#requires -Version 4.0
AVD Set Session host drain mode
Sets the Drain mode of an AVD Session Host to True or False
Azure Virtual Desktops
Esther Barthel, MSc - 22/03/20 - Original code
Ton de Vreede - 01/06/2022
- Removed PowerShell module dependency (changed to REST)
- Using new metrics available from the Console
- Complete refactor
Set-AzSPCredentials - The required Azure Service Principal (Subscription level) and tenantID information need to be securely stored in a Credentials File. The AZ Store Azure Credentials Script Action will ensure the file is created according to ControlUp standards
Azure functions created by Guy Leech and Esther Barthel
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'SBA parameter auto entry: Session Host NetBIOS Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Azure Tenant ID')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Azure Subscription')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Azure Resource Group')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Azure VM Id')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Allow new session(s) on the Session Host, ''true'' or ''false''')]
[ValidateSet('true', 'false')]
# Set up some defaults
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Configure a larger output width for the ControlUp PowerShell console
[int]$outputWidth = 400
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
#region AzureFunctions
function Get-AzSPStoredCredentials {
Retrieve the Azure Service Principal Stored Credentials
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-08-03
Purpose: WVD Administration, through REST API calls
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string]$system ,
$strAzSPCredFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( [environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonApplicationData') , 'ControlUp' , 'ScriptSupport' )
$AzSPCredentials = $null
Write-Verbose -Message "Get-AzSPStoredCredentials $system"
[string]$credentialsFile = $(if ( -Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $tenantId ) ) {
[System.IO.Path]::Combine( $strAzSPCredFolder , "$($env:USERNAME)_$($tenantId)_$($System)_Cred.xml" )
else {
[System.IO.Path]::Combine( $strAzSPCredFolder , "$($env:USERNAME)_$($System)_Cred.xml" )
Write-Verbose -Message "`tCredentials file is $credentialsFile"
If (Test-Path -Path $credentialsFile) {
try {
if ( ( $AzSPCredentials = Import-Clixml -Path $credentialsFile ) -and -Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $tenantId ) -and -Not $AzSPCredentials.ContainsKey( 'tenantid' ) ) {
$AzSPCredentials.Add( 'tenantID' , $tenantId )
catch {
Write-Error -Message "The required PSCredential object could not be loaded from $credentialsFile : $_"
Elseif ( $system -eq 'Azure' ) {
## try old Azure file name
$azSPCredentials = Get-AzSPStoredCredentials -system 'AZ' -tenantId $AZtenantId
if ( -not $AzSPCredentials ) {
Write-Error -Message "The Azure Service Principal Credentials file stored for this user ($($env:USERNAME)) cannot be found at $credentialsFile.`nCreate the file with the Set-AzSPCredentials script action (prerequisite)."
return $AzSPCredentials
function Get-AzBearerToken {
Retrieve the Azure Bearer Token for an authentication session
Get-AzBearerToken -SPCredentials <PSCredentialObject> -TenantID <string>
Version: 0.1
Author: Esther Barthel, MSc
Creation Date: 2020-03-22
Updated: 2020-05-08
Created a separate Azure Credentials function to support ARM architecture and REST API scripted actions
Purpose: WVD Administration, through REST API calls
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Azure Service Principal credentials' )]
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SPCredentials,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Azure Tenant ID' )]
[string] $TenantID,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Base URL for the scope' )]
[string] $baseURL = 'https://management.azure.com'
## https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow
[string]$uri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token"
[hashtable]$body = @{
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
client_Id = $SPCredentials.UserName
client_Secret = $SPCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
scope = "$baseURL/.default"
[hashtable]$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = $uri
Body = $body
Method = 'POST'
ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty access_token -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function Invoke-AzureRestMethod {
Invoke a REST method on Azure
Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $myBearerToken -uri $Uri -method GET -propertyToReturn 'Value'
Returns the content of the 'value' property of the return of the REST call
.PARAMETER BearerToken
Your Azure bearer token
The REST call URI
The REST call body, if required.
.PARAMETER propertyToReturn
The property of the return FROM THE REST CALL to output.
Many Azure REST calls contain the most relevant data in a child property of the main return, the 'property' setting is used to only return the relevant data.
