Message and schedule logoff

Send a message to all connected sessions and then log them all off after a specified amount of time. The message can be repeated at a specified interval if required.
For instance, a delay of 15 minutes can be set and the users messaged every 5 minutes with the text specified in the "Message Text" argument.
When the configured script timeout of 60 seconds is reached, an error will be displayed but the script will keep running. If you need to cancel the logoff once the script has timed out, run the "Cancel Logoffs" SBA for the same computer(s)
Message Text - The text of the message to display to all connected users on the selected computer(s)
Delay Before Logoff - The period in minutes from when the script is invoked to when all users will be automatically logged off by the SBA
Message Every - how often, in minutes, the same message is displayed to the remaining users. Specify zero or a blank value to not repeat the message after the initial display
Version 1.3.13
Created on 2018-10-12
Modified on 2018-11-23
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 208

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
    Get connected users by parsing quser.exe output,  send them a message a number of times and then logoff

    @GuyRLeech, 2018

[string]$message = $args[0]
[int]$delayBeforeLogoff = -1
[int]$repeatInterval = -1

if( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1] )
    $delayBeforeLogoff = $args[1]

if( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
    $repeatInterval = $args[2]

if( $repeatInterval -gt $delayBeforeLogoff )
    Write-Warning "Repeat interval of $repeatInterval is greater than $delayBeforeLogoff so only one message will be delivered"

[datetime]$startTime = [datetime]::Now
[datetime]$logoffTime = $startTime.AddMinutes( $delayBeforeLogoff ) ## of negative then we won't loop
$allSessions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[int]$messageDuration = (New-TimeSpan -End $logoffTime -Start $startTime).TotalSeconds + 60
[string]$pidFile = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath "ControlUp.Logoffs.$pid"

## Record our pid to a file so so we can have a cancellation SBA, e.g. if the problem requiring the reboot gets fixed
$pid | Out-File -FilePath $pidFile -Force

    [int]$totalSessions = 0
    [int]$totalDisconnected = 0
    [array]$connectedUsers = @( (quser.exe | select -Skip 1).Trim() | ForEach-Object `
        [string[]]$fields = $_ -split '\s+'

        ## Headings are:  USERNAME              SESSIONNAME        ID  STATE   IDLE TIME  LOGON TIME

        ## if logon time has AM/PM indicator as opposed to 24 hour then there will be one more field
        [int]$disconnectedFieldCount = if( $_ -match '\s[AP]M$' ) { 7 } else { 6 }

        if( $fields -and $fields.Count -ne $disconnectedFieldCount ) ## for disconnected session there is no SESSIONNAME so field count is reduced by one (so is 7 for active sessions). Do not check for 'Disc' as may be different in non-English
            [void]$allSessions.Add( $fields[2] )
            [void]$allSessions.Add( $fields[1] )

    } | Sort -Unique )

    if( ! $connectedUsers -or ! $connectedUsers.Count )
        [string]$message = $null
        if( $totalDisconnected )
            $message = "No connected users found, $totalDisconnected were disconnected"
            $message = 'No connected or disconnected users found'
        Write-Warning $message
        return ## could break out of loop if just disconnected so they get logged off since we can't message them

    Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format G): messaging $($connectedUsers.Count) connected sessions ..."
    $msgProcess = Start-Process -FilePath 'msg.exe' -ArgumentList "* /TIME:$messageDuration $($message -replace '\\n' , "`n")" -PassThru -Wait -ErrorAction Stop -WindowStyle Hidden
    if( ! $msgProcess )
        Throw $error[0]
    Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format G): messaged $($connectedUsers.Count) users"

    if( $repeatInterval -gt 0 -and $repeatInterval -lt $delayBeforeLogoff )
        ## ensure we don't sleep past the logoff time
        [int]$sleepInterval = [math]::Min( [math]::Round( ( New-TimeSpan -End $logoffTime -Start ([datetime]::Now) ).TotalMinutes , 1 ) , $repeatInterval )
        Write-Output "Sleeping for $sleepInterval minutes before sending message again ..."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds ($sleepInterval * 60)
    elseif( $delayBeforeLogoff -gt 0 )
        [int]$sleepFor = ( New-TimeSpan -End $logoffTime -Start ([datetime]::Now) ).TotalSeconds
        Write-Output "Sleeping for $([math]::Round( $sleepFor / 60 , 1 )) minutes before logging off ..."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleepFor
} while( [datetime]::Now -lt $logoffTime )

## Now logoff all users
if( $delayBeforeLogoff -gt 0 )
    [int]$loggedOff = 0

    ## get sessions again since may have changed
    (quser.exe | select -Skip 1).Trim() | ForEach-Object `
        [int]$sessionId = -1
        [string[]]$fields = $_ -split '\s+'
        [int]$disconnectedFieldCount = if( $_ -match '\s[AP]M$' ) { 7 } else { 6 }

        if( $fields -and $fields.Count -ne $disconnectedFieldCount )
            ## see if it's our own session in which case we don't log it off
            if( $fields[0] -notmatch '^>' )
                $sessionId = $fields[2]
            $sessionId = $fields[1]
        if( $sessionId -ge 0 )
            Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format G) : logging off session $sessionId ..."
            $logoffProcess = Start-Process -FilePath 'logoff.exe' -ArgumentList $sessionId -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden
            if( $logoffProcess )
                Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format G) : logged off session $sessionId ..."
                Write-Warning "Failed to run logoff for session $sessionId"
    Write-Output "Logged off $loggedOff users"

if( Test-Path -Path $pidFile -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
    Remove-Item -Path $pidFile -Force