $Logon.LogonID -and $[$NewProcessName].Value -eq 'C:\Windows\explorer.exe' } | Select-Object -Last 1 ) 
            if( $shellStartEvent )
                $Script:Output.Add( ( Get-PhaseEventFromCache -source 'Windows' -PhaseName 'Shell' -startEvent $shellStartEvent -CUAddition $CUDesktopLoadTime ) )
                [string]$warning = "Unable to find Shell start event"
                if( $auditingWarning )
                    $warning += "`n$auditingWarning"
                    $auditingWarning = $null ## stop multiple occurrences
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $warning )
        $jobs | ForEach-Object `
            $_.powershell.EndInvoke( $_.handle ) | ForEach-Object `
                $script:output.Add( $_ )

        $Script:GPAsync = $sharedVars[ 'GPASync' ]
        if( $userinitStartEvent )
            $end = ($Script:Output | Where-Object PhaseName -eq 'Pre-Shell (Userinit)' ) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EndTime
            Write-Debug "Get-PrinterEvents -Start $($userinitStartEvent.TimeCreated) -End $end -ClientName $ClientName"
            if( $end )
                Get-PrinterEvents -Start $userinitStartEvent.TimeCreated -End $end -ClientName $ClientName
        if( $userProfileEndTime = $Script:Output | Where-Object PhaseName -eq 'User Profile' | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty StartTime -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
            ## Need to create a new dateTime object with the 'formatTime' as the actual time as that seems to match the remote system
            $FSLogixTimeObject = $logon.FormatTime.split(":")
            $FSLogixLogFileStartTime = Get-Date -Year $logon.LogonTime.Year -Month $logon.LogonTime.Month -Day  $logon.LogonTime.Day -Hour $FSLogixTimeObject[0] -Minute ([math]::Floor( $FSLogixTimeObject[1] )) -Second ([math]::Floor( $FSLogixTimeObject[2] ))
            $FSLogixLogFileOffset = New-TimeSpan -Start $logon.logontime -End $FSLogixLogFileStartTime
            Get-FSLogixProfileEvents -Username $Username -Start $logon.logontime -End $userProfileEndTime -Offset $FSLogixLogFileOffset  ##Need to use formattime property as it keeps the remote system timezone. Since we're parsing log files stamped with the remote system time, this is better.
            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Unable to find user profile stage" )

        if( (Get-Variable -Name end -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -and ( Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' -Name DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Where-Object DisplayName -match 'App Volumes Agent' ) `
            -or ( $offline -and (Test-Path -Path $appVolumesLogFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)))
            Get-AppVolumeEvents -Start $Logon.LogonTime -End $end.AddSeconds( 120 )

        if ( $Script:Output.Count -lt 2 ) {
            $PSCmdlet.WriteWarning("Not enough data for that session, Aborting function...")
            Throw 'Could not find more than a single phase, script is aborted'
    end {
        $LogonTimeReal = $Logon.FormatTime
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$Script:Output = $Script:Output | Sort-Object -Property StartTime
        $TotalDur = 'N/A'
        if ( $Script:LogonStartDate) { ## Not set any more, used to be via OData function
            $Script:LogonStartDate = $Script:LogonStartDate.ToLocalTime()
            ForEach( $phase in $script:output ) {
                if ($phase.PhaseName -eq 'Shell' -or $phase.PhaseName -eq 'Pre-Shell (Userinit)' ) {
                    [decimal]$thisDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $Script:LogonStartDate -End $Script:Output[-1].EndTime | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalSeconds
                    if( $TotalDur -eq 'N/A' -or $TotalDur -as [decimal] -lt $thisDuration ) {
                        $TotalDur = $thisDuration
            $Deltas = New-TimeSpan -Start $Script:LogonStartDate -End $Script:Output[0].StartTime
            $Script:Output[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TimeDelta -Value $Deltas -Force
            $LogonTimeReal =  (Get-Date -Date $Script:LogonStartDate).ToString( 'HH:mm:ss.ff' )
        else {
            $TotalDur = 'N/A'
            ForEach( $phase in $script:output ) {
                if ($phase.PhaseName -eq 'Shell' -or $phase.PhaseName -eq 'Pre-Shell (Userinit)' ) {
                    [decimal]$thisDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $Logon.LogonTime -End $phase.EndTime | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalSeconds
                    if( $TotalDur -eq 'N/A' -or $TotalDur -as [decimal] -lt $thisDuration ) {
                        $TotalDur = $thisDuration
            $Deltas = New-TimeSpan -Start $Logon.LogonTime -End $Script:Output[0].StartTime
            $Script:Output[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TimeDelta -Value $Deltas -Force
#region Ivanti EM
        if( ($emservice = Get-Service -name 'AppSense EmCoreService' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -or ( $emservice = $Global:services.Where( { $_.Name -eq 'AppSense EmCoreService' } ) ) )
            # 9659 is for personalisation success
            # 9661 is personalisation server problem
            # 9662 is a trigger summary
            [bool]$abort = $false
            [hashtable]$appsenseOffline = @{}
            if( $offline )
                if( $global:appsenseParams[ 'Path' ] )
                    $appsenseOffline.Add( 'Path' , @($($global:appsenseParams[ 'Path' ]),$($parameters['ApplicationEventFile'])) )  ## TTYE - You can configure AppSense to save events to the Application Log. We'll check there too then.
                    $abort = $true ## offline and no log file so cannot do query

            ## TTYE - ProviderName changes depending on whether the event is stored in the Application Log or the AppSense Log. Application log is "AppSense Environment Manager" AppSense Log is "AppSense Environment Manager." #ProviderName = @('AppSense Environment Manager.','AppSense Environment Manager')
            $AppSenseEventsApplicationLog = (Get-WinEvent -Oldest -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; UserID = $logon.UserSid ; Id = 9662 , 9659 , 9661  ; LogName = "Application" }) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            $AppSenseEventsAppSenseLog = (Get-WinEvent -Oldest -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; UserID = $logon.UserSid ; Id = 9662 , 9659 , 9661  ; LogName = "AppSense" }) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

            if ($AppSenseEventsApplicationLog.count -ge 1) {
                $AppSenseEventLog = "Application"
            if ($AppSenseEventsAppSenseLog.count -ge 1) {
                $AppSenseEventLog = "AppSense"

            Write-Verbose "AppSense events were detected in the $AppSenseEventLog log"

            if( -Not $abort -and ( [array]$appSenseEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -Oldest -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; UserID = $logon.UserSid ; Id = 9662 , 9659 , 9661  ; LogName = $AppSenseEventLog }  ) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).Where( 
                {($_.ProviderName -like "AppSense Environment Manager*") -and ($_.Id -eq 9662 -and $_.Properties[4].Value -match "SessionID:$sessionID`$") -or ($_.Id -eq 9659 -and $_.Properties[1].Value -match "SessionID:$sessionID`$") -or ($_.Id -eq 9661 -and $_.Properties[0].Value -match "SessionID:$sessionID`$")} )) -and $appsenseEvents.Count )
                ## Times are in UTC so convert to local time -
                $currentTimeZone = Get-TimeZone    # without parameters, gets the current time zone
                $TZ = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById( $currentTimeZone.Id )
                $emuserProcess = $null
                [bool]$foundPSError = $false
                [bool]$foundPSGood = $false

                ForEach( $appsenseEvent in $appSenseEvents )
                    if( $appsenseEvent.Id -eq 9659 ) ## User personalization settings for Dsktp updated from personalization server.
                        if( $appsenseEvent.Properties[0].Value -eq 'Dsktp' -and ! $emuserProcess )
                            ## The emuser is launched in SubjectLogonId 999 as system so we have to check that it is the right one (e.g. two overlapping logons)... essentially, if there were two of these events we have to bail this measurement because we don't know which belongs to what user
                            if( $securityParams[ 'Path' ] )
                                $emuserProcess = Get-WinEvent -Path $securityParams['Path'] -FilterXPath "*[System/EventID=4688 and System/TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z'] and EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName']='C:\Program Files\AppSense\Environment Manager\Agent\EmUser.exe' and Data[@Name='ParentProcessName']='C:\Program Files\AppSense\Environment Manager\Agent\EmCoreService.exe']]" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            } else {
                                $emuserProcess = Get-WinEvent -LogName Security -FilterXPath "*[System/EventID=4688 and System/TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z'] and EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName']='C:\Program Files\AppSense\Environment Manager\Agent\EmUser.exe' and Data[@Name='ParentProcessName']='C:\Program Files\AppSense\Environment Manager\Agent\EmCoreService.exe']]" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            if ($emuserProcess.count -ge 1)
                                $Script:Output.Add( ( [pscustomobject]@{ 
                                    'Source' = 'Ivanti EM'
                                    'PhaseName' = 'Personalization Loading'
                                    'StartTime' = $emuserProcess.TimeCreated
                                    'EndTime'   = $appsenseEvent.TimeCreated
                                    'Duration'  = ($appsenseEvent.TimeCreated - $emuserProcess.TimeCreated).TotalSeconds }))
                                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Unable to find running Ivanti EM emuser.exe process for this session so cannot determine personalisation load time" )
                        else ## ignore non Dsktp phase or if we have already had it since starting at oldest event
                            Write-Debug -Message "Discarding Ivanti event $($appsenseEvent.Id) from $(Get-Date -Date $appsenseEvent.TimeCreated) `"$($appsenseEvent.Message)`""
                    elseif( $appsenseEvent.Id -eq 9661 )
                        if( ! $foundPSError )
                            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Ivanti error: $($appsenseEvent.Message)" )
                            $foundPSError = $true
                         $emphase = [pscustomobject]@{ 
                            'Source' = 'Ivanti EM'
                            'PhaseName' = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase( ( $appsenseEvent.Properties[0].Value -replace '_' , ' ' ).ToLower()) ## LOGON_PRE_DESKTOP
                            'StartTime' = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc( [datetime]$appsenseEvent.Properties[1].Value , $TZ )
                            'EndTime'   = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc( [datetime]$appsenseEvent.Properties[2].Value , $TZ )
                            'Duration'  = [int]$appsenseEvent.Properties[3].Value / 1000 }
                        if( $emphase.Phasename -match 'Desktop Created' )
                            $script:ivantiEMNonBlockingPhases.Add( $emphase )
                            $Script:Output.Add( $emphase )
                if( ! $foundPSGood )
                    [string]$message = "Found no evidence of Ivanti personalisation for this session but it may not be enabled or configured for this user"
                    if( -not $offline -and ( $ivantiPSservers = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\AppSense\Environment Manager\Personalization' -Name 'ServerList' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ServerList' ))
                        $message += " (found $ivantiPSservers in HKLM policies key)"
                    $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( $message )
            else ## we could look to see what auditing is enable in the XML config - need to check for value putting config in non-default location
                [string]$status = $(if( $emservice.Status -ne 'Running' ) { 'not ' })
                if( -Not $offline ) ## TODO could put this code in the offline dumping section and copy the config file if present to there and then check it exists in the code below when offline
                    ## see if we have a config file
                    if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( ( [string]$configPath = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\AppSense Technologies\Communications Agent" -Name 'native config path' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'native config path' ) ) )
                        $configPath = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath( [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonApplicationData )) -ChildPath 'AppSense'
                    [string]$emConfigFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( $configPath , 'Environment Manager' , 'configuration.aemp' )
                    if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $emConfigFile -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "No Ivanti EM configuration file found at `"$emConfigFile`"" )
                $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "Ivanti EM service present and $($status)running but found no relevant local events - are event ids 9662 & 9659 enabled in the configuration?" )

