Enabled the Optimize Drives service
Ensures the Optimize Drives service is available to ensure FSLogix disk compaction can function.
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#Get Optimize Drives service meta data
$DefragSvc = Get-Service -Name defragsvc
if ($DefragSvc.StartType -eq "Disabled") {
try {
Set-Service -Name defragsvc -StartupType Automatic
} catch {
Write-Error "Unable to modify the service startup type for the Optimize Drives service"
exit -1
$DefragSvc = Get-Service -Name defragsvc
if ($DefragSvc.StartType -ne "Disabled") {
Write-Output "Optimize Drives service has been tuned to allow for FSLogix Disk Compaction"
} else {
Write-Error "Unable to modify the service startup type for the Optimize Drives service"