#requires -version 3.0
Monitor specified event logs on specified machines via event notifications
Modification History:
@guyrleech 16/07/2021 Initial version
@guyrleech 19/07/2021 Zero or negative duration means run forever
@guyrleech 20/07/2021 Added markers for start and end of tailing
@guyrleech 20/07/2021 Added highlight options
@guyrleech 21/07/2021 Added ability to pattern match with * on event log names. Added enabling of disabled logs
@guyrleech 23/07/2021 Added parameter to ignore analytic/debug logs as cannot have watchers. Fixed script not exiting when grid view closed when no end time
@guyrleech 26/11/2021 Added thread to monitor grid view and exit main loop if closed (via window title)
[string[]]$computers ,
[decimal]$runForMinutes = 1 ,
[ValidateSet('yes', 'no')]
[string]$problemsOnly = 'no' ,
[ValidateSet('yes', 'no')]
[string]$enableDisabledLogs = 'no' ,
[ValidateSet('yes', 'no')]
[string]$ignoreAnalyticAndDebugLogs = 'yes' ,
[string[]]$eventLogs = @(
'*-TerminalServices-*/*' ,
'*-User Profile Service*/Operational' ,
'*-GroupPolicy*/Operational' ,
'*-RemoteDesktopServices*/Operational' ,
'Application' ,
'System' ) ,
[string]$highlightProvider ,
[string]$highlightMessage ,
[string]$highlightId ,
[string]$marker = '------' ,
[string]$highlightBefore = 'V ' ,
[string]$highlightAfter = '^ '
[datetime]$startTime = [datetime]::Now
[string]$eventquery = '*'
[string]$sourceIdentifierBase = 'GLEvent'
$sourceIdentifiers = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[string] -ArgumentList @()
$watchers = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[object] -ArgumentList @()
## key on computer name to store sessions so we can both enumerate at end to dispose but also so we can get session later to disable any logs we enabled
[hashtable]$sessions = @{}
$enabledLogs = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[object] -ArgumentList @()
[string]$sourceIdentifier = $null
if ( $problemsOnly -and $problemsOnly[0] -ieq 'y') {
$eventquery = '*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]'
if ( $computers -and $computers.Count -eq 1 -and $computers[0].IndexOf( ',' ) -ge 0 ) {
$computers = @( $computers -split ',' )
if ( $eventLogs -and $eventLogs.Count -eq 1 -and $eventLogs[0].IndexOf( ',' ) -ge 0 ) {
$eventLogs = @( $eventLogs -split ',' )
try {
ForEach ( $computer in $computers ) {
[int]$counter = 0
if ( ! ( $session = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession -ArgumentList $computer ) ) {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to start event log session on $computer"
try {
$sessions.Add( $computer , $session )
catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Duplicate computer $computer"
$computer = $null
if ( $null -ne $computer ) {
[string[]]$allEventLogs = @()
try {
$allEventLogs = @( $session.GetLogNames() )
catch {
$allEventLogs = $null
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to get event log names from $computer : $_"
ForEach ( $eventLogPattern in $eventLogs ) {
## verify each event log exists even if no wildcard so if doesn't exist, we don't set a watcher
[int]$matchingLogs = 0
$allEventLogs.Where( { $_ -like $eventLogPattern -and ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ignoreAnalyticAndDebugLogs ) -or $ignoreAnalyticAndDebugLogs[0] -ieq 'n' -or $_ -notmatch '/(analytic|debug)$' ) } ) | ForEach-Object `
$eventLog = $_
if ( $query = New-Object Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogQuery ($eventLog, [Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType]::LogName, $eventquery ) ) {
$query.Session = $session
$query.TolerateQueryErrors = $true
if ( $watcher = New-Object Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher -ArgumentList $query ) {
$sourceIdentifier = $sourceIdentifierBase + ".$computer.$counter"
Write-Verbose -Message "source identifier $sourceIdentifier for $eventlog"
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName EventRecordWritten -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier
if ( $eventLogConfiguration = New-Object Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration -ArgumentList $eventLog , $session ) {
[bool]$continue = $true
if ( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ignoreAnalyticAndDebugLogs ) -and $ignoreAnalyticAndDebugLogs[0] -ieq 'y' `
-and ( $eventLogConfiguration.LogType -eq [System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType]::Analytical -or $eventLogConfiguration.LogType -eq [System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType]::Debug ) ) {
$continue = $false
Write-Verbose -Message "Ignoring log `"$eventlog`" on $computer because type is $($eventLogConfiguration.LogType)"
$watcher = $null
if ( $continue -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $enableDisabledLogs ) -and $enableDisabledLogs[0] -ieq 'y' -and ! $eventLogConfiguration.IsEnabled ) {
try {
$eventLogConfiguration.IsEnabled = $true
Write-Warning -Message "Log `"$eventLog`" on $computer was disabled so enabled it"
$enabledLogs.Add( "$($computer):$eventLog" )
$watcher.Enabled = $true
$continue = $true
catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Problem enabling log `"$eventLog`" on $computer : $_"
$watcher = $null
$eventLogConfiguration = $null
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to get configuration for log `"$eventLog`" on $computer so cannot tell if disabled or analytic/debug"
if ( $watcher ) {
## Enabling on some logs throws "The request is not supported" which is probably because they are analytic/debug which don't appear to alow watchers
try {
$watcher.Enabled = $true
catch {
$exception = $_
Write-Warning -Message "Problem setting watcher on log `"$eventLog`" on $computer : $exception"
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$watcher = $null
if ( $watcher ) {
$watchers.Add( $watcher )
$sourceIdentifiers.Add( $sourceIdentifier )
else {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create watcher for event log $eventlog on $computer with query $eventquery"
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create query for event log $eventlog on $computer"
if ( ! $matchingLogs ) {
Write-Warning -Message "No event logs found on $computer matching `"$eventLogPattern`""
if ( ! $counter -and $computer ) {
Write-Warning -Message "No event logs found to monitor on $computer"
# Test if any logs are being monitored at all
if( $watchers.Count -eq 0 )
Throw "Nothing to monitor. This could be because the machines specified cannot be reached or the logs requested do not exist."
[string]$message = "Monitoring $($watchers.Count) event logs across $($sessions.Count) machines from $(Get-Date -Format G)"
$endTime = $null
if ( $runForMinutes -gt 0 ) {
$endTime = (Get-Date).AddSeconds( $runForMinutes * 60 )
$message += " until $(Get-Date -Date $endTime -Format G)"
## start a thread to monitor gridview so we can quit if closed
$monitorThread = $null
$sharedVariables = $null
[string]$eventToSignal = 'GuysWindowTitleChangedEventThingy'
if ( ! ( $SessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() ) ) {
Write-Warning "Failed to create runspace initial session state to monitor grid view"
else {
## when the thread is ready to exit, it modified this collection which generates an event - courtesy of Bo Prox via https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/SECURITY/en-US/4ce2efd2-1852-44a5-85a7-29659e5bf704/raise-a-powershell-events-from-within-a-runspace-which-has-no-gui-elements-to-the-powershell-host?forum=winserverpowershell
$observableCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection[string]
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $observableCollection -EventName CollectionChanged -SourceIdentifier $eventToSignal
## sharing variables with the runspaces so they can signal the main thread
$sharedVariables = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{ Exit = $false ; SignalCollection = $observableCollection })
## must add shared variables before creating runspace pool
$sessionState.Variables.Add( (New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'sharedVariables' , $sharedVariables , 'Shared Variables hashtable' ) )
if ( $RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(
1, ## Min Runspaces
2 , ## Max parallel runspaces ,
$sessionstate ,
$host.psobject.Copy() )) {
($powerShell = [PowerShell]::Create()).RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
Param( [string]$message , [int]$pollPeriodMilliseconds = 10000 , $eventToSignal = 'DoneWatching' )