            ##TTYE - It's been observed that Ivanti will do some setup processing prior to its event log generation. Fortunately, the Winlogon log will identify when it starts notifying technology when it is its turn to start
            ##       Winlogon phases used by Ivanti: EmPolicy, EmSysNotify
            ##TTYE - The challenge here is AppSense will be called multiple times by winlogon so we have to mark each pair of events
            ##       I can do this by finding all events and then going through each pair
            if( -Not $abort -and ( [array]$appSenseWinLogonEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -Oldest -FilterHashtable ( @{ StartTime = $logon.LogonTime ; UserID = $logon.UserSid ; Id = 811 , 812   } + $global:winlogonParams ) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).Where( 
                {($_.Properties[1].Value -match "EmPolicy") -or ($_.Properties[1].Value -match "EmSysNotify")})) -and $appSenseWinLogonEvents.Count) {
                ## iterate through the events and match each 'start' - 'finish' pair of events as a phase
                $ivantiEventCount = 0
                foreach ($appSenseWinLogonEvent in $appSenseWinLogonEvents) {
                    if ($appSenseWinLogonEvent.Id -eq 811) {
                        remove-variable appSenseWinLogon812Event -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        #write-host "$($appSenseWinLogonEvent | Out-String)"
                        #write-host "$($appSenseWinLogonEvent.Properties[1].Value)"
                        ## Get the next 812 event after this 811 event
                        $appSenseWinLogon812Event = $appSenseWinLogonEvents.Where({($_.RecordId -gt $appSenseWinLogonEvent.RecordId) -and ($_.Id -eq 812) -and ($_.Properties[1].Value -eq $appSenseWinLogonEvent.Properties[1].Value)})[0]
                        $startTime = $appSenseWinLogonEvent.TimeCreated
                        $endTime = $appSenseWinLogon812Event.TimeCreated
                        $duration = $endTime - $startTime
                        $phaseName = "$($appSenseWinLogonEvent.Properties[1].Value) $($ivantiEventCount)"
                        $ivantiEventCount = $ivantiEventCount+1
                        $Script:Output.Add( [pscustomobject]@{
                            'Source' = 'Ivanti'
                            'PhaseName' = $phaseName
                            'Duration' = $Duration.TotalSeconds
                            'EndTime' = $endTime
                            'StartTime' = $startTime
                        } )
#endregion Ivanti EM

#region WQL/WMI Logging

function Get-WMILogLevel {
    if ($offline){
        Write-Verbose -Message "WMI Logging Mode: $($Logon.WMILoggingMode)"
        switch ($Logon.WMILoggingMode) {
                0 { Return "Disabled"        }
                1 { Return "Log only errors" }
                2 { Return "Verbose Logging" }
    } else {
        $LoggingValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wbem\CIMOM' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Logging" -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Verbose -Message "WMI Logging Mode: $($LoggingValue)"
        switch ($LoggingValue) {
            0 { Return "Disabled"        }
            1 { Return "Log only errors" }
            2 { Return "Verbose Logging" }

function Get-WMILogDirectory {
    if ($offline) {
        return ($global:WMILogFile).Directory.FullName
    } else {
        $LogDirectory = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wbem\CIMOM' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Logging Directory" -ErrorAction Stop
        return "$LogDirectory"

function Get-WMILogFile {
    [bool]$result = $false

    if ($offline) {
        if ( -Not $Global:WMILogFile -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Global:WMILogFile.FullName )) {
            $result = $false 
        } else {
            $result = Test-Path -Path $Global:WMILogFile.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    } else {
        $result = Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-WMILogDirectory) -ChildPath 'Framework.log') -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Verbose -Message "Get-WMILogFile: returning $result"
    $result ## return

function Get-WMIEnumerationResult ($HexCode) {
    #WMI Error codes:
    $WMIErrorCodes = @{
    return $WMIErrorCodes["$HexCode"]

$WQLQueryTimings = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]

$UseWMILog = $false
$WMILogLevel = Get-WMILogLevel
if ($WMILogLevel -eq "Verbose Logging") {
    Write-Verbose "WMI Logging is set to Verbose Logging!"
    $UseWMILog = $true
} else {
    Write-Verbose "WMI Logging is not set to verbose mode. Attempting to determine WMI filter duration using imprecise methods"

if (-not(Get-WMILogFile)) {
    Write-Verbose "WMI Log file not found."
    $UseWMILog = $false
} else {
    $UseWMILog = $true
    $WMIDirectory = Get-WMILogDirectory
    if (-not($WMIDirectory.EndsWith("\"))) {
        $WMIDirectory = "$WMIDirectory\"

    if (Test-Path -Path "$($WMIDirectory)Framework.log") {
        $Logfile = "$($WMIDirectory)Framework.log"

if ($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated -gt $logon.LogonTime) { ## This should always be true, but sometimes multiple sessions on the same server means that GPO processing isn't done because
                                                              ## the new session inherits. Anyways, if the GPO processing time occurs *before* the session logon event, bail on WMI processing.
    #Get GPO Downloading events (WMI filtering is executed in this phase) 
    $query = "*[System[(EventID='4126' or EventID='5257' or EventID='5312' or EventID='5313' or EventID='5017'or EventID='4017') and TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z'] and Correlation[@ActivityID='{$($startProcessingEvent.ActivityID.Guid)}']]]"
    if ($offline) {
        $ThisUsersGPOActivity = @( Get-WinEvent -Path $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
    } else {
        $ThisUsersGPOActivity = @( Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

    $query = "*[System[(EventID='4126' or EventID='5257') and Security[@UserID='$($Logon.UserSID)'] and TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($Logon.LogonTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($Logon.LogonTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z' and @SystemTime<='$($ThisUsersGPOActivity[0].TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($ThisUsersGPOActivity[0].TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z']]] or *[System[(EventID='5312' or EventID='5313' or EventID='5017'or EventID='4017') and TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($Logon.LogonTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($Logon.LogonTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z' and @SystemTime<='$($ThisUsersGPOActivity[0].TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($ThisUsersGPOActivity[0].TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z']]]"
    if ($offline) {
        $GPODownloadEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -Path $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
    } else {
        $GPODownloadEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

    Write-Verbose "examine download events"

    $StartGPODownload = $GPODownloadEvents | Where-Object {$ -eq 4126} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TimeCreated -Last 1 ## last ensures we get the oldest event if there happens to be two events
    $EndGPODownload   = $GPODownloadEvents | Where-Object {$ -eq 5257} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TimeCreated -First 1  ## first ensures we get the latest event if there happens to be two events
    Write-Verbose "GPO User processing at      :  $($ThisUsersGPOActivity.TimeCreated[-1])"
    Write-Verbose "GPO Started Downloading at  :  $StartGPODownload"
    Write-Verbose "GPO Finished Downloading at :  $EndGPODownload"

    [array]$WMIALDTimeEvents = @()
    $GPONotAppliedObjects = $null

    Write-Verbose "use wmi log"
    Write-Debug "Use WMI Log? $useWMILog"
    if ($UseWMILog) {
        $WMIObject = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $LogFile
        Write-Verbose "Parsing $LogFile - $([math]::Round(((Get-Item $logfile).Length / 1MB)))MB"
        $ParseStartTime = Get-Date
        $id = 0
        while ($line = $stream.ReadLine())
            $id = $id+1
            $data = $line.Split("`t")
            if (-not($data[0] -like "ERROR*")) { ## Skip error events in the log
                if ([datetime]$data[1] -ge $StartGPODownload -and [datetime]$data[1] -le $EndGPODownload ) {
                    $WMIObject.Add( ([pscustomobject]@{
                                    Time = [datetime]$data[1]
                                    Thread = $data[2].replace("thread:","")
                                    RecordId   = $id
                                    Operation    = $data[0]
                                    DebugInfo   = $data[3]
        $ParseEndTime = Get-Date
        Write-Verbose "File parsed in $(($ParseEndTime - $ParseStartTime).TotalSeconds) Seconds"
        $WMIALDTimeEvents = @( $WMIObject| Where-Object{$_.Time -ge $StartGPODownload -and $_.Time -le $EndGPODownload } )

    $query = "*[System[TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='$($StartGPODownload.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($StartGPODownload.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z' and @SystemTime<='$($EndGPODownload.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s")).$($EndGPODownload.ToUniversalTime().ToString("fff"))Z']]] and *[UserData[Operation_ClientFailure[User='$userdomain\$username']]]"
    Write-Verbose "Constructed structured query:"
    Write-Verbose "$query"
    if ($offline) {
        $WMIALDEventLogsEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -Path $global:wmiactivityParams[ 'Path' ] -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
    } else {
        $WMIALDEventLogsEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity -FilterXPath $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

    if ($WMIALDTimeEvents.count -eq 0) { ## Check to see if we have WMI events in the framework.log.  If not then we'll use imprecise methods.
        Write-Verbose "No usable events found in the framework log. Switching to using the Event Log for analysis"
        $UseWMILog = $false