.PARAMETER contentType
The REST call content type. Default is 'application/json'
Use this switch to make the REST call with Invoke-WebRequest instead of Invoke-RestMethod
Version: 1.1
Author: Guy Leech
Creation Date: 17-06-2022
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'A valid Azure bearer token' )]
[string]$BearerToken ,
[string]$uri ,
[ValidateSet('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH')] ## add others as necessary
[string]$method = 'GET' ,
$body , ## not typed because could be hashtable or pscustomobject
[string]$contentType = 'application/json' ,
[hashtable]$header = @{
'Authorization' = "Bearer $BearerToken"
if ( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $contentType ) ) {
$header.Add( 'Content-Type' , $contentType )
[hashtable]$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
Uri = $uri
Method = $method
Headers = $header
if ( $PSBoundParameters[ 'body' ] ) {
## convertto-json converts certain characters to codes so we convert back as Azure doesn't like them
$invokeRestMethodParams.Add( 'Body' , (( $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 ) -replace '\\u003e' , '>' -replace '\\u003c' , '<' -replace '\\u0027' , '''' -replace '\\u0026' , '&' ))
$responseHeaders = $null
if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'' ) {
$invokeRestMethodParams.Add( 'ResponseHeadersVariable' , 'responseHeaders' )
## cope with pagination where get 100 results at a time
do {
$result = $null
if ( $norest ) {
$result = Invoke-WebRequest @invokeRestMethodParams
else {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams
if ( -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty( $propertyToReturn ) ) {
$result | Select-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ExpandProperty $propertyToReturn
else {
$result ## don't pipe through select as will slow script down for large result sets if processed again after return
## now see if more data to fetch
if ( $result ) {
if ( $result.PSObject.Properties[ 'nextLink' ] ) {
if ( $invokeRestMethodParams.Uri -eq $result.nextLink ) {
Write-Warning -Message "Got same uri for nextLink as current $($result.nextLink)"
else {
## nextLink is different
$invokeRestMethodParams.Uri = $result.nextLink
else {
$invokeRestMethodParams.Uri = $null ## no more data
} while ( $result -and $null -ne $invokeRestMethodParams.Uri )
Function New-AVDRestParameters {
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The type of parameter set you wish to create.')]
[ValidateSet('DeleteMSIXPackage', 'DeleteUserSession', 'DisconnectUserSession', 'ExpandMSIXImage', 'GetApplication', 'GetApplicationGroup', 'GetDesktop', 'GetHostpool', 'GetMSIXPackage', 'GetScalingPlan',
'GetSessionHost', 'GetUserSession', 'GetWorkSpace', 'ListApplicationGroupsByResourceGroup', 'ListApplicationGroupsByResourceGroupAndType', 'ListApplicationGroupsBySubscription',
'ListApplicationGroupsBySubscriptionAndType', 'ListApplicationsByApplicationGroup', 'ListDesktopsByApplicationGroup', 'ListHostPoolsByResourceGroup', 'ListHostPoolsBySubscription', 'ListMSIXPackagesByHostPool', 'ListScalingPlansByHostPool',
'ListScalingPlansByResourceGroup', 'ListScalingPlansBySubscription', 'ListSessionHostsByHostPool', 'ListStartMenuItemsByApplicationGroup', 'ListUserSessionsBySessionHost', 'ListUserSessionsByHostPool', 'ListWorkSpacesByResourceGroup',
'ListWorkSpacesBySubscription', 'SendUserMessage', 'SetMaxSessionLimit', 'SetSessionHostDrainMode', 'SetSessionHostAssignedUser')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Enable to create an entire comment block with standard fields.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Azure Resource Group.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'AVD Application Group.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'AVD Hostpool.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'AVD Session Host.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'AVD Workspace.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'MSIX package full name.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Machine name (Session Host) FQDN.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = '(User) Session ID.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Maximum allowed sessions in the hostpool.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Message body for Send message to user.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Message Title for Send message to user.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'AVD Application Group.')]
[ValidateSet('Desktop', 'RemoteApp')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Session Host allow new session ''true'' or ''false'' ')]
[ValidateSet('true', 'false')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'User to assign to Session Host (myuser@mydomain.com)')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Include the required propertyToReturn parameter to return only the subset of relevant values.')]
