#requires -version 3.0
Restart computer at a specified number of hours and/or minutes in the future by creating a scheduled task that runs once and executes shutdown.exe
@guyrleech 2018
[int]$minutes = -1
[bool]$forceReboot = $false
[string]$taskName = "Reboot scheduled from ControlUp console"
[string]$reason = $null
## arg 0 - [hh:]mm to reboot
## arg 1 - force
## arg 2 - reason for reboot (optional)
if( $args.Count -ge 2 )
if( $args[0] -match '^(\d{1,2}:)?(\d{1,2})$' )
if( ! [int]::TryParse( $matches[2] , [ref]$minutes ) )
Write-Error "Bad format for minutes part of $($args[0])"
Exit 1
if( $matches[ 1 ] )
[int]$hours = 0
if( ! [int]::TryParse( ($matches[1] -replace ':' , '') , [ref]$hours ) )
Write-Error "Bad format for hours part of $($args[0])"
Exit 1
$minutes += $hours * 60
if( $minutes -le 0 )
Write-Error "Immediate reboot is not supported - please use the Power Management menu instead"
Exit 1
Write-Error "Incorrectly specified reboot time `"$($args[0])`" - must be [hh]:mm"
Exit 2
$forceReboot = ( $args[1] -and $args[1] -match 'true' )
if( $args -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
$reason = $args[2]
Write-Error 'Unexpected number of parameters - expecting reboot time, force and optional reboot reason'
Exit 3
if( $minutes -gt 0 )
[datetime]$rebootTime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes( $minutes )
Import-Module ScheduledTasks
## Can't just call shutdown.exe as /f won't not reboot if users are logged on
[string]$poshArguments = '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -Nologo -Noninteractive -Command "'
[string]$arguments = '/f /r'
if( $reason )
$arguments += " /c '$reason'" ## should we use /e ?
if( $forceReboot )
$poshArguments += "shutdown.exe $arguments"
$poshArguments += "if( ! (quser.exe).Length ) { shutdown.exe $arguments } else { Write-Warning 'Not rebooting as users are logged on' }"
$poshArguments += '"'
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At $rebootTime -Once -ErrorAction Stop
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'PowerShell.exe' -Argument $poshArguments -ErrorAction Stop
$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserID 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest -ErrorAction Stop
[string]$description = "Reboot scheduled from the ControlUp console by invoking a Script Based Action (SBA). Created at $(Get-Date -Format G)"
$task = Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -Description $description -ErrorAction Stop -TaskName $taskName -Force -Principal $principal
if( $task )
Write-Output "Successfuly created scheduled task to reboot system at $(Get-Date $rebootTime -Format G)"
elseif( $task.State -ne 'Ready' )
Write-Warning "Scheduled task `"$taskName`" created but task state is $($task.State) rather than `"Ready`""
Exit 4