Get PVS Write Cache Size

A Script to obtain the Pool Non Paged Bytes which ultimately is an indication of the amount of Cache in Ram used by Citrix Provisioning Services.
This script will output the amount of PVS Ram Cache in use. This is done by enumarating the amount of Pool nonPaged Bytes in use, which is a measure of the RamCache. Action should be taken if this figure is close to the amount allocated within PVS. The script also supports examining the PVS configuration of disk cache only.
Version 2.12.18
Created on 2015-03-29
Modified on 2015-04-14
Created by Matthew Nichols
Downloads: 1260

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
    PVS Cache in Ram Size Script 
    Written by Matthew Nichols 2015
    Get me at Twitter @Mattnics and at
        for more information.
    Get-IniContent() courtesy of

Function Get-IniContent {

    [ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq ".ini")})]  

$ini = @{}  
        switch -regex -file $FilePath  
            "^\[(.+)\]$" # Section  
                $section = $matches[1]  
                $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $CommentCount = 0  
            "^(;.*)$" # Comment  
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $value = $matches[1]  
                $CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1  
                $name = "Comment" + $CommentCount  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
            "(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)" # Key  
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $name,$value = $matches[1..2]  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Finished Processing file: $FilePath"  
        Return $ini  

$server = $args[0]

If (!(Test-Path HKLM:System\CurrentControlSet\Services\bnistack\pvsagent)) {
    Write-Host "This computer does not use PVS. Please pick another computer."
    Exit 1

$content = Get-IniContent "C:\Personality.ini"
$CacheType = $content["StringData"]["`$WriteCacheType"]
$CacheDrive = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:System\CurrentControlSet\Services\bnistack\pvsagent).WriteCacheDrive

# Percent Free Disk space (is the cache drive in danger of being full?)
$Disk = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computername $Server -filter "DeviceID='$CacheDrive'"
$DiskFreePercent = [System.Math]::Round($Disk.freespace / $Disk.size * 100, 1)

If ($CacheType -eq "4") {
    # Cache on hard drive only
    $PvsWriteCache   = "$CacheDrive\.vdiskcache"

    # CacheDiskOverflowSize
    $CacheDiskMB = [Math]::Round((Get-Item $PvsWriteCache -Force).length/1MB)

    Write-Host "PVS Cache type = hard disk only"
    Write-Host "vDisk Cache file: $PvsWriteCache"
    Write-Host "vDisk Cache Drive free space: $DiskFreePercent %"
    Write-Host "vDisk Cache file size: $CacheDiskMB MB"
} ElseIf ($CacheType -eq "9") {
    # RAM Cache with disk overflow
    $PvsWriteCache   = "$CacheDrive\vdiskdif.vhdx"

    # CacheDiskOverflowSize
    $CacheDiskMB = [Math]::Round((Get-Item $PvsWriteCache -Force).length/1MB)

    # NonPaged Pool Memory (RAM Cache in use) adjusted for likely kernel usage
    $NPPM = [math]::Round((Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory -ComputerName $server).PoolNonPagedBytes /1MB)

    Write-Host "PVS Cache type = RAM cache with disk overflow"
    Write-Host "vDisk Cache file: $PvsWriteCache"
    Write-Host "vDisk Cache file size: $CacheDiskMB MB"
    Write-Host "vDisk Cache Drive free space: $DiskFreePercent %"
    Write-Host "vDisk RAM Cache usage: $NPPM MB"
} Else {
    Write-Host "The disk cache type is not supported in this script. Please choose another computer and try again."