# Set some defaults
[string]$AzBase = "https://management.azure.com"
[string]$strProv = 'providers/Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization'
[string]$strAPI = '?api-version=2022-02-10-preview'
# AVD Rest calls
[hashtable]$hshAVDRestCalls = @{
'DeleteMSIXPackage' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/msixPackages/$MSIXPackage$strAPI"; 'Method' = 'DELETE' }
'DeleteUserSession' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$SessionHost/userSessions/$SessionID$strAPI"; 'Method' = 'DELETE' }
'DisconnectUserSession' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$SessionHost/userSessions/$SessionID/disconnect$strAPI"; 'Method' = 'POST' }
'ExpandMSIXImage' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/expandMsixImage$strAPI"; 'Method' = 'POST'; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'GetApplication' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups/$ApplicationGroup/applications/$AZApplicationName$strAPI" }
'GetApplicationGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups/$ApplicationGroup$strAPI" }
'GetDesktop' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups/$ApplicationGroup/desktops/$AZDesktopName$strAPI" }
'GetHostpool' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'GetMSIXPackage' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/msixPackages/$MSIXPackage$strAPI" }
'GetScalingPlan' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/scalingPlans/$AzScalingPlan$strAPI" }
'GetSessionHost' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$MachineFQDN$strAPI" }
'GetUserSession' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$SessionHost/userSessions/$SessionID$strAPI" }
'GetWorkSpace' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/workspaces/$WorkSpace$strAPI" }
'ListApplicationsByApplicationGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups/$ApplicationGroup/applications$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value'; 'norest' = $true }
'ListApplicationGroupsByResourceGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListApplicationGroupsBySubscription' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/$strProv/applicationGroups$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListApplicationGroupsByResourceGroupAndType' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups$strAPI&$filter=applicationGroupType eq ''$ApplicationGroupType''"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListApplicationGroupsBySubscriptionAndType' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/$strProv/applicationGroups$strAPI&$filter=applicationGroupType eq ''$ApplicationGroupType''"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListDesktopsByApplicationGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups/$ApplicationGroup/desktops$strAPI" ; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListHostPoolsByResourceGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools$strAPI" ; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListHostPoolsBySubscription' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/$strProv/hostPools$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListMSIXPackagesByHostPool' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/msixPackages$strAPI" ; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListScalingPlansByHostPool' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/scalingPlans$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListScalingPlansByResourceGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/scalingPlans$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListScalingPlansBySubscription' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/$strProv/scalingPlans$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListSessionHostsByHostPool' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListStartMenuItemsByApplicationGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/applicationGroups/$ApplicationGroup/startMenuItems$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListUserSessionsBySessionHost' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$SessionHost/userSessions$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListUserSessionsByHostPool' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/userSessions$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListWorkSpacesByResourceGroup' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/workspaces$strAPI"; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'ListWorkSpacesBySubscription' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/$strProv/workspaces?api-version=$strAPI" ; 'PropertyToReturn' = 'value' }
'SetMaxSessionLimit' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool$strAPI"
'Method' = 'PATCH'
'Body' = @{'properties' = @{'maxSessionLimit' = $MaxSessionLimit }
# 'Body' = @{'Properties.maxSessionLimit' = $MaxSessionLimit }
'SetSessionHostDrainMode' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$MachineFQDN$strAPI"
'Method' = 'PATCH'
'Body' = @{'properties' = @{'allowNewSession' = $AllowNewSession }
'SetSessionHostAssignedUser' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$MachineFQDN$strAPI"
'Method' = 'PATCH'
'Body' = @{'properties' = @{'assignedUser' = $AssignedUser }
'SendUserMessage' = @{'Uri' = "$AzBase/subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/$strProv/hostPools/$HostPool/sessionHosts/$SessionHost/userSessions/$SessionID/sendMessage$strAPI"
'Method' = 'POST'
'Body' = @{'messageBody' = $MessageBody; 'messageTitle' = $MessageTitle }
# Get the required param set
$hshOutput = $hshAVDRestCalls.$Type
# Test if the URL is valid, there should be only ONE instance of '/ / ' in the Uri
If (([regex]::Matches($hshOutput.Uri, "//" )).count -ne 1) {
Write-Error -Message "The URI appears to be malformed. Check if you passed all the required parameters, look for double forward slashes in the Uri: $($hshOutput.Uri)"
Else {
# Add the method if it is not there
If (-not $hshOutput.ContainsKey('Method')) {
Write-Verbose -Message "REST parameters did not contain Method, which means it must just be GET, add that."