    $UseWMIEventLog = $true
    if ($WMIALDEventLogsEvents.count -eq 0) { ## Check to see if we have WMI events in the framework.log.  If not then we'll use imprecise methods.
        Write-Verbose "No usable events found in the WMI Event Log for analysis"
        $OldestWMIEvent = Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity -Oldest -MaxEvents 1
        if ($OldestWMIEvent.TimeCreated -gt $Logon.logonTime) {
            Write-Verbose "WQL duration processing failed - Unable to find any relevant events in the event log. The oldest event is $($OldestWMIEvent.TimeCreated)"
            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "WQL duration processing failed - Unable to find any relevant events in the event log. The oldest event is $($OldestWMIEvent.TimeCreated)" )
        $UseWMIEventLog = $false

    if (-not($UseWMILog -eq $false -and $UseWMIEventLog -eq $false)) {
        ## Get list of GPO's
        $GPOList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        $ListOfGPOEvents = $GPODownloadEvents.Where({$_.Id -like 5312})
        if ($ListOfGPOEvents.count -ne 1) {
            Write-Error -Message "Found multiple GPO listing events 5312"
        } else {
            [xml]$ListOfGPOEventsXML = $ListOfGPOEvents.ToXML()
            [xml]$GPOListName = "<XML>$($ListOfGPOEventsXML.event.EventData.Data.where({$_.Name -like "*GPOInfoList*"})."#text")</XML>"  ## Need to put <XML> tags around the xml from the GPO
            $GPOAppliedObjects = $GPOListName.XML.gpo
        foreach ($object in $GPOAppliedObjects) {

        $DeniedByWMI = $false
        $ListOfNotAppliedGPOEvents = $GPODownloadEvents.Where({$_.Id -like 5313})

        if ($ListOfNotAppliedGPOEvents.count -eq 1) {
            Write-Verbose "GPO's that failed filtering found: `n $($"

            [xml]$ListOfNotAppliedGPOEventsXML = $ListOfNotAppliedGPOEvents.ToXML()
            [xml]$GPONotAppliedListName = "<XML>$($ListOfNotAppliedGPOEventsXML.event.EventData.Data.where({$_.Name -like "*GPOInfoList*"})."#text")</XML>"  ## Need to put <XML> tags around the xml from the GPO
            $GPONotAppliedObjects = ($GPONotAppliedListName.XML.gpo) | Where-Object {$_.Reason -like "*WMI*"}  ## Should catch "DENIED-WMIFILTER" as the reason and (hopefully) be language agnostic
            if ($($GPONotAppliedObjects | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) {
                $DeniedByWMI = $true
                foreach ($object in $GPONotAppliedObjects) {

        Write-Verbose -Message "GPO List: `n$($GPOList | Out-String)"

        ## Need to use ADSI instead of Get-GPO cmdlets because they might not be installed
        function Get-ALDGPO ($GPOName) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Looking for WMI Filter on GPO : $GPOName"

            if (-not($offline)) {
                Write-Verbose "Getting list of GPO's"
                $search = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi](''))
                $search.filter = "(&(objectclass=groupPolicyContainer)(displayName=$GPOName))"
                $GPresults = $search.FindAll()

                #Get List of WMI Filters
                $search = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi](''))
                $search.filter = '(objectclass=msWMI-Som)'
                $WMIFilterResults = $search.FindAll()

                if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:logsFolder))) {
                    if(-not( Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\GPResult-$GPOName.xml")){
                        Export-Clixml -InputObject $GPresults -Path "$global:logsFolder\GPResult-$GPOName.xml"
                    if(-not( Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\WMIFilterResults.xml")){
                        Export-Clixml -InputObject $WMIFilterResults -Path "$global:logsFolder\WMIFilterResults.xml"
            } else { ##offline
                Write-Verbose "Importing GPO's from offline collection"
                if( (Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\GPResult-$GPOName.xml") -or (Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\WMIFilterResults.xml") ){
                    try {
                        $GPresults = Import-Clixml  "$global:logsFolder\GPResult-$GPOName.xml"
                        ## I don't know why but imported GPResults seems to be an array instead of an object
                        ## So we'll just reset it to itself and we should be fine? TT
                        $GPresults = $($GPresults[0])
                    } catch {
                        Write-Warning "Offline GPO collection not found!"
                    try {
                        $WMIFilterResults = Import-Clixml  "$global:logsFolder\WMIFilterResults.xml"
                    } catch {
                        Write-Warning "Offline WMI collection not found!"
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Offline GPO or WMI collection not found!"
                Write-Verbose "Number of GPO's Detected      : $(Get-ChildItem -Name GPResult*| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count -EA SilentlyContinue)" 

            Write-Verbose "Number of WMI Filters Detected: $($WMIFilterResults.count)"

            if ($GPResults -and $GPresults -is [array] -and $GPresults.count -ne 1) {
                Write-Verbose "More than 1 GPO found!"

            $GPOObjectReturn = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
            if ($GPresults.Properties.Contains("gpcwqlfilter")) {
                $AttachedWMIFilter = $GPresults.Properties.gpcwqlfilter -split(";") -match "^[{]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[}]?$"
                $WMIFilterResult = $WMIFilterResults | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "*$AttachedWMIFilter*"}
                Return [PSCustomObject]@{
                    GPOName = $($GPresults.Properties.displayname)
                    WMIFilterName = $($'mswmi-name')
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "No WMI filters applied to this GPO."
                Return $null

        # For each GPO get the attached WMI Filter
        $WMIGPOFilters = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
        foreach ($GPOItem in $GPOList) {
            if ($GPOItem -ne "Local Group Policy") { ## ignore local group policy
                if (Get-Variable GPO -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                    Remove-Variable GPO
                $GPO = Get-ALDGPO -GPOName $GPOItem
                if ($GPO ) {
                    Write-Verbose "$($GPO.GPOName) - $($GPO.WMIFilterName)"
        Write-Verbose "Found $($WMIGPOFilters.count) WMI Filters"
        Write-Verbose "`n$($WMIGPOFilters | Out-String)"

        $notEnoughWMIData = $false
        if ($WMIALDEventLogsEvents.count -eq 0 -and $WMIGPOFilters.count -ge 1) {  ## We found WMI filters applied to GPO's but don't have any WMI data in the event log!
            $OldestWMIEvent = Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity -Oldest -MaxEvents 1
            Write-Verbose "WQL duration processing failed - Unable to find any relevant events in the event log. The oldest event is $($OldestWMIEvent.TimeCreated)"
            $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "WQL duration processing failed - Unable to find any relevant events in the event log. The oldest event is $($OldestWMIEvent.TimeCreated)" )
            $notEnoughWMIData = $true
        } else {
            [xml]$WMIALDEventLogsEventsXML = "<Events>$($WMIALDEventLogsEvents.ToXML())</Events>"

        if ($notEnoughWMIData -eq $false ) {
            # Get WMI Filters
            $WMIFilters = @()
            if (-not($offline)) {
                # $search = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi]('LDAP://CN=SOM,CN=WMIPolicy,CN=System,DC=X,DC=X,DC=X'))
                $search = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi](''))
                $search.filter = '(objectclass=msWMI-Som)'
                $results = $search.FindAll()

                $WMIFilters = @( foreach ($result in $results) {
                    $GUID = $'mswmi-id'
                    $NAME = $'mswmi-name'
                    $DESCRIPTION = $'mswmi-parm1'
                    $AUTHOR = $'mswmi-author'
                    $CHANGEDATE = $'mswmi-changedate'
                    $CREATIONDATE = $'mswmi-creationdate'
                    $WQLFilterQueries = (($result.Properties.'mswmi-parm2').split(";"))
                    ## WQL queries should be in every 6th one
                    $WQLObject = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
                    for ($i=0; $i -le $WQLFilterQueries.count; $i++) {
                        #Write-Debug "      Query: $i - $($WQLFilterQueries[$i])"
                        if ($i -ne 0 -and ($i % 6) -eq 0) {
                            Write-Debug "Found Query: $($WQLFilterQueries[$i])"

                        GUID     = $GUID
                        Name = $NAME
                        Description = $DESCRIPTION 
                        Author = $AUTHOR
                        ChangeDate = $CHANGEDATE
                        CreationDate = $CREATIONDATE
                        WQL = $WQLObject
                # Compare WMIFilters with the WMIFilters applied to the GPO's
                $AppliedWMIFilters = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
                foreach ($WMIGPOFilter in $WMIGPOFilters) {
                    if ($WMIFilters.Name.Contains($WMIGPOFilter)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Found a match! $($WMIGPOFilter)"
                        $AppliedWMIFilters.Add($WMIFilters.Where({$_.Name -eq "$($WMIGPOFilter)"}))
                if(-not( Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\AppliedWMIFilters.xml")){
                    Export-Clixml -InputObject $AppliedWMIFilters -Path "$global:logsFolder\AppliedWMIFilters.xml"
            } else { ##offline
                $AppliedWMIFilters = Import-Clixml  "$global:logsFolder\AppliedWMIFilters.xml"

            ## Getting list of GPO objects in the environment
            if (-not($offline)) {
                Write-Verbose "Getting list of GPO's"
                $search = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi](''))
                $search.filter = '(objectclass=groupPolicyContainer)'
                $GPOresults = $search.FindAll()
                if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:logsFolder))) {
                    if(-not( Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\GPOresults.xml")){
                        Export-Clixml -InputObject $GPOresults -Path "$global:logsFolder\GPOresults.xml"
            } else { ##offline
                Write-Verbose "Importing GPO's from offline collection"
                if( Test-Path "$global:logsFolder\GPOresults.xml"){
                    $GPOresults = Import-Clixml  "$global:logsFolder\GPOresults.xml"
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Offline GPO collection not found!"
            Write-Verbose "Number of GPO's Detected: $($GPOresults.count)"

            $specialCharacters = "[`"`(`)` ]" ### Need to remove some special characters like parthenesis as WMI will reformat the query at time of execution causing a mismatch
            <#   A bit about special characters
            For instance, a query that looks like this:
            Select-Object * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE (Model LIKE "Parallels%" OR Model LIKE "HVM dom%" OR Model LIKE "VirtualBox%" OR Model LIKE "Parallels%" OR Model LIKE "VMware%" OR Model = "Virtual Machine")
            Will be stored in the log file like this:
            Select-Object * from Win32_ComputerSystem where (((((Model LIKE "Parallels%" OR Model LIKE "HVM dom%") OR Model LIKE "VirtualBox%") OR Model LIKE "Parallels%") OR Model LIKE "VMware%") OR Model = "Virtual Machine")
            At least, it appears, the structure of the query is the same so just removing the special characters *should* resolve it?
             Also, you cannot use .replace, -replace must be used.
            # Now we have a list of the WMI Filters that were applied against this logon.

            if ($UseWMILog) {
                Write-Verbose "Generating WQL Query Events"
                $WQLQueryEvents = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]
                foreach ($AppliedWMIFilter in $AppliedWMIFilters) {
                    $WQLQuerys = $AppliedWMIFilter.WQL
                    foreach ($WQLQuery in $WQLQuerys) {  
                        ## We need to prevent duplicates being added, but still need to add WQL queries where there are multiple of the same queries.
                        ## What we'll do is grab all matching queries, iterate through them and see if the WQLQueryEvents object already has an entry that matches
                        ## the query we are examining. If there is a complete match (time, thread, operation) then we skip adding the entry
                        Write-Verbose "Searching for WQL Query: $(($WQLQuery) -replace $specialCharacters,'')"
                        $WQLQueryEvent = @( $WMIALDTimeEvents|Where-Object {$_.Operation -replace $specialCharacters,"" -like "*$(($WQLQuery) -replace $specialCharacters,'')*"} )
                        foreach ($WQLquery in $WQLQueryEvent) {
                            if (-not($WQLQueryEvents.Contains($WQLquery))) {
                                Write-Verbose "Adding WQL Query to WQLQueryEvents: $($WQLquery.operation)"
                            } else {
                                Write-Verbose "Query already exists: $($WQLquery.operation)"
            # Use the less precise method
                SO... How this is going to work. We know when WMI completes because the event log records it.
                #About WMI Result Codes
                As far as I've been able to find, 0x80041032 is SUCCESS WITHOUT RETURNING OUTPUT. Microsoft has decided to warn in the event logs of this code because it will only return
                a boolean (true if successful and false if not successful) for WMI Filtering --- no need for output.
                Other common error found in testing
                0x80041010 -- Invalid Class -- Example:: Select-Object * from Win32_CPUProcessor where AddressWidth = 64 :: The "Win32_CPUProcessor" class does not exist which is the reason this failed.

