FSLogix – AppMasking – Report assignment for this user

Reports application assignments for this selected user on configured AppMasking applications on this machine
Version 3.2.10
Created on 2023-08-16
Modified on 2023-10-26
Created by Trentent Tye
Downloads: 55

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
        Reports the assigned applications to either the user or the machine

        Reports the assigned applications to either the user or the machine

        . .\Get-FSLogixAssignedAppMaskingDetails.ps1 -username "CN=amttye,OU=Administrators,OU=Jupiter Lab Users,DC=jupiterlab,DC=com"
        Reports on which FSLogix AppMasking rules apply to this user

        . .\Get-FSLogixAssignedAppMaskingDetails.ps1
        Reports on which FSLogix AppMasking rules apply to which users on this machine

    .PARAMETER username
        distinguishedName of user

        Returns AppMasking assigned applications for the machine or user
        CONTEXT : Session/Machine
        Created TTYE : 2023-08-16
        AUTHOR: Trentent Tye

Param (

$ProgramFiles =[Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::ProgramFiles)

[string]$FSLogixRulePath = Join-Path -Path $ProgramFiles -ChildPath "FSLogix\Apps\Rules"
[string]$FRXPath = Join-Path -Path $ProgramFiles -ChildPath 'FSLogix\Apps\frx.exe'

[object[]]$FSLogixRules = Get-ChildItem -Path $FSLogixRulePath -Filter *.fxa
foreach ($rule in $FSLogixRules) {
    Write-Output "============================================================================"
    Write-Output "Rule: $($rule.fullname)"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('username')) {
        $FRXOutputText = & $FRXPath report-assignment -filename "$($rule.fullname)" -username "$username"
    } else {
        & $FRXPath report-assignment -filename "$($rule.fullname)" -verbose

Write-Output "$($FSLogixRules.Count) rules found in $FSLogixRulePath"