$hshOutput.Add('Method', 'GET')
# Remove property subset if this was not specified
If (($hshOutput.ContainsKey('PropertyToReturn')) -and (!($usePropertyToReturn))) {
Write-Verbose -Message "REST parameters contains a PropertyToReturn value, but UsePropertyToReturn was not specified so it will be removed."
Write-Verbose -Message "URI: $($hshOutput.Uri)"
# Return the corresponding hashtable
#endregion AzureFunctions
# Authenticate to Azure tenant
If ($azSPCredentials = Get-AzSPStoredCredentials -system 'Azure' -tenantId $AzTenantId ) {
# Sign in to Azure with a Service Principal with Contributor Role at Subscription level and retrieve the bearer token
Write-Verbose -Message "Authenticating to tenant $($azSPCredentials.tenantID) as $($azSPCredentials.spCreds.Username)"
if ( -Not ( $azBearerToken = Get-AzBearerToken -SPCredentials $azSPCredentials.spCreds -TenantID $azSPCredentials.tenantID ) ) {
Throw "Failed to get Azure bearer token"
# Get the hostpools by subscription and resource groups
try {
Write-Verbose -Message "Retrieving host pools..."
$hshRESTParams = New-AVDRestParameters -type ListHostPoolsByResourceGroup -Subscription $AzSubscription -ResourceGroup $AzResourceGroup -UsePropertyToReturn
$objHostPools = Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $azBearerToken @hshRESTParams
catch {
[string]$strMessage = ($_.errordetails.message | ConvertFrom-Json).error.message
[int]$intCode = ($_.errordetails.message | ConvertFrom-Json).error.code
Switch ($intCode) {
404 { Throw "The host pools could not be found.`nPlease ensure you are running this script on an AVD SessionHost.`n$strMessage" }
default { Throw "There was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve the host pools.`nPlease ensure you are running this script on an AVD SessionHost.`n$strMessage" }
# Go through the hostpools to find the one with the SessionHost
Foreach ($pool in $objHostPools) {
# The name has to match
$pool.properties.vmTemplate = $pool.properties.vmTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json
If ($pool.properties.vmTemplate.namePrefix -eq $MachineName.Substring(0, $MachineName.LastIndexOf('-'))) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Pool namePrefix matches machine name, looks for the SessionHost in that pool."
# Get the session hosts in pool and see if the VM is there
$hshRESTParams = New-AVDRestParameters -type ListSessionHostsByHostPool -Subscription $AzSubscription -ResourceGroup $AzResourceGroup -HostPool $pool.name -UsePropertyToReturn
$objSessionHosts = Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $azBearerToken @hshRESTParams
# Check the machine we're looking for is actually in there.
Foreach ($SessionHost in $objSessionHosts) {
If ($SessionHost.properties.virtualMachineId -eq $AzVmId) {
# SessionHost found, output the details
Write-Verbose -Message "SessionHost found in $($pool.name). Setting allowNewSession to $allowNewSession"
[string]$strMachineFQDN = $SessionHost.name.split('/')[1]
$hshRESTParams = New-AVDRestParameters -type SetSessionHostDrainMode -Subscription $AzSubscription -ResourceGroup $AzResourceGroup -HostPool $pool.name -MachineFQDN $strMachineFQDN -AllowNewSession $AllowNewSession
$UpdateReturn = Invoke-AzureRestMethod -BearerToken $azBearerToken @hshRESTParams
Write-Output -InputObject "SessionHost $strMachineFQDN allowNewSessions = $($UpdateReturn.Properties.allowNewSession)"
Exit 0
Else {
Write-Verbose -Message "$MachineName not found in hostpool $($pool.name)"
# If the script got here, looks like the session host could not be found.
Write-Output -InputObject "SessionHost $MachineName could not be found, drain mode could not be set."
Exit 1