Find all event log entries around a user's logon
@guyrleech 19/06/2020 - based on https://github.com/guyrleech/Microsoft/blob/master/event%20aggregator.ps1
[int]$sessionId ,
[string]$domainUsername ,
[int]$secondsBeforeLogon = 15 ,
[int]$secondsAfterLogon = 120 ,
[string]$badOnly = 'no' ,
[int]$horizontalResolution = 1080
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
[int]$outputWidth = $horizontalResolution / 4.1 ## adjust this to adjust the width of the event message text column
##[int]$windowWidth = 260
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
if( ( $PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI ) -and ( $WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize ) )
Write-Verbose -Message "Current width is $($WideDimensions.Width)"
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
## Get logon time for this user
## https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/18179/Using-the-Local-Security-Authority-to-Enumerate-Us
$LSADefinitions = @'
[DllImport("secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
public static extern uint LsaFreeReturnBuffer(IntPtr buffer);
[DllImport("Secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
public static extern uint LsaEnumerateLogonSessions
(out UInt64 LogonSessionCount, out IntPtr LogonSessionList);
[DllImport("Secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
public static extern uint LsaGetLogonSessionData(IntPtr luid,
out IntPtr ppLogonSessionData);
public struct LSA_UNICODE_STRING
public UInt16 Length;
public UInt16 MaximumLength;
public IntPtr buffer;
public struct LUID
public UInt32 LowPart;
public UInt32 HighPart;
public UInt32 Size;
public LUID LoginID;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING Username;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING LoginDomain;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage;
public UInt32 LogonType;
public UInt32 Session;
public IntPtr PSiD;
public UInt64 LoginTime;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING LogonServer;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING DnsDomainName;
public enum SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE : uint
Interactive = 2, //The security principal is logging on
Network, //The security principal is logging using a
Batch, //The logon is for a batch process.
Service, //The logon is for a service account.
Proxy, //Not supported.
Unlock, //The logon is an attempt to unlock a workstation.
NetworkCleartext, //The logon is a network logon with cleartext
NewCredentials, //Allows the caller to clone its current token and
//specify new credentials for outbound connections.
RemoteInteractive, //A terminal server session that is both remote
//and interactive.
CachedInteractive, //Attempt to use the cached credentials without
//going out across the network.
CachedRemoteInteractive,// Same as RemoteInteractive, except used
// internally for auditing purposes.
CachedUnlock // The logon is an attempt to unlock a workstation.
[string]$userDomain , [string]$username = $domainUsername -split '\\' , 2
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $username ) )
Throw 'Must specify user $domainUsername as domain\username'
## from Analyze Logon Durations Script
## we use LSA to get the definitive logon time
if( ! ( ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Win32.Secure32').Type ) )
Add-Type -MemberDefinition $LSADefinitions -Name 'Secure32' -Namespace 'Win32' -UsingNamespace System.Text -Debug:$false
$count = [UInt64]0
$luidPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero
[uint64]$ntStatus = [Win32.Secure32]::LsaEnumerateLogonSessions( [ref]$count , [ref]$luidPtr )
if( $ntStatus )
Write-Error "LsaEnumerateLogonSessions failed with error $ntStatus"
elseif( ! $count )
Write-Error "No sessions returned by LsaEnumerateLogonSessions"
elseif( $luidPtr -eq [IntPtr]::Zero )
Write-Error "No buffer returned by LsaEnumerateLogonSessions"
Write-Debug "$count sessions retrieved from LSASS"
[IntPtr] $iter = $luidPtr
$earliestSession = $null
[array]$lsaSessions = @( For ([uint64]$i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++)
$sessionData = [IntPtr]::Zero
$ntStatus = [Win32.Secure32]::LsaGetLogonSessionData( $iter , [ref]$sessionData )
if( ! $ntStatus -and $sessionData -ne [IntPtr]::Zero )
$data = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure( $sessionData , [type][Win32.Secure32+SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA] )
if ($data.PSiD -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)
$sid = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier -ArgumentList $Data.PSiD
#extract some useful information from the session data struct
[datetime]$loginTime = [datetime]::FromFileTime( $data.LoginTime )
$thisUser = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.Username.buffer) #get the account name
$thisDomain = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.LoginDomain.buffer) #get the domain name