## https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fun-powershell-finding-suspicious-cmd-processes-britton-manahan/
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Api
public class WinStruct
public string WinTitle {get; set; }
public int WinHwnd { get; set; }
public int PID { get; set; }
public class ApiDef
private delegate bool CallBackPtr(int hwnd, int lParam);
private static CallBackPtr callBackPtr = Callback;
private static List<WinStruct> _WinStructList = new List<WinStruct>();
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool EnumWindows(CallBackPtr lpEnumFunc, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);
static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int lpdwProcessId);
private static bool Callback(int hWnd, int pid)
if( IsWindowVisible( (IntPtr)hWnd ) )
int ipid = 0 ;
GetWindowThreadProcessId( (IntPtr)hWnd , out ipid );
if( ipid == pid )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
int res = GetWindowText((IntPtr)hWnd, sb, 256);
_WinStructList.Add( new WinStruct { WinHwnd = hWnd, WinTitle = sb.ToString() , PID = ipid });
return true;
public static List<WinStruct> GetWindows( int pid )
_WinStructList = new List<WinStruct>();
EnumWindows(callBackPtr, (IntPtr)pid );
return _WinStructList;
[bool]$haveSeenTitle = $false
[int]$waitMilliseconds = 500 ## initially poll frequently to get the window title then we can back off
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::WriteLine( "Pid is $pid poll $pollPeriodMilliseconds message $message" )
Do {
if ( $thisProcess = Get-Process -Id $pid ) {
if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $thisProcess.MainWindowTitle) -or $thisProcess.MainWindowTitle -ne $message ) {
if ( $haveSeenTitle ) {
## enumerate all visible windows for this process to see if the grid view is still present but not the foreground window currently
if ( -Not ( $windows = [Api.Apidef]::GetWindows( $pid ) ) -or -Not $windows.Where( { $_.WinTitle -eq $message } )) {
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::WriteLine( "Setting exit as title now `"$($thisProcess.MainWindowTitle)`" and window title not found" )
[void]$sharedVariables.SignalCollection.Add( "Window title: $($thisProcess.MainWindowTitle)" ) ## main loop is waiting on an event which this will signal
$sharedVariables.Exit = $true
else {
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::WriteLine( "Process still has a window with title `"$message`" althouhg is now `"$($thisProcess.MainWindowTitle)`"" )
## else not seen title yet so don't exit
elseif ( $thisProcess.MainWindowTitle -eq $message ) {
$haveSeenTitle = $true ## must see title at least once since we could be checking before grid view is viewable
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::WriteLine( "Seen title $message" )
$waitMilliseconds = $pollPeriodMilliseconds
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to get pid $pid"
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::WriteLine( "Sleeping for $waitMilliseconds ms" )
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $waitMilliseconds
While ( $true )
## implicit exit from thread
[void]$powerShell.AddParameters( @{ message = $message ; eventToSignal = $eventToSignal } )
$monitorThread = [pscustomobject]@{
'PowerShell' = $powerShell
'Handle' = $powerShell.BeginInvoke( )
Write-Verbose -Message $message
## put loop in a scriptblock so it can stream its output before it has finished https://powershell.one/tricks/loops/make-loops-stream
$selected = & {
[pscustomobject][ordered]@{ Time = Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff' ; MachineName = $marker ; Id = 0 ; LevelDisplayName = $marker ; OpcodeDisplayName = $marker ; TaskDisplayName = $marker; LogName = $marker; ProviderName = $marker; Message = 'STARTED TAILING EVENT LOGS ' }
do {
if ( $eventRaised = Wait-Event -Timeout $( if ( $endTime ) { ($endTime - [datetime]::Now).TotalSeconds } else { -1 } ) ) { ## when no endtime, we must periodically come out of Wait-Event in case grid view has been closed
if ( $eventRaised.TimeGenerated -ge $startTime ) {