                A full list of codes is found here:

                In the WMI-Activity log each event is when the query completes. So we can judge how long it took by look at each 'Event Log entry' for the start of the 'download' of the GPO
                to the download 'complete' of the GPO. Within this time frame, we can look at any "WMI Events". The duration between the 'WMI event' and the previous event
                is approximately how long the query took.  This method will not be precise because some other factors can influence this duration (eg, if it actually takes time to download
                the GPO... WMI processing won't occur until after it's download. I think odds of external factors causing this imprecise measurement to be off by a large factor are quite low, 
                but do exist.
                #Let's prep.
                #Get a list of WMI Events from the event logs for this user
                Write-Verbose "Finding WQL Query Events from the event logs"
                [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]$GPOWMIEvents = ($GPODownloadEvents|Where-Object {$ -eq 5017 -and $_.Properties.Value -like "*gpt*" -or $ -like 4126})
                foreach ($WMIEventLogEvent in $WMIALDEventLogsEvents) { #Add all the WMI events initated by the user to this object
                    if ($WMIEventLogEvent.Properties.Value -like "$UserDomain\$username") {
                    $GPOWMIEvents.Add($WMIEventLogEvent) #GPOWMIEvents should have each query to the GPO file and the success query for the WQL filter

                #Add the latest Group-Policy event *Before* the first WMI call so we can capture the duration
                $GPOWMIEvents.Add(($GPODownloadEvents|Where-Object{$ -eq 5017 -and $_.TimeCreated -lt $GPOWMIEvents[-1].TimeCreated}|Select-Object -First 1 ) )

                $GPOWMIEvents  = @( $GPOWMIEvents | sort-Object -Property TimeCreated -Descending ) #Sort in the proper order so we can index numbers 

                foreach ($GPOWMIEvent in $GPOWMIEvents) {
                    if ($UseWMILog) {
                        if ($GPOWMIEvent.TimeCreated -lt $startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated) {  ## Find Events that are before user policy processing had started (for MERGE GPO processing)
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Event that is before the start of user processing!"
                            #convert event to XML for easier targeting of properties
                            [xml]$XMLGPOWMIevent = $GPOWMIEvent.ToXML()
                            if ($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.System.EventID -eq 5017 -or $XMLGPOWMIevent.event.System.EventID -eq 4126) {
                                ## Find the GPO this applies to:
                                if ($[-1].'#text' -like "*gpt*") { ##only show GPO events that have GPO info. This is to skip the line *after* the last WMI which may NOT be a reference to a GPO
                                    $GPOPath = $[-1].'#text'
                                    $GPOName = ($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties["DisplayName"]
                                    Write-Debug "GPOName       = $($GPOName)"
                                    Write-Debug "GPOPath       = $($GPOPath)"
                                    ## if the GPO failed WMI then we need to compare this GPO to the list of failed GPO's
                                    foreach ($GPONotAppliedObject in $GPONotAppliedObjects) { ## If WMI query was executed but was not succesful it may not generate an event. But we have a list of GPO's that failed WMI so we can find it and the event before it to determine duration
                                        if ($GPONotAppliedObject.Name -like $GPOName) {
                                            $GPO = Get-ALDGPO -GPOName $GPOName
                                            Write-Verbose "Evaluating GPO that failed because of a WMI query"
                                            $indexNumber = $GPOWMIEvents.IndexOf($GPOWMIEvent)
                                            $DurationMs = "$(($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds)"
                                            $duration = "$($($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds/1000)"
                                            #TTYE Convert Duration to seconds and drop all but the last decimal
                                            [string]$durationStringBuilder = $duration
                                            $durationStringBuilder = "$($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[0]).$($($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[1])[0])"
                                            $time = $($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated)
                                            Write-Debug "Time          = $time"
                                            Write-Debug "Duration (s)  = $($durationStringBuilder)"
                                            Write-Debug "Duration (ms) = $($DurationMs)"
                                            Write-Debug "GPOName       = $($GPOName)"
                                            Write-Debug "Query         = $($GPONotAppliedObject.Reason) - $($GPO.WMIFilterName)"
                                                StartTime     = $Time.AddMilliseconds(-$DurationMs)
                                                EndTime     = $Time
                                                [psobject]"Duration (s)" = $($durationStringBuilder)
                                                GPO = $GPOName[0] ## when we create this variable it's stored as a collection object. Just need to query the first object
                                                Query = " $($GPONotAppliedObject.Reason) - $($GPO.WMIFilterName)"
                                } else {
                                    $GPOPath = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]"Unknown"
                                    $GPOName = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]"Unknown"
                            } else {
                                ## This should be a WMI event
                                $indexNumber = $GPOWMIEvents.IndexOf($GPOWMIEvent)
                                if ($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.resultcode -ne "0x80041032") {  ##Did the WQL query fail? -- 80041032 is a success
                                    if (Get-Variable duration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-Variable duration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                                    $duration = "$(Get-WMIEnumerationResult -HexCode $XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.resultcode)"
                                    $DurationMs = "0"
                                } else {
                                    $DurationMs = "$(($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].Time - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].Time).TotalMilliseconds)"
                                    $duration = "$($($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds/1000)"
                                [string]$durationStringBuilder = $duration
                                $duration = "$($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[0]).$($($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[1])[0])"

                                $time = $($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated)
                                Write-Debug "Time          = $time"
                                Write-Debug "Duration (s) = $($duration)"
                                Write-Debug "GPOName       = $($GPOName)"
                                Write-Debug "Query         = $($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.Operation.split(":")[-1])"
                                    StartTime = $Time.AddMilliseconds(-$DurationMs)
                                    EndTime     = $Time
                                    [psobject]"Duration (s)" = $($duration.ToString())
                                    GPO = $GPOName[0] ## when we create this variable it's stored as a collection object. Just need to query the first object
                                    Query = $($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.Operation.split(":")[-1])
                    } else {
                        #convert event to XML for easier targeting of properties
                        [xml]$XMLGPOWMIevent = $GPOWMIEvent.ToXML()
                        if ($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.System.EventID -eq 5017 -or $XMLGPOWMIevent.event.System.EventID -eq 4126) {
                            ## Find the GPO this applies to:
                            if ($[-1] -and $[-1].'#text' -like "*gpt*") { ##only show GPO events that have GPO info. This is to skip the line *after* the last WMI which may NOT be a reference to a GPO
                                $GPOPath = $[-1].'#text'
                                $GPOName = ($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties["DisplayName"]
                                Write-Debug "GPOName       = $($GPOName)"
                                Write-Debug "GPOPath       = $($GPOPath)"
                                foreach ($GPONotAppliedObject in $GPONotAppliedObjects) { ## If WMI query was executed but was not succesful it may not generate an event. But we have a list of GPO's that failed WMI so we can find it and the event before it to determine duration
                                        if ($GPONotAppliedObject.Name -like $GPOName) {
                                            $GPO = Get-ALDGPO -GPOName $GPOName
                                            Write-Verbose "Evaluating GPO that failed because of a WMI query"
                                            $indexNumber = $GPOWMIEvents.IndexOf($GPOWMIEvent)
                                            $DurationMs = "$(($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds)"
                                            $duration = "$($($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds/1000)"
                                            #TTYE Convert Duration to seconds and drop all but the last decimal
                                            [string]$durationStringBuilder = $duration
                                            $durationStringBuilder = "$($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[0]).$($($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[1])[0])"
                                            $time = $($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated)
                                            Write-Debug "Time          = $time"
                                            Write-Debug "Duration (s)  = $($durationStringBuilder)"
                                            Write-Debug "Duration (ms) = $($DurationMs)"
                                            Write-Debug "GPOName       = $($GPOName)"
                                            Write-Debug "Query         = $($GPONotAppliedObject.Reason) - $($GPO.WMIFilterName)"
                                                StartTime     = $Time.AddMilliseconds(-$DurationMs)
                                                EndTime     = $Time
                                                [psobject]"Duration (s)" = $($durationStringBuilder)
                                                GPO = $GPOName[0] ## when we create this variable it's stored as a collection object. Just need to query the first object
                                                Query = " $($GPONotAppliedObject.Reason) - $($GPO.WMIFilterName)"
                            } else {
                                $GPOPath = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]"Unknown"
                                $GPOName = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]"Unknown"
                        } else {
                            ## This should be a WMI event
                            $indexNumber = $GPOWMIEvents.IndexOf($GPOWMIEvent)
                            if ($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.resultcode -ne "0x80041032") {  ##Did the WQL query fail? -- 80041032 is a success
                                if (Get-Variable duration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-Variable duration }
                                $duration = "$(Get-WMIEnumerationResult -HexCode $XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.resultcode)"
                                $DurationMs = "0"
                            } else {
                                $DurationMs = "$(($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds)"
                                $duration = "$($($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated - $GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber+1].TimeCreated).TotalMilliseconds/1000)"
                            #TTYE Convert Duration to seconds and drop all but the last decimal
                            [string]$durationStringBuilder = $duration
                            if ($durationStringBuilder -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {  ## WBEM error messages don't get the split and start with a letter not a number
                                $durationStringBuilder = "$($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[0]).$($($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[1])[0])"
                            $time = $($GPOWMIEvents[$indexNumber].TimeCreated)
                            Write-Debug "Time          = $time"
                            Write-Debug "Duration (s)  = $($durationStringBuilder)"
                            Write-Debug "Duration (ms) = $($DurationMs)"
                            Write-Debug "GPOName       = $($GPOName)"
                            Write-Debug "Query         = $($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.Operation.split(":")[-1])"
                                StartTime     = $Time.AddMilliseconds(-$DurationMs)
                                EndTime     = $Time
                                [psobject]"Duration (s)" = $($durationStringBuilder)
                                GPO = $GPOName[0] ## when we create this variable it's stored as a collection object. Just need to query the first object
                                Query = $($XMLGPOWMIevent.event.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.Operation.split(":")[-1])

