List user GPOs

This SBA runs under the session context of a selected user and shows,
every "User Group Policy" applied based on the records inside the "Operational" log under "Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy".

By default the log size is configured to 4MB,
That means that this SBA can look back this much.
Consider increasing the log size to view older entries.
Version 2.2.7
Created on 2014-07-07
Modified on 2015-02-12
Created by Niron Koren
Downloads: 2874

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
        Outputs user applied group policies
        This script shows user applied group policies as shown inside the EventLog
.PARAMETER <paramName>
        Non at this point
        <Script Path>\script.ps1 MyDomain\MyUser
        Positional argument of the Down-Level Logon Name (Domain\User)
        List of applied group policies

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"     #   another way to try to stop the script in case of errors. Important for Try/Catch usage.

$username = $args[0]

# Defines to filter by Event Id '4001' and by an positional argument which 'ControlUp' provide based on context
$Query = "*[EventData[Data[@Name='PrincipalSamName'] and (Data='$username')]] and *[System[(EventID='4001')]]"

try {

    # Gets all the events matching the criteria by $Query
    [array]$Events = Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy -FilterXPath "$Query"
    $ActivityId = $Events[0].ActivityId.Guid
catch {
    Write-Host "Could not find relevant events in the Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational log. `nThe default log size (4MB) only supports user sessions that logged on a few hours ago. Please increase the log size to support older sessions."
    Exit 1

# Looks for Event Id '5312' with the relevant 'Activity Id' and stores it inside a variable
$message = Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy -FilterXPath "*[System[(EventID='5312')]]" | Where-Object{$_.ActivityId -eq $ActivityId}

# Displays the 'Message Property'
Write-Host $message.Message