Shadow session using RDP

Leverage MSTSC.exe for Shadow and remote control of sessions.

For troubleshooting see:

Note for Win10: Make sure you are allowing "Remote Desktop -Shadow (TCP-In)" in the Firewall
Version 1.7.20
Created on 2019-11-09
Modified on 2020-06-11
Created by Marcel Calef
Downloads: 222

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
REM  .SYNOPSYS  Leverage MSTSC for Shadow and remote control 
REM  .AUTHOR    Marcel Calef 2019-11-09
REM  .EXAMPLE   shadow.bat 1 userPCname /control no
REM  Allow shadow via GPO
REM      Policies -> ADM Templates -> Windows components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Session Host -> Connections
REM          'Set rules for remote control of Remote Desktop Services user sessions'
REM  or via Registry:
REM      HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\Shadow [DWORD]
REM          0=not allowed, 1=control with consent, 2= control w/o consent, 3=view with consent, 4=view only w/o consent
REM  see
REM  Firewall (particularly Win10):   Make sure you are allowing "Remote Desktop -Shadow (TCP-In)" in the Firewall
REM  .TAGS $ID,$State="Active" 

SET SessionID=%1
SET RemoteComputer=%2
SET addControl=%3
SET consent=%4
SET FQDN=%2.%5

REM adjusting the input to the proper MSTSC switches: /control and /noConsentPrompt  or omitting them
IF /I NOT %addControl%==/control SET addControl=
IF /I %consent%==no (SET consent=/noConsentPrompt) ELSE (SET consent= )

REM addig %6 if provided to prompt for credentials
mstsc /shadow:%SessionID% /v:%FQDN% %addControl% %consent% %6