Show top network sources by traffic volume

Capture and analyse network traffic received for all processes on the specified computer in a specified time period, showing the IP addresses and DNS names of the remote systems, the port used, the amount of data received in the capture period and the processes involved.
Capture Time - the number of seconds to run a network capture for (default 15 seconds)
Show top - show only the top n sources (default is 10)

Credits: based on "Capture Network IO for process" SBA by Andrew Morgan
Version 1.4.8
Created on 2018-09-26
Modified on 2018-11-20
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 466

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#Logman capture for Network Diagnostics
#requires -version 3.0

## Last modified 28/09/18 1657 BST @guyrleech

## Change these to repurpose the script - currently only supports one or other of sent or receieved being true, not both
[bool]$received = $true
[bool]$sent = $false
[bool]$perSession = $false
[bool]$perComputer = $true

[int]$top = 10
[int]$caplength = 30

if( $received -and $sent )
    Write-Warning 'Cannot run with both $received and $sent set to true'

if( $perSession -and $perComputer )
    Write-Warning 'Cannot run with both $perSession and $perCOmputer set to true'

if( ! $received -and ! $sent )
    Write-Warning 'Cannot run with both $received and $sent set to false'

[int]$outputWidth = 400

$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
    Write-Warning “You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease re-run this script as an Administrator!”

Function Cleanup{
        $ret=start-process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\logman.exe" -ArgumentList "stop wdc -ets" -wait -PassThru
        foreach($file in Get-ChildItem "$env:temp\output*.etl"){
            Remove-Item $file.FullName -Force -ea SilentlyContinue

[int]$sessionId =-1
[int]$ppid = -1

if( $perSession )
    $sessionId = $args[0]
    $theSession = quser.exe $sessionId
    if( ! $theSession -or ! $theSession.Count )
        Throw "Session id $sessionId not found"
elseif( ! $perComputer )
    $ppid = $args[0]
    if( ! ( Get-Process -Id $ppid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
        Throw "Process id $ppid no longer exists"

if( $perComputer )
    if ( $args.Count -ge 1 -and $args[0]){$caplength = $args[0]}
    if ( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1]){$top = $args[1]}
    if ( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1]){$caplength = $args[1]}
    if ( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2]){$top = $args[2]}

#write-debug "Capturing Process id: $ppid, process name $(get-process -id $ppid).processname for length: $caplength"


#check prereqs
if (!(test-path $env:windir\system32\logman.exe)){$break=true;$breakreason="logman.exe could not be found"}

if (!$break){


    #loop for $caplength seconds
    #Start capture here with logman
    write-host "Capturing ETL logs for $caplength seconds" -nonewline
    $ret=start-process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\logman.exe" -ArgumentList "start wdc -p Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network 0x10 0xff -bs 64 -nb 16 38 -max 16 -mode newfile -o ""$tempfile"" -ets" -Wait -PassThru
    Start-Sleep 1
    if ( ! $ret -or $ret.ExitCode -ne 0){write-warning "could not start log capture process! $($ret.exitcode)";exit}
        write-host "." -NoNewline
        start-sleep 1
    } while($loop -lt $caplength)

    write-host "Capturing complete"
    $ret=start-process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\logman.exe" -ArgumentList "stop wdc -ets" -wait -PassThru
    if (!($ret.ExitCode -eq 0)){write-warning "could not stop log capture process! $($ret.exitcode)";exit}

    [hashtable]$connectionTable = @{}
    [long]$lastKey = $null
    $netobject = $null
    [hashtable]$sessionProcesses = @{}

    [string]$xpath = '*[System['
    if( $sent )
        $xpath += 'EventID=10 or EventID=42'
    if( $received )
        if( $sent )
            $xpath += ' or '
        $xpath += 'EventID=11 or EventID=43'
    $xpath += ']'
    if( $ppid -gt 0 )
        $xpath += " and EventData[Data[@Name='PID']='$ppid']" ## if session then make an "or" list
    ## FilterXPath string has a maximum length of around 512 so we can't filter on all session processes
    elseif( $sessionId -ge 0 )
        Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.SessionId -eq $sessionId } | ForEach-Object {
            $sessionProcesses.Add( $_.Id , $true )
        if( ! $sessionProcesses -or ! $sessionProcesses.Count )
            Throw "Found no processes for session $sessionId"
    ## else computer scope so no process filtering
    $xpath += ']'

    $startProcessing = [datetime]::Now
    #loop for all logs
    Write-host "Anaylysing captured traffic"
    @( foreach($file in Get-ChildItem "$env:temp\output*.etl"){
        Get-WinEvent -Path $file.fullname -Oldest -FilterXPath $xpath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    } ) | ForEach-Object {

        if( $sessionId -lt 0 -or $sessionProcesses[ $_.Properties[0].Value -as [int] ] )
            $log = $_
            #define type
            Switch ($
                10 {$tcp=$true;$send=$true}
                42 {$udp=$true;$send=$true}
                11 {$tcp=$true;$receive=$true}
                43 {$UDP=$true;$receive=$true}


