Backup specified DNS zones
Uses dnscmd.exe /ZoneExport to backup files to a subfolder created in system32\dns
The full name or a regular expression matching the zone or zones that are to be operated upon
.PARAMETER overWrite
If set to "yes" will overwrite existing backup files otherwise the backup for that zone will not happen
.PARAMETER subFolder
The name of the subfolder to create the backup files in
Computer (must be a DNS server)
@guyrleech 27/09/19
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Zone name to backup/restore')]
[string]$zoneName ,
[string]$overWrite = 'No' ,
[string]$subFolder = 'Controlup' ,
[string]$restore = 'No'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if( ! ( Get-Command -Name dnscmd.exe ) )
Throw 'Unable to locate dnscmd.exe'
## Need RSAT
##Import-Module -Name DnsServer -Verbose:$false
[string]$folder = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('System')) -ChildPath 'dns') -ChildPath $subfolder
if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
if( $restore -eq 'Yes' )
Throw "Folder `"$folder`" does not exist so cannot restore"
$newFolder = New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory
if( ! $newFolder )
Throw "Failed to create backup folder `"$folder`""
[int]$counter = 0
if( $restore -eq 'No' )
##[array]$zones = @( Get-DnsServerZone | Where-Object { $_.ZoneType -eq 'Primary' -and ! $_.IsAutoCreated -and $_.ZoneName -match $zoneName } )
[bool]$seenHeader = $false
[array]$zones = @( ForEach( $line in (dnscmd.exe /EnumZones /Primary) )
[array]$fields = @( $line -split '\s+' )
if( $fields.Count -ge 6 )
if( $seenHeader -and $fields[ 1 ] -match $zoneName)
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ZoneName -Value $fields[1]
$seenHeader = $true
Write-Verbose -Message "Got $($zones.Count) primary zones"
if( ! $zones.Count )
Throw "No primary zones found matching `"$zoneName`""
ForEach( $zone in $zones )
[string]$backupFile = Join-Path -Path $folder -ChildPath ( $zone.ZoneName + '.backup' )
[bool]$carryOn = $true
$backupFileDetails = Get-ItemProperty -Path $backupFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if( $backupFileDetails )
if( $overWrite -ne 'Yes' )
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to backup zone $($zone.zoneName) as backup file already exists from $(Get-Date -Date $backupFileDetails.LastWriteTime -Format G)"
$carryOn = $false
Write-Warning -Message "Overwriting backup file for zone $($zone.zoneName) from $(Get-Date -Date $backupFileDetails.LastWriteTime -Format G)"
Remove-Item -Path $backupFile -Force
if( ! $? )
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to delete backup file `"$backupFile`""
$carryOn = $false
if( $carryOn )
$result = Start-Process -FilePath 'dnscmd.exe' -ArgumentList "$env:COMPUTERNAME /ZoneExport $($zone.ZoneName) `"$(Join-Path -Path $subfolder -ChildPath ($zone.ZoneName + '.backup' ))`"" -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden
if( $result )
if( $result.ExitCode )
Write-Warning -Message "Error code $($result.ExitCode) returned from dnscmd.exe for zone $($zone.ZoneName)"
Write-Output -InputObject "Zone $($zone.zonename) backed up to $backupFile"
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to run dnscmd.exe for zone $($zone.ZoneName)"
else ## restore
Throw 'Restoration is not yet implemented - use DNS console or dnscmd.exe /ZoneAdd'