            ## We have a list of all WMI events and (ideally) their succeeded counterpart. Now we just need to match each pair into a duration for that query. I don't think WMI runs async (counter to the log saying ExecQueryAsync)
            ## because every set of queries I've tested seem to operate in the order the GPO WMI filter specifies. 

            if ($UseWMILog) {
                $WQLQueryEvents = $WQLQueryEvents | Sort-Object -Property RecordId
                if (-not($WQLQueryEvents.count %2 -eq 0)) { ## Testing to see if we have an odd number of events. We should always have even as each query should have the query start and end events.
                    Write-Output "There is an odd number of WQL Query Events!"
                    Write-Verbose "$($WQLQueryEvents | Format-Table | Out-String)"
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Finding WQL Query events in the event log"
                    foreach ($WQLQueryEvent in $($WQLQueryEvents)) {
                        $indexNumber = $WQLQueryEvents.IndexOf($WQLQueryEvent)
                        if ($indexNumber %2 -eq 0) {
                                ## We can use the correlated Group Policy events to find which GPO was executing based on time. The GPO event 5017 is when a GPO finished being read, where WMI execution happens DURING this event
                                ## So we look for the group policy read event that occurs immediately *AFTER* the WMI execution event
                                ## We also need to find the matching query in the WMI-Activity log and get the closest WMI event. This is because the query from the Framework log will complete slightly faster than the event log
                                ## entry so the file downloads event log entry can start slightly before a subsequent query.
                                ## Long story short, we need to find the closest event log query to the completed query and then get the next download event
                                #$WMIActivityEvent = $WMIALDEventLogsEvents.where{$_.TimeCreated -ge $WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber].Time}
                                $Query    = $($WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber].Operation.split(":")[1])
                                $searchQuery = $query  -replace $specialCharacters
                                $WMIActivityEvent = $WMIALDEventLogsEvents|Where-Object{$_.Id -eq 5858 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber+1].Time -and $_.Properties[5].Value -replace $specialCharacters -like "*$searchQuery*"}[-1] ## we need to choose the $WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber+1] as this will be when the query completed, and $WQLQueryEvents[$indexnumber] should be the start of the query
                                Write-Verbose "StartEvent: $(($WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber].Time).ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")) - EndEvent: $(($WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber+1].Time).ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"))"
                                [xml]$GPOEvent  =  (($GPODownloadEvents|Where-Object{$ -eq 5017 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge $WMIActivityEvent.TimeCreated -and $_.Properties.Value -like "*gpt*"})[-1]).ToXML()
                                $GPOPath = $($|Where-Object{$_.Name -like "Parameter"}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "#text"
                                Write-Verbose "$($GPOPath)"
                                ## Now we get the GPO name by converting it's GUID to the friendly name
                                $GPOProperties = $($($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties)
                                Write-Verbose "GPOProperties = $($GPOProperties["DisplayName"])"
                                #Write-Verbose "Attempt1 $($($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties |Out-string)"
                                #Write-Verbose "Attempt2 $($($($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties).DisplayName)"
                                $GPOName = ($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties["DisplayName"]  ##can't use .where here because when this is run offline this object is deserialized
                                #$WQLQueryEvent = $WMIALDTimeEvents.where{$_.Operation -replace $specialCharacters,"" -like "*$(($WQLQuery) -replace $specialCharacters,'')*"}

                                $Time     = $($WMIActivityEvent.TimeCreated)
                                if (Get-Variable duration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-Variable duration }
                                $DurationMs = "$(($WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber+1].Time - $WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber].Time).TotalMilliseconds)"
                                $Duration = "$(($WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber+1].Time - $WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber].Time).TotalMilliseconds/1000)"
                                [string]$durationStringBuilder = $duration
                                $durationStringBuilder = "$($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[0]).$($($durationStringBuilder.split(".")[1])[0])"
                                Write-Debug "GPOEvent Time     : $($([datetime]$GPOEvent.Event.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime).ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"))"
                                Write-Debug "WQLQueryEvent Time: $($Time.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"))"
                                Write-Debug "Time     = $Time"
                                Write-Debug "Duration     = $($durationStringBuilder)"
                                Write-Debug "GPOName     = $($GPOName)"
                                Write-Debug "WMIActivity Query = $($WMIActivityEvent.Properties[5].Value)"
                                Write-Debug "searchQuery     = $searchQuery"

                                StartTime     = ([datetime]$EventLogFailure.system.TimeCreated.SystemTime).AddMilliseconds(-$DurationMs)
                                EndTime     = $WQLQueryEvents[$indexNumber].Time
                                [psobject]"Duration (s)" = $($durationStringBuilder)
                                GPO = $GPOName[0] ## when we create this variable it's stored as a collection object. Just need to query the first object
                                Query = $Query

                $WMIEventLogFailures = $WMIALDEventLogsEventsXML.Events.Event | Where-Object {$_.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.User -like "$userDOMAIN\$username" -and $_.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.resultcode -ne "0x80041032"}
                if ($WMIEventLogFailures.count -ge 1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Found WMI failures associated to this user during logon!"
                    Write-Verbose "$($WMIEventLogFailures.count) failures"

                foreach ($EventLogFailure in $WMIEventLogFailures) {
                    [xml]$GPOEvent = (($GPODownloadEvents|Where-Object{$ -eq 5017 -and $_.TimeCreated -ge [datetime]$EventLogFailure.system.TimeCreated.SystemTime})[-1]).ToXML()
                    $GPOPath = $[-1].'#text'
                    ## Now we get the GPO name by converting it's GUID to the friendly name
                    $GPOName = ($GPOresults | Where-Object {$GPOPath -like "$($_.Properties.gpcfilesyspath)*"}).Properties["DisplayName"]
                        StartTime     = [datetime]$EventLogFailure.system.TimeCreated.SystemTime
                        EndTime     = [datetime]$EventLogFailure.system.TimeCreated.SystemTime
                        [psobject]"Duration (s)" = "$(Get-WMIEnumerationResult -HexCode $EventLogFailure.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.ResultCode)"
                        GPO = $GPOName[0] ## when we create this variable it's stored as a collection object. Just need to query the first object
                        Query = $EventLogFailure.UserData.Operation_ClientFailure.Operation.Split(":")[3]

            #$format.Add( (@{Expression={'{0:N1}' -f $_.Duration};Label="Duration (s)"} ) )
            $WQLformat = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]
            $WQLformat.Add( (@{Expression={$_.GPO};Label="GPO"} ) )
            if ($UseWMILog) { $WQLformat.Add( (@{Expression={$_."Duration (s)"};Label="Duration (s)"} ) ) }
            else {            $WQLformat.Add( (@{Expression={$_."Duration (s)"};Label="Duration (s)*"} ) ) }  ## use the * to denote that this is imprecise -- using inferred event log timestamps
            $WQLformat.Add( (@{Expression={'{0:HH:mm:ss.f}' -f $_.StartTime};Label="Start Time"} ) )
            $WQLformat.Add( (@{Expression={'{0:HH:mm:ss.f}' -f $_.EndTime};Label="End Time"} ) )
            $WQLformat.Add( ( @{Expression={$_.Query};Label="Query"} ) )

            $WQLtotalDuration = 0
            foreach ($WQLduration in $WQLQueryTimings.'Duration (s)') {
                if ($WQLduration -match '[0-9]') {
                    $WQLtotalDuration = $WQLtotalDuration + $WQLduration

#region Get Individual AppX Package Load Times

if( $offline ) {
    if ($Script:Output|Where-Object{$_."PhaseName" -eq "AppX - Load Packages"}) {
        [hashtable]$params =  @{ 'Path' = $global:appReadinessParams[ 'Path' ] }  
        $params.Add('Id', 213)
        $params.Add('StartTime', $($Script:Output|Where-Object{$_."PhaseName" -eq "AppX - Load Packages"}).StartTime)
        $params.Add('EndTime', $($Script:Output|Where-Object{$_."PhaseName" -eq "AppX - Load Packages"}).EndTime)
        $AppXLoadedPackageEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $params -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
} else { ##online  
    if ($Script:Output|Where-Object{$_."PhaseName" -eq "AppX - Load Packages"}) {
        [hashtable]$params = @{'ProviderName'="Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness"}
        $params.Add('Id', 213)
        $params.Add('StartTime', $($Script:Output|Where-Object{$_."PhaseName" -eq "AppX - Load Packages"}).StartTime)
        $params.Add('EndTime', $($Script:Output | Where-Object{$_."PhaseName" -eq "AppX - Load Packages"}).EndTime)
        $AppXLoadedPackageEvents = @( Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $params -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

Write-Verbose "Found $($AppXLoadedPackageEvents.count) AppX Package Load events"

if ($AppXLoadedPackageEvents.count -ge 1) {
    $AppXPackageobj = New-Object collections.generic.list[psobject]
    foreach ($WMIevent in $AppXLoadedPackageEvents) {
        [xml]$xmlEvent = $WMIevent.ToXml()
        if (Get-Variable duration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-Variable duration }
        $Duration = [timespan]::FromSeconds($[3]."#text").TotalSeconds
        $startTime = ([datetime]$xmlEvent.event.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime).AddSeconds(-$duration).ToString("HH:mm:ss.f")
        $endTime = ([datetime]$xmlEvent.event.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime).ToString("HH:mm:ss.f")
        $myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Package     = $[1]."#text"
            "Duration (s)" = $duration
            "Start Time" = $startTime
            "End Time" = $endTime
} else {  # no appx packages detected
    If ( Test-IfCommandExists -Command Get-AppXPackage ) {  # Get-AppXPackages cmdlet exists
        $sharedVariables.warnings.Add( "No AppX Package load times were found. AppX Package load times are only present for a users first logon and may not show for subsequent logons." )