$secType = [Win32.Secure32+SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE]$data.LogonType
$secType = 'Unknown'
if( ! $earliestSession -or $loginTime -lt $earliestSession )
$earliestSession = $loginTime
if( $thisUser -eq $Username -and $thisDomain -eq $UserDomain -and $secType -match 'Interactive' )
$authPackage = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.AuthenticationPackage.buffer) #get the authentication package
$session = $data.Session # get the session number
if( $session -eq $SessionId )
$logonServer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.LogonServer.buffer) #get the logon server
$DnsDomainName = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.DnsDomainName.buffer) #get the DNS Domain Name
$upn = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($data.upn.buffer) #get the User Principal Name
'Sid' = $sid
'Username' = $thisUser
'Domain' = $thisDomain
'Session' = $session
'LoginId' = [uint64]( $loginID = [Int64]("0x{0:x8}{1:x8}" -f $data.LoginID.HighPart , $data.LoginID.LowPart) )
'LogonServer' = $logonServer
'DnsDomainName' = $DnsDomainName
'UPN' = $upn
'AuthPackage' = $authPackage
'SecurityType' = $secType
'Type' = $data.LogonType
'LoginTime' = [datetime]$loginTime
[void][Win32.Secure32]::LsaFreeReturnBuffer( $sessionData )
$sessionData = [IntPtr]::Zero
$iter = $iter.ToInt64() + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([type][Win32.Secure32+LUID]) # move to next pointer
}) | Sort-Object -Descending -Property 'LoginTime'
[void]([Win32.Secure32]::LsaFreeReturnBuffer( $luidPtr ))
$luidPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero
Write-Verbose "Found $(if( $lsaSessions ) { $lsaSessions.Count } else { 0 }) LSA sessions for $UserDomain\$Username, earliest session $(if( $earliestSession ) { Get-Date $earliestSession -Format G } else { 'never' })"
$userLoginTime = $null
if( $lsaSessions -and $lsaSessions.Count )
$userLoginTime = $lsaSessions[0].LoginTime
Throw "No logons found for user $domainUsername in session $sessionId"
Write-Verbose "Login time is $(Get-Date -Date $userloginTime -Format G)"
[hashtable]$eventFilter = @{ starttime = $userLoginTime.AddSeconds( -$secondsBeforeLogon ) ; endtime = $userLoginTime.AddSeconds( $secondsAfterLogon ) }
if( $badOnly -imatch '^y' -or $badOnly -imatch 'true' )
$eventFilter.Add( 'Level' , @( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
$getWinEvent = Get-Command -Name Get-WinEvent
[array]$results = @( . $getWinEvent -ListLog * -Verbose:$false | Where-Object RecordCount -gt 0 | . { Process { . $getWinEvent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$False -FilterHashtable ( @{ logname = $_.logname } + $eventFilter ) }} `
| Select-Object -ExcludeProperty ContainerLog,MachineName,ProcessId,ThreadId,UserId,RecordId,ProviderId,*ActivityId,Version,Qualifiers,Level,Task,OpCode,Keywords,Bookmark,*Ids,Properties -Property *,@{n='User';e={if( $_.UserId ) { ([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]($_.UserId)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value }}},@{n='Level';e={$_.LevelDisplayName}} | Sort-Object -Property TimeCreated )
if( $results -and $results.Count )
Write-Output -InputObject "Found $($results.Count) events between $(Get-Date -Date $eventFilter.StartTime -Format G) and $(Get-Date -Date $eventFilter.EndTime -Format G)"
## get column positions of output so we can figure where we need to truncate the message
[array]$outputFields = @( @{ Name = 'Time' ; Expression = {Get-Date -Date $_.TimeCreated -Format T}},'Id','Level',@{ Name = 'Event Log'; Expression = {($_.LogName -Split '/')[0]}},'Message' )
## Out-String flattens into a single string so we use split to turn back into lines and skip the first as it is blank
[string]$outputHeadings = ($results | Format-Table -Property $outputFields | Out-String ) -split '\r?\n' | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip 1
## Problem with CU SBA output window is that it thinks it is 80 columns wide no mater what you set the output width to
[int]$messageWidth = $windowWidth - $outputHeadings.IndexOf( 'Message' )
## we don't have room for much in the SBA output window so pick what is the most important, get rid of date and truncate the message
[array]$outputFields = @( @{ Name = 'Time' ; Expression = {Get-Date -Date $_.TimeCreated -Format T}},'Id','Level',@{ Name = 'Event Log'; Expression = {($_.LogName -Split '/')[0]}},@{ Name ='Text'; Expression = { $(if( $_.Message.Length -gt $messageWidth ) { $_.Message.SubString( 0 , $messageWidth ) } else { $_.Message } ) }} )
## -Wrap only works well when run in CU when the window output width is less than or equal to the physical window width otherwise wraps onto next line(s)
$results | Format-Table -Property $outputFields -Wrap -AutoSize
Write-Warning -Message "No events found between $(Get-Date -Date $eventFilter.StartTime -Format G) and $(Get-Date -Date $eventFilter.EndTime -Format G)"