if ( $sourceIdentifiers -contains $eventRaised.SourceIdentifier -and $eventRaised.SourceEventArgs -and ( $event = $eventRaised.SourceEventArgs | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EventRecord )) { ## could make hash table for speedier lookup
[string]$messageText = $event.FormatDescription()
if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $messageText ) ) {
$messageText = $event.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
## cannot use $PSBoundParameters on script parameters as we are in a scriptblock which has its own
[bool]$highlight = ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $highlightMessage ) -and $messageText -match $highlightMessage
if ( ! $highlight ) {
if ( ! ( $highlight = ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $highlightId ) -and $event.Id -match $highlightId ) ) {
$highlight = ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $highlightProvider ) -and $event.ProviderName -match $highlightProvider
if ( $highlight ) {
[string]$markertext = $highlightBefore * 3
[pscustomobject][ordered]@{ Time = Get-Date -Date $event.TimeCreated -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff' ; MachineName = $markertext ; Id = 0 ; LevelDisplayName = $markertext ; OpcodeDisplayName = $markertext ; TaskDisplayName = $markertext; LogName = $markertext; ProviderName = $markertext; Message = $markertext }
$event | Select-Object -Property @{n = 'Time'; e = { Get-Date -Date $_.TimeCreated -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff' } }, MachineName, Id, LevelDisplayName, OpcodeDisplayName, TaskDisplayName, LogName, ProviderName, @{n = 'Message'; e = { $messageText } }
if ( $highlight ) {
[string]$markertext = $highlightAfter * 3
[pscustomobject][ordered]@{ Time = Get-Date -Date $event.TimeCreated -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff' ; MachineName = $markertext ; Id = 0 ; LevelDisplayName = $markertext ; OpcodeDisplayName = $markertext ; TaskDisplayName = $markertext; LogName = $markertext; ProviderName = $markertext; Message = $markertext }
elseif ( $eventRaised.SourceIdentifier -eq $eventToSignal ) { ## event from our thread watching the main window
Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -Format G) : got event from thread : $($eventRaised.SourceEventArgs | Select-Object -ExpandProperty NewItems)"
## else event raised before we started so ignore
$eventRaised | Remove-Event
$eventRaised = $null
} while ( ( ! $endTime -or [datetime]::Now -le $endTime ) -and -not $sharedVariables.Exit )
[pscustomobject][ordered]@{ Time = Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff' ; MachineName = $marker ; Id = 0 ; LevelDisplayName = $marker ; OpcodeDisplayName = $marker ; TaskDisplayName = $marker; LogName = $marker; ProviderName = $marker; Message = 'FINISHED TAILING EVENT LOGS' }
} | Out-GridView -Title $message -PassThru
if ( $null -ne $selected ) {
$selected | Set-Clipboard
catch {
throw $_
finally {
Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -Format G) cleaning up"
if ( $monitorThread ) {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $eventToSignal
ForEach ( $sourceIdentifier in $sourceIdentifiers ) {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
ForEach ( $watcher in $watchers ) {
$watcher.Enabled = $false
$watcher = $null
ForEach ( $enabledLog in $enabledLogs ) {
## TODO disable the log
$computer, $eventlog = $enabledLog -split ':' , 2
if ( $session = $sessions[ $computer ] ) {
if ( $eventLogConfiguration = New-Object Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration -ArgumentList $eventLog , $session ) {
if ( $eventLogConfiguration.IsEnabled ) {
try {
$eventLogConfiguration.IsEnabled = $false
Write-Verbose -Message "Log `"$eventLog`" on $computer disabled ok"
catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Problem disabling log `"$eventLog`" on $computer : $_"
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Log `"$eventLog`" on $computer is not enabled but we enabled it"
$eventLogConfiguration = $null
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to get configuration for log `"$eventLog`" on $computer"
else {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to get session for $computer to disable log `"$eventLog`""
ForEach ( $session in $sessions.GetEnumerator() ) {
$session.Value = $null