        $LogonTaskList = Get-LogonTask -UserName $Username -UserDomain $UserDomain -Start $Logon.LogonTime -End $Script:Output[-1].EndTime

        $outputObject = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ 'User name ' = $username }
        Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Loopback Processing Mode ' -Value $LoopBackProcessingMode
        Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RSoP Logging ' -Value $RSOPLogging

        if( $odataPhase -and $odataPhase.PSObject.Properties )
            ## odataphase no longer built from OData so just copy
            ForEach( $property in ( $odataPhase.PSObject.Properties | Sort-Object -Property Name ))
                Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $property.Name -Value $property.Value

        ($outputObject | Format-List | Out-String).Trim() | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo
        '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        $earliest = $null
        $latest = $null
        [double]$totalDuration = 0 
        [double]$duration = 0
        [string]$indent = ''
        [string]$prelogonVendor = 'VMware'

        if( $prelogonData -and $prelogonData.Count )
            ForEach( $item in $prelogonData )
                if( ! $earliest -or $item.StartTime -lt $earliest )
                    $earliest = $item.StartTime
                if( ! $latest -or $item.EndTime -gt $latest )
                    $latest = $item.EndTime

            $duration = ($latest - $earliest).TotalSeconds

            ## No start/end for this as a total of the phase and sorting on start puts it at the end where we want it
            $prelogonData.Add( ( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PhaseName' = 'Pre-Windows Duration' ; Duration = $duration } ) )

            ## calculate delay between latest action finish and Windows logon commencing
            [double]$phaseDelay = 0
            [string]$delayBetweenPhases = $null
            if( $latest )
                $phaseDelay = [math]::Round( ($Logon.LogonTime - $latest).TotalSeconds, 1)
                if( $phaseDelay -lt 0 )
                    $phaseDelay = 0
                $delayBetweenPhases = "Delay between $prelogonVendor and Windows phases: $phaseDelay seconds`n"

        $totalDuration = $duration

        $earliestOverall = $earliest
        $latestOverall = $latest
        $earliest = $null
        $latest = $null

        if( $Script:Output -and $Script:Output.Count )
            ForEach( $item in $Script:Output )
                if( ! $earliest -or $item.StartTime -lt $earliest )
                    $earliest = $item.StartTime
                if( ! $latest -or $item.EndTime -gt $latest )
                    $latest = $item.EndTime
            $duration = ($latest - $earliest).TotalSeconds

        $totalDuration += $duration

        [datetime]$start = $(if( ! $earliestOverall -or $earliest -lt $earliestOverall ) { $earliest } else { $earliestOverall })
        [datetime]$end = $(if( ! $latestOverall -or $latest -gt $latestOverall ) { $latest } else { $latestOverall })

            'Logon start' = '{0} {1}' -f (Get-Date -Date $start -Format d), (Get-Date -Date $start -Format 'HH:mm:ss' )
            'Logon end'   = '{0} {1}' -f (Get-Date -Date $end -Format d), (Get-Date -Date $end -Format 'HH:mm:ss')
            'Duration'    = "$([math]::Round( ($end - $start).TotalSeconds , 1 )) seconds" } | Format-List | Out-String).Trim() | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        $Script:Output.Add( ( [pscustomobject]@{ 'Source' = 'Windows' ; 'PhaseName' = 'Windows Logon Time' ; 'StartTime' = $logon.LogonTime ; 'EndTime' = $logon.LogonTime ; 'Duration' = 0.0 } ) )
        $Script:Output.Add( ( [pscustomobject]@{ 'PhaseName' = 'Windows Duration' ; Duration = $duration } ) )

        ## find the longest source and phasenames so we can pad them all to the same width so the two tables have the same dimensions
        [int]$longestSource = 0
        [int]$longestPhasename = 0
        ForEach( $horizonItem in $prelogonData )
            if( $horizonItem.PSObject.Properties[ 'Source' ] -and $horizonItem.Source.Length -gt $longestSource )
                $longestSource = $horizonItem.Source.Length
            if( $horizonItem.PhaseName.Length -gt $longestPhasename )
                $longestPhasename = $horizonItem.PhaseName.Length
        ForEach( $outputItem in $Script:Output )
            if( $outputItem.PSObject.Properties[ 'Source' ] -and $outputItem.Source.Length -gt $longestSource )
                $longestSource = $outputItem.Source.Length
            if( $outputItem.PhaseName.Length -gt $longestPhasename )
                $longestPhasename = $outputItem.PhaseName.Length

        ## have to do it this way as PS v4 errors if you declare and assign in the same statement
        $format = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]
        $format.Add( (@{Expression={$_.Source.PadRight($longestSource,' ')};Label="Source"} ) )
        $format.Add( (@{Expression={$_.PhaseName.PadRight($longestPhasename,' ')};Label="Phase"} ) )
        $format.Add( (@{Expression={'{0:N1}' -f $_.Duration};Label="Duration (s)"} ) )
        $format.Add( (@{Expression={'{0:HH:mm:ss.f}' -f $_.StartTime};Label="Start Time"} ) )
        $format.Add( ( @{Expression={'{0:HH:mm:ss.f}' -f $_.EndTime};Label="End Time"} ) )
        if( $prelogonData -and $prelogonData.Count )
            ($prelogonData | Sort-Object -Property 'StartTime' | Format-Table -Property $Format -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { "$indent$_" } | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            ## $delayBetweenPhases
        ## sort-Object on start time so we can calculate gap with previous phase
        $Script:Output = $Script:Output | Sort-Object -Property StartTime

        ## Calculate gaps between sorted phases now that we have all components and are sorted in ascending start order . This assumes they are in some way synchronous
        for( $i=1 ; $i -le $Script:Output.Count - 1 ; $i++ ) {
            if( $Script:Output[$i].PSObject.Properties[ 'StartTime' ] ) {
                if( ( $Deltas = New-TimeSpan -Start $Script:Output[$i-1].EndTime -End $Script:Output[$i].StartTime -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -lt 0 ) {
                    #if tasks are run asynchronously, then deltas may not be timed correctly.  Setting the value as blank to avoid confusion.
                    $Deltas = ""
                Add-Member -InputObject $Script:Output[$i] -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TimeDelta -Value $Deltas -Force

        $Format.Add(  @{Expression={'{0:N1}' -f ($_.TimeDelta | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalSeconds)};Label="Gap (s)"} )

        ( $Script:Output | Format-Table -Property $Format -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { "$indent$_" } | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        ##TTYE Should check that there are WQL timings or else don't display
        if ($WQLQueryTimings.count -ne 0 -or $WQLQueryTimings -ne $null) {
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            "WMI Filters executed during logon" | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '------------------------------------ '+ "`n" | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            ($WQLQueryTimings | Sort-Object -Property EndTime | Format-Table -Property $WQLformat -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n"  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            Write-Output "`r"| Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            if ($WQLTotalDuration -gt 1000) {
                Write-Output "WMI Filter(s) total runtime: $("{0:N1}" -f ($WQLTotalDuration/1000)) s"| Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            } else {
                Write-Output "WMI Filter(s) total runtime: $WQLTotalDuration s"| Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            Write-Output "`r" | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        ##TTYE Should check that there are AppX Load Pacakge Events or else don't display
        if ($AppXLoadedPackageEvents.count -ge 1) {
            ''| Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            "AppX packages loaded during logon"| Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '---------------------------------'| Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            $AppXPackageobj | Sort-Object -Property "Start Time" | Format-Table | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append

        '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        'Non blocking logon tasks' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        '------------------------' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append

        if ($Script:GPAsync)
            "`nGroup Policy asynchronous scripts were processed for $Script:GPAsync seconds" | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append

        $LogonTaskList | Format-Table @{Expression={$_.TaskName};Label="Logon Scheduled Task"},@{Expression={'{0:s\.ff}' -f $_.Duration};Label="Duration (s)"},@{Expression={$_.ActionName};Label="Action Name"} -AutoSize  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        $format.RemoveAt( $format.Count - 1 ) ## Remove "Gap (s)" as not relevant now
        if( $script:vmwareDEMNonBlockingPhases -and $script:vmwareDEMNonBlockingPhases.Count )
            ##"$productName Phases"
            ( $script:vmwareDEMNonBlockingPhases | Sort-Object -Property StartTime | Format-Table -Property $Format -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { "$indent$_" }  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append

        if( $Script:AppVolumesOutput -and $Script:AppVolumesOutput.Count )
            'App Volumes Phase' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            ( $Script:AppVolumesOutput | Sort-Object -Property StartTime | Format-Table -Property $Format -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { "$indent$_" }  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        if( $script:ivantiEMNonBlockingPhases -and $script:ivantiEMNonBlockingPhases.Count )
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            ( $script:ivantiEMNonBlockingPhases | Sort-Object -Property StartTime | Format-Table -Property $Format -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { "$indent$_" } | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append

        if( $CSEArray -and $CSEArray.Count )
             $Format.Add( @{Expression={ $_.GPOs };Label="GPO(s)"} )
            'Group Policy Client Side Extension Processing' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            $lastToFinish = $null
            [hashtable]$GPOTotalTimes = @{}

            [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$CSEtimings = @( $CSEArray.Where( { $_.Id -ne '4016' } ).ForEach( 
                $CSE = $_
                [double]$duration = $CSE.Properties[0].Value / 1000
                if( ! $lastToFinish -or $CSE.TimeCreated -gt $lastToFinish )
                    $lastToFinish = $CSE.TimeCreated

                ## look up the list of GPOs via the CSE extension id from 4016 event we built earlier
                [string[]]$GPOs = @( $CSE2GPO[ $CSE.Properties[3].Value ] -split "`n" )
                ForEach( $GPO in $GPOs )
                        if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $GPO.Trim() ) )
                            $GPOTotalTimes.Add( $GPO , $duration )
                        ## else empty string so ignore
                        ## already have it so we add to the time
                        [double]$alreadyGot = $GPOTotalTimes.Get_Item( $GPO )
                        $GPOTotalTimes.Set_Item( $GPO , $alreadyGot + $duration )

                    Source    = 'CSE'
                    PhaseName = $CSE.Properties[2].Value
                    StartTime = $CSE.TimeCreated.AddMilliseconds( -$CSE.Properties[0].Value )
                    EndTime   = $CSE.TimeCreated
                    Duration  = $duration 
                    GPOs      = ($GPOs -join ', ').Trim( '[, ]') }
            } ) )

