ControlUp-friendly version of Carl Webster's 'Get-FRErrorsV2' script (Get Folder Redirection Errors)
[Datetime]$StartDate = ((Get-Date -displayhint date).AddDays(-30))
[Datetime]$EndDate = (Get-Date -displayhint date)
try {
$Errors = Get-EventLog -logname application `
-source "Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection" `
-entrytype "Error" `
-after $StartDate `
-before $EndDate `
-EA 0
} catch {
Write-Host "Error querying event log"
If($? -and $Null -ne $Errors) {
If (!($Errors -is [Array])) {
#force the singleton to an array
[array]$Errors = $Errors
$Users = $Errors | Select UserName | Sort UserName -Unique
If (!($Users -is [Array])) {
#force the singleton to an array
[array]$Users = $Users
$ErrorPaths = @()
Write-Host "$($Errors.Count) Folder Redirection errors found for $($Users.Count) users"
Foreach ($Err in $Errors) {
$m = $null
$ErrorPath = $null
$m = $Err.Message
try {
$ErrorPath = $m.substring($m.indexof("\\"),$m.indexof('".')-$m.indexof("\\"))
} catch {
# Meh
if ($ErrorPath -ne $null) {
$ErrorPaths += $ErrorPath
$ErrorPaths = $ErrorPaths | Sort -Unique
Write-Host "$($ErrorPaths.Count) erroneous paths found:"
Write-Host "No Folder Redirection errors found"