Show recently disconnected sessions

Use quser.exe to find disconnected sessions on the chosen computer and order on the most recently disconnected, showing the user's logon time too.
Hours Back to Check - how far back to look for disconnected sessions so those disconnected before this time will not be included (default is 24 hours)
Version 1.6.19
Created on 2018-07-18
Modified on 2018-11-21
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 129

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
    Show disconnected sessions sorted on how recently disconnected by parsing quser.exe output

    Guy Leech, 2018

    Modification History

    20/11/18   GRL Added logon time

[datetime]$timeNow = Get-Date
[int]$totalSessions = 0
[int]$hoursBack = 0
[int]$totalDisconnected = 0
[int]$outputWidth = 400

if( $args.Count -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $args[0] ) )
    $hoursBack = $args[0]

# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

[array]$disconnectedUsers = @( (quser.exe | select -Skip 1).Trim() | ForEach-Object `
    [string[]]$fields = $_ -split '\s+'

    ## Headings are:  USERNAME              SESSIONNAME        ID  STATE   IDLE TIME  LOGON TIME

    ## if logon time has AM/PM indicator as opposed to 24 hour then there will be one more field
    [int]$disconnectedFieldCount = if( $_ -match '\s[AP]M$' ) { 7 } else { 6 }

    if( $fields -and $fields.Count -eq $disconnectedFieldCount ) ## for disconnected session there is no SESSIONNAME so field count is reduced by one (so is 7 for active sessions). Do not check for 'Disc' as may be different in non-English

        [int]$disconnectedDurationMinutes = `
            if( $fields[3] -match '^(\d+)\+(\d+):(\d+)$' ) ## 33+22:16
                ( [int]$Matches[1] * 24 + [int]$Matches[ 2 ] ) * 60 + [int]$Matches[ 3 ]
            elseif( $fields[3] -match '^(\d+):(\d+)$' ) ## 19:35
                [int]$Matches[1] * 60 + [int]$Matches[ 2 ]

        if( ! $hoursBack -or $disconnectedDurationMinutes -le $hoursBack * 60 )
                'Username' = $fields[0]
                'Logon Time' = if( $disconnectedFieldCount -eq 7 ) { ( '{0} {1} {2}' -f $fields[-3] , $fields[-2] , $fields[-1] ) } else { ( '{0} {1}' -f $fields[-2] , $fields[-1] ) }
                'Disconnection Time' = Get-Date ( $timeNow.AddMinutes( -$disconnectedDurationMinutes ) ) -Format G
                'Disconnected Hours' = [math]::Round( $disconnectedDurationMinutes / 60 , 1 ) 
                'Disconnected Minutes' = $disconnectedDurationMinutes }
} )

[string]$output = if( $hoursBack )
    " in last $hoursBack hours ($totalDisconnected disconnected in total)"

if( $disconnectedUsers -and $disconnectedUsers.Count )
    Write-Output ( "$($disconnectedUsers.Count) out of $totalSessions sessions ($([math]::Round( ( $disconnectedUsers.Count / $totalSessions ) * 100 ))%) are disconnected" + $output )

    $disconnectedUsers | Sort 'Disconnected Minutes' | Format-Table -AutoSize
elseif( $totalSessions )
    Write-Output ( "No disconnected sessions found out of $totalSessions sessions" + $output )
    Write-Output "No sessions found at all"