            #ADD Citrix RSOP to CSE Timings
            if( $lastToFinish )
                "Overall Group Policy Processing Duration:`t" + ( "{0:N2}" -f ( $lastToFinish - $startProcessingEvent.TimeCreated ).TotalSeconds ) + " Seconds"  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
                ''  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            ($CSEtimings | Sort-Object -Property StartTime | Format-Table -Property $Format -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { "$indent$_" }  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
            if( $GPOTotalTimes -and $GPOTotalTimes.Count )
                '' | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
                "$($GPOTotalTimes.Count) processed GPO CSEs sorted by the most time spent processing them (seconds)" | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
                $GPOTotalTimes.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object Name | Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property @{n='GPO';e={$_.Name}},@{n='Time Spent (s)';e={$_.Value}} | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append
        ## wraps text for reasons unknown - bug
        if( $sharedVariables.warnings -and $sharedVariables.warnings.Count )
            $sharedVariables.warnings | Write-Warning  | Tee-Object -FilePath $SaveOutputTo -Append

# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

$windowsPrincipal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())

[bool]$global:dumpForOffline = $false
[string]$global:logsFolder = $null
[string]$username = $null
[string]$UserDomain = $null
Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
    "Online" {
        Write-Debug "Logon Parameters discovered:"
        Write-Debug "Username:     $Username"
        Write-Debug "UserDomain:   $userDomain"
        Write-Debug "ClientName:   $ClientName"
        Write-Debug "SessionName:  $SessionName"
        Write-Debug "SessionId:    $SessionID"
        Write-Debug "SaveOutputTo: $SaveOutputTo"
        Write-Debug "PrepMachine:  $PrepMachine"
    "CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage" {
        Write-Debug "Creating Offline Package for Analysis and saving output to $CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage"
        Write-Debug "Logon Parameters discovered:"
        Write-Debug "Username:     $Username"
        Write-Debug "UserDomain:   $userDomain"
        Write-Debug "ClientName:   $ClientName"
        Write-Debug "SessionName:  $SessionName"
        Write-Debug "SessionId:    $SessionID"
    "OfflineAnalysis" {
        Write-Debug "Analyzing Offline Package : $OfflineAnalysis"

        Write-Verbose -message "prep machine" 

#Prepare Machine will only operate if the value is a positive non-zero value
if ($PrepMachine -gt 0) {
    if( ! ( $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )))
        Throw 'This script must be run with administrative privilege'
    [int]$logSize = $PrepMachine
    $securityEventLog = Get-WinEvent -ListLog 'Security'
    [string]$size = $null

    if( $logSize -lt 1 )
        Throw "$logSize cannot be less than 1MB"
    if( $logSize -lt $suggestedSecurityEventLogSizeMB )
        Write-Warning "Log size of $($logSize)MB is less than the recommended $($suggestedSecurityEventLogSizeMB)MB"
    elseif( $logSize -lt $securityEventLog.MaximumSizeInBytes / 1MB )
        Write-Warning "New Security event log size of $($logSize)MB is less than the current $([int]($securityEventLog.MaximumSizeInBytes / 1MB))MB"
    elseif( $logSize -gt $securityEventLog.MaximumSizeInBytes / 1MB )
        Write-Debug "Increasing security event log maximum size to $($logSize)MB from $([int]($securityEventLog.MaximumSizeInBytes / 1MB))MB"
        $size = "/maxsize:$($logSize * 1MB)"
        Write-Warning "Security event log already has max size of $($logSize)MB so not changing"
    if( $securityEventLog.LogMode -ne 'Circular' )
        Write-Warning "Security event log was previousy not set to overwrite (was $($securityEventLog.LogMode))"
    wevtutil.exe set-log Security /retention:false /autobackup:false $size 
    Write-Debug "Enabling Process Command Line Auditing"
    $null = New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\Audit" -Name 'ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled' -Value 1 -PropertyType 'Dword' -Force
    Write-Debug "Setting log sizes for teritary event logs"
    [string[]]$eventLogs = @( 'Application','Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational','Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core/Operational','Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core/AppDefaults','Microsoft-FSLogix-Apps/Operational','Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness/Admin','Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational','Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational' , 'Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational' , 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational' , 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational' , 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational' )
    ForEach( $eventLog in $eventLogs )
        $eventLogProperties = Get-WinEvent -ListLog $eventLog
        if( $eventLogProperties )
            $commandLine =  "`"$eventLog`" /retention:false /autobackup:false /enabled:true"
            if( ($eventLogProperties.MaximumSizeInBytes / 1048576 ) -ge $PrepMachine )
                Write-Warning "Event log `"$eventLog`" already has max size of $([int]($eventLogProperties.MaximumSizeInBytes / 1MB))MB so not changing"
                $commandLine += " /maxsize:$($PrepMachine*1048576)"
                Write-Verbose "Setting $eventLog to $($PrepMachine)MB"
                Start-Process -FilePath "wevtutil.exe" -ArgumentList "set-log $commandLine" -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden

    [array]$requiredAuditEvents = @(
        [pscustomobject]@{ 'Policy' = 'Process Creation'     ; 'CategoryGuid' = '6997984C-797A-11D9-BED3-505054503030' ; 'SubCategoryGuid' = '0cce922b-69ae-11d9-bed3-505054503030' }
        [pscustomobject]@{ 'Policy' = 'Process Termination'  ; 'CategoryGuid' = '6997984C-797A-11D9-BED3-505054503030' ; 'SubCategoryGuid' = '0cce922c-69ae-11d9-bed3-505054503030' }
    if( ! ( ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Win32.Advapi32').Type ) )
        [void](Add-Type -MemberDefinition $AuditDefinitions -Name 'Advapi32' -Namespace 'Win32' -UsingNamespace System.Text,System.ComponentModel,System.Security,System.Security.Principal -Debug:$false)
    Write-Debug "Setting Process Creation and Termination auditing"
    [int]$privReturn = [Win32.Advapi32+TokenManipulator]::AddPrivilege( [Win32.Advapi32+Rights]::SeSecurityPrivilege )
    if( $privReturn )
        Write-Warning "Failed to enable SeSecurityPrivilege"
    ForEach( $requiredAuditEvent in $requiredAuditEvents )
        if( ! ( Set-SystemPolicy -categoryGuid $requiredAuditEvent.CategoryGuid -subCategoryGuid $requiredAuditEvent.SubCategoryGuid  ) )
            Write-Warning "Unable to set $($requiredAuditEvent.Policy)"
    Exit 0

Write-Verbose "$($PSBoundParameters.Keys)"

## are we in debug mode - to either export files & event logs or process previously saved ones
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage")
    Write-Output "Saving logon data"
    if( ! ( $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )))
        Throw 'This script must be run with administrative privilege'
    ## we are dumping the logs
    $global:logsFolder = $CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage
    if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -PathType Container -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
        $dumpDir = New-Item -Path $global:logsFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Application" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Application.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Security" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Security.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Group Policy.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Print Service.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Task Scheduler.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'User Profile Service.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness/Admin" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'AppReadiness.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'WMIActivity.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'FolderRedirection.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-FSLogix-Apps/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'FSLogix.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "AppSense" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'AppSense.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core/AppDefaults" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'AppDefaults.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Shell-Core Operational.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Terminal Services LSM.evtx')
    wevtutil.exe export-log "Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational" $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Winlogon.evtx')
    $global:dumpForOffline = $true
    # Dump services so we can tell if Citrix, VMware, AppSense, Immidio
    Get-Service | Export-Csv -Path (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Services.csv') -NoTypeInformation

    #region FSLogix Offline Dump
    [string]$FSLogixLogDir = $null
    try {
        $FSLogixLogDir = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Logging  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Logdir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Catch {
        #LogDir registry value not found. Set to default:
        Write-Verbose "FSLogix LogDir value not set. Setting LogDir to default path"

    if ($FSLogixLogDir.Length -eq 0) {
        $FSLogixLogDir = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath( [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonApplicationData )) -ChildPath 'FSLogix\Logs'
    [string]$FSLogixProfileLogDir = Join-Path -Path $FSLogixLogDir -ChildPath 'Profile'
    if (Test-Path -Path $FSLogixProfileLogDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
        Write-Verbose "Found FSLogix Profile Log directory."
        $profileLog = Get-ChildItem -Path $FSLogixProfileLogDir
        foreach ($profile in $profileLog) {
            if ( Test-Path $profile.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
                Copy-Item -Path $profile.FullName -Destination $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath "FSLogixProfileLog-$($")
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Unable to determine or find FSLogix profile log file."

    #region WMI LogFile Offline Dump
    if( $UseWMILogFile -and (Test-Path $global:WMILogFile) )
        Copy-Item -Path $global:WMILogFile -Destination ( Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath (( Split-Path -Path $global:WMILogFile -Leaf )))

    if( Test-Path -Path $appVolumesLogFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
        if( ( $appvolumesKey = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' -Name DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object DisplayName -match 'App Volumes Agent' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSPath ) )
            $global:appVolumesVersion = Get-ItemProperty -Path $appvolumesKey -Name DisplayVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object -Property DisplayVersion -Descending | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayVersion -First 1
            ## insert version number in file name so we can pull it out when processing since we do different things for different versions
            ## TODO also need to put WaitForFirstVolumeOnly in file name so can pull out when running offline
            try {
                if( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\svservice\Parameters -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty WaitForFirstVolumeOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -eq  0 ) {
                    $global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly = $false
            } catch {
                Write-Debug 'AppVolumes: WaitForFirstVolumeOnly value not found. Using Default'
            Copy-Item -Path $global:appVolumesLogFile -Destination ( Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath ( ( Split-Path -Path $global:appVolumesLogFile -Leaf ) -replace '(.*)(\.\w{3})' , ( '$1' + ".$global:appVolumesVersion" + ".$global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly" + '$2' )))
            Copy-Item -Path $global:appVolumesLogFile -Destination $global:logsFolder

if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "OfflineAnalysis")
    $global:logsFolder = $OfflineAnalysis
    $offline = $true

    ## look for event log files so we can use instead of live logs
    Get-ChildItem -Path $global:logsFolder -Filter '*.evtx' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object `
        $file = $_
        switch -Regex( $file.BaseName )
            'sec'         { $global:securityParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }         ; break }
            'group'       { $global:groupPolicyParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }      ; break }
            'terminal'    { $global:terminalServicesParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName } ; break }
            'prof'        { $global:userProfileParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName  }     ; break }
            'application' { $global:citrixUPMParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName } ; $global:AppVolumesParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName } ; $global:applicationParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName } ; break }
            'fslogix'     { $global:FsLogixParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }          ; break }
            'sched'       { $global:scheduledTasksParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }   ; break }
            'appsense'    { $global:appsenseParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }         ; break }
            'print'       { $global:printServiceParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }     ; break }
            'appdefault'  { $global:appdefaultsParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }      ; break }
            'Shell-Core'  { $global:windowsShellCoreParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName } ; break }
            'appreadiness'{ $global:appReadinessParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }     ; break }
            'wmiactivity' { $global:wmiactivityParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }      ; break }
            'winlogon'    { $global:winlogonParams = @{ 'Path' = $file.FullName }         ; break }

