Configure ControlUp Monitor Service Resilience

This script changes the following settings in order to improve the resilience of ControlUp Monitor to service failures:
- Sets the ServicesPipeTimeout registry value to 90000
- Sets the service recovery options to restart the service on first and second failure
Version 1.3.11
Created on 2020-11-16
Modified on 2020-11-23
Created by Joel Stocker
Downloads: 85

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$svcname = "cuMonitor"
$machinename = $args[0]

if( ! ( Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ -Name ServicesPipeTimeout  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
    if( ! ( $newValue = Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ -Name ServicesPipeTimeout -Value 90000 -PassThru ) )
        Write-Error -Exception "Failed to create reg's tree value"

function Set-ServiceRecovery{
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServiceName,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Server,
        [string] $action1 = "restart",
        [int] $time1 =  60000, # in miliseconds
        [string] $action2 = "restart",
        [int] $time2 =  60000, # in miliseconds
        [int] $resetCounter = 4000 # in seconds
    $serverPath = "\\" + $server
    $services = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Service' -ComputerName $Server| Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch $ServiceName}
    $action = $action1+"/"+$time1+"/"+$action2+"/"+$time2+"/"+$actionLast+"/"+$timeLast
    foreach ($service in $services){
        $output = sc.exe $serverPath failure $($service.Name) actions= $action reset= $resetCounter
        $output = sc.exe $serverPath failureflag $($service.Name) 1
Set-ServiceRecovery -ServiceName $svcname -Server $machinename