    #Write-Debug "List of discovered files:"
    #Write-Debug "$($(Get-Variable -Name *Params -Scope Global | Select-Object -Property Name,Value -ExpandProperty Value| Out-String))"

    if( ! $global:applicationParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Application event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:securityParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Security event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:groupPolicyParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Group Policy operational event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:terminalServicesParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Terminal Services-Local Session Manager operational event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:userProfileParams['Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find User Profile Service operational event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:scheduledTasksParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find User Task Scheduler operational event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:citrixUPMParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Application event log (for Citrix Profile Management) file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:AppVolumesParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Application event log (for App Volumes) file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:printServiceParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find User Print Service operational event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:appdefaultsParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Windows-Shell-Core AppDefaults event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:windowsShellCoreParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find Windows-Shell-Core Operational event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:appReadinessParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find App Readiness Admin event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:appsenseParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find AppSense event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:wmiactivityParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find WMI Activity event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:FsLogixParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find FSLogix event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if( ! $global:winlogonParams[ 'Path' ] )
        Write-Warning "Could not find WinLogon event log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""

    Set-Variable -Name CommandLine -Value 8 -Option ReadOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    ## Appvolumes log file has had the version number put in it so we can extract that too
    $svserviceLogFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $global:logsFolder -Filter "svservice.*.log"
    if( $svserviceLogFile )
        if( $svserviceLogFile -is [array] )
            Write-Warning "$($svserviceLogFile.Count) app volumes log files found in `"$global:logsFolder`""
        elseif( $svserviceLogFile.BaseName -match '(\d{1,4}\.\d{1,4}\.\d{1,4}\.\d{1,4})\.(true|false)$' )
            $global:appVolumesVersion = $Matches[1]
            $global:WaitForFirstVolumeOnly = [bool]::Parse( $Matches[2] )
            Write-Warning "Unable to find version number in `"$($svserviceLogFile.BaseName)`""
        $global:appVolumesLogFile = $svserviceLogFile | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
    ## Get WMI Log File
    $global:WMILogFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $global:logsFolder -Filter "framework.log"
    if( $global:WMILogFile )
        Write-Verbose "$($global:WMILogFile) log file found in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Unable to find WMI Framework.log file in `"$global:logsFolder`""

    [string]$jsonFile = Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'logon.json'
    if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $jsonFile -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
        Throw "Unable to find JSON file `"$jsonFile`" containing previosuly saved logon information"
    $logonDetails = Get-Content -Path $jsonFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json        ## Read username and domain for now as the rest will be retrieved from the JSON later
    if( $logonDetails )
        $UserName = $logonDetails.UserName
        $UserDomain = $logonDetails.UserDomain
        $SessionID = $logonDetails.SessionId
        if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UserName ) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UserDomain ) )
            Throw "Failed to get user name and/or domain details from JSON file `"$jsonFile`" containing previosuly saved logon information"
        Throw "Unable to get details from JSON file `"$jsonFile`" containing previosuly saved logon information"

    ## read services so we know if Citrix, VMware, AppSense, Immidio running
    if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Services.csv' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) {
        Write-Verbose "$(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Services.csv' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) log file found in `"$global:logsFolder`""
        [array]$global:services = @( Import-Csv -Path (Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'Services.csv') -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Unable to find Services.csv file in `"$global:logsFolder`""
    if (Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\CloudVolumes\Agent\Logs\svservice.log") {
        Write-Verbose "Found AppVolumes log file."
        Copy-Item -Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\CloudVolumes\Agent\Logs\svservice.log" -Destination $(Join-Path -Path $global:logsFolder -ChildPath 'svservice.log')
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "Unable to determine or find AppVolumes log file."
Write-Debug "Running script as Windows version $global:windowsMajorVersion"

        Write-Verbose -message "check for online" 

######## TTYE
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "Online") ## online
    if( ! ( $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )))
       Throw 'This script must be run with administrative privilege'

        Write-Verbose -message "get local session info" 

#region Get local session information
$TSSessions = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class RDPInfo
    static extern IntPtr WTSOpenServer([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String pServerName);

    static extern void WTSCloseServer(IntPtr hServer);

    static extern Int32 WTSEnumerateSessions(
        IntPtr hServer,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] Int32 Reserved,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] Int32 Version,
        ref IntPtr ppSessionInfo,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ref Int32 pCount);

    static extern void WTSFreeMemory(IntPtr pMemory);

    static extern bool WTSQuerySessionInformation(System.IntPtr hServer, int sessionId, WTS_INFO_CLASS wtsInfoClass, out System.IntPtr ppBuffer, out uint pBytesReturned);

    private struct WTS_SESSION_INFO
        public Int32 SessionID;
        public String pWinStationName;
        public WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS State;

    public enum WTS_INFO_CLASS

        WTSActive,       // 0
        WTSConnected,    // 1
        WTSConnectQuery, // 2
        WTSShadow,       // 3
        WTSDisconnected, // 4
        WTSIdle,         // 5
        WTSListen,       // 6
        WTSReset,        // 7
        WTSDown,         // 8
        WTSInit          // 9

    public static IntPtr OpenServer(String Name)
        IntPtr server = WTSOpenServer(Name);
        return server;

    public static void CloseServer(IntPtr ServerHandle)

    public static List<string> ListUsers(String ServerName)
        IntPtr serverHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
        List<String> resultList = new List<string>();
        serverHandle = OpenServer(ServerName);

            IntPtr SessionInfoPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr userPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr domainPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr clientNamePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr winStationNamePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr sessionStatePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            Int32  sessionCount = 0;
            Int32  retVal = WTSEnumerateSessions(serverHandle, 0, 1, ref SessionInfoPtr, ref sessionCount);
            Int32  dataSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO));
            IntPtr currentSession = (IntPtr)SessionInfoPtr;
            uint bytes = 0;
            bool  doneHeader = false ;

            if (retVal != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < sessionCount; i++)
                    WTS_SESSION_INFO si = (WTS_SESSION_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure((System.IntPtr)currentSession, typeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO));
                    currentSession += dataSize;

                    WTSQuerySessionInformation(serverHandle, si.SessionID, WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSUserName, out userPtr, out bytes);
                    WTSQuerySessionInformation(serverHandle, si.SessionID, WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSDomainName, out domainPtr, out bytes);
                    WTSQuerySessionInformation(serverHandle, si.SessionID, WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSClientName, out clientNamePtr, out bytes);
                    WTSQuerySessionInformation(serverHandle, si.SessionID, WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSWinStationName, out winStationNamePtr, out bytes);
                    WTSQuerySessionInformation(serverHandle, si.SessionID, WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSConnectState, out sessionStatePtr, out bytes);

                    if(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(domainPtr).Length > 0 && Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(userPtr).Length > 0)
                        if( ! doneHeader )
                            resultList.Add("UserName,SessionID,ClientName,SessionName,SessionState" );
                            doneHeader = true;
                        if(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(clientNamePtr).Length < 1)                       
                            resultList.Add( Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(domainPtr) + "\\" + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(userPtr) + "," + si.SessionID + ",N/A" + ",N/A" + "," + Marshal.ReadInt16( sessionStatePtr ) );
                            resultList.Add( Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(domainPtr) + "\\" + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(userPtr) + "," + si.SessionID + "," + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(clientNamePtr) + "," + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(winStationNamePtr) + "," + Marshal.ReadInt16( sessionStatePtr ) );
        catch(Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
            resultList.Add("Exception: " + ex.Message);
        return resultList;

        Write-Verbose -message "split user parameter" 

#Split User parameter to UserDomain\Username 
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UserName ) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UserDomain ) )
    Write-Verbose "Username: $username"
    Write-Verbose "DomainUser: $DomainUser"
    $args_fix = ($DomainUser -split '\\')
    Write-Verbose "args_fix: $args_fix"
    if( ! $args_fix -or $args_fix.Count -ne 2 )
        Throw 'Must be run with at least the domain\username of the user to report on'
    $UserName = $args_fix[1]
    $UserDomain = $args_fix[0]

        Write-Verbose -message "discover session id" 

## If we are doing an online analysis and don't have the session ID, we'll try and discover it
if( -not $PSBoundParameters[ 'SessionId' ] -and ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Online' -or  $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage') )
    Add-Type $TSSessions -Debug:$false

    if( $userSessions = [RDPInfo]::listUsers("localhost") | convertfrom-csv | Where-Object username -eq $DomainUser )
        if( $userSessions -is [array] )
            Throw "User $DomainUser has $($userSessions.Count) sessions so must specify which one to analyze via -sessionid"
        $sessionid = $userSessions.SessionID
        Write-Warning "User $DomainUser not currently logged on so do not know which session id to analyze"

        Write-Verbose -message "generate parameters" 

#generate parameters to pass to the function

Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
    "Online" {
        Write-Debug "Logon Parameters discovered:"
        Write-Debug "Username:          $Username"
        Write-Debug "UserDomain:        $userDomain"
        Write-Debug "ClientName:        $ClientName"
        Write-Debug "SessionName:       $SessionName"
        Write-Debug "SessionId:         $SessionID"
        Write-Debug "CUDesktopLoadTime: $CUDesktopLoadTime"
        Write-Debug "SaveOutputTo:      $SaveOutputTo"
    "CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage" {
        Write-Output "Creating Offline Package for Analysis and saving output to $CreateOfflineAnalysisPackage"
        Write-Output "Logon Parameters discovered:"
        Write-Output "Username:          $Username"
        Write-Output "UserDomain:        $userDomain"
        Write-Output "ClientName:        $ClientName"
        Write-Output "SessionName:       $SessionName"
        Write-Output "SessionId:         $SessionID"
        Write-Output "CUDesktopLoadTime: $CUDesktopLoadTime"
    "OfflineAnalysis" {
        Write-Output "Analyzing Offline Package : $OfflineAnalysis"

[hashtable]$params = @{
    'Username' = $Username
    'UserDomain' =  $UserDomain
    'ClientName' = $clientName
    'SessionId' = $SessionId
    'CUDesktopLoadTime' = $CUDesktopLoadTime

Write-Verbose -message "just before Get-LogonDurationAnalysis"

Get-LogonDurationAnalysis @params