            [string]$mainkey = $null
            if( $sent )
                $saddr = $null
                $sport = $null
                $daddr = [long]$log.Properties[2].Value
                $dport=(($log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff ) -shl 8 ) -bor ( ( $log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff00 ) -shr 8)
                $mainkey = "$daddr$dport"
            if( $received )
                $daddr = $null
                $dport = $null 
                $saddr = [long]$log.Properties[2].Value 
                $sport=(($log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff ) -shl 8 ) -bor ( ( $log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff00 ) -shr 8)
                $mainkey = "$saddr$sport"
            ## if we already have object from previous iteration and it's the same key then use that object rather than looking up again
            if( ! $netobject -or $lastKey -ne $mainkey )
                $netobject = $connectionTable[ $mainkey ]
            if (!$netobject){
                $netObject = [pscustomobject]@{            
                    Source           = $saddr
                    Destination      = $daddr                 
                    sourceport       = $sport             
                    destinationport  = $dport           
                    UDPReceived      = 0            
                    UDPSent          = 0            
                    TCPReceived      = 0            
                    TCPSent          = 0            
                    TCPTotal         = 0            
                    UDPTotal         = 0            
                    TotalSent        = 0            
                    TotalReceived    = 0
                    PIDs             = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                $connectionTable.Add( $mainkey , $netobject )
            if( $netobject.PIDs -notcontains $log.Properties[0].Value ) ## shortish list so lookup not too bad
                $null = $netobject.PIDs.Add( $log.Properties[0].Value )
            if ($tcp){
                if ($send){
                elseif ($receive){
            elseif ($udp){
            if ($send){
                elseif ($receive){
            $lastKey = $mainkey
    write-warning "Script execution has been halted: $breakreason"

Write-Debug ( "$(Get-Date) : Data processing took {0} seconds" -f ([datetime]::Now - $startProcessing).TotalSeconds )

# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

[string]$heading = "`nShowing top $top network"
if( $received )
    $heading += ' sources for '
    $heading += ' destinations for '

[string]$scope = $null
if( $sessionId -ge 0 )
    $scope = "session $sessionId"
elseif( $ppid -gt 0 )
    $scope = "process $ppid ($(Get-Process -Id $ppid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Select -ExpandProperty Name))"
    $scope = 'whole computer'
$heading += "$scope :"

$SummaryObject = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ "Total Connections" = ($connectionTable.count) }

if( $connectionTable.count )
    if( $sent )
        Add-Member -InputObject $SummaryObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total Sent (KB)" -Value ( [math]::Round(($connectionTable.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Value|Measure-Object -Property 'totalsent' -Sum).Sum /  1KB,1))
    if( $received )
        Add-Member -InputObject $SummaryObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total Received (KB)" -Value  ([math]::Round(($connectionTable.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Value|Measure-Object -Property 'totalreceived' -Sum).Sum /  1KB,1))
    "No network traffic captured during $caplength seconds for $scope"

$SummaryObject | Format-Table -AutoSize


[string[]]$rawSorter = $null 
$selector = $null

if( $received )
    $rawSorter = @( 'TotalReceived' )
    $selector = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@( 'Source' , @{n='Source DNS Name';e={[]::GetHostByAddress($_.source)|Select -ExpandProperty HostName}} , @{n='Source port';e={$_.SourcePort}} , @{n="Total Received (KB)";e={[math]::Round($_.TotalReceived / 1KB,1)}} )
if( $sent )
    $rawSorter = @( 'TotalSent' )
    $selector = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@( 'Destination' , @{n='Destination DNS Name';e={[]::GetHostByAddress($_.destination)|Select -ExpandProperty HostName}} , @{n='Destination port';e={$_.DestinationPort}} , @{n="Total Sent (KB)";e={[math]::Round($_.TotalSent / 1KB,1)}} )

if( $ppid -lt 0 )
    $null = $selector.Add( 'Process Name(s)' )

$connectionTable.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object { $rawSorter } | Sort-Object -Property $rawSorter -descending | Select -First $top | ForEach-Object `
    ## reconstruct IP addresses
    if( $_.source )
        $_.source = [ipaddress]$_.source
    if( $_.destination )
        $_.destination = [ipaddress]$_.destination
    $result = $_
    if( $ppid -lt 0 ) ## computer or session context so have pids we need to convert to process names (and counts)
        [hashtable]$processes = @{}
        $_.Pids | ForEach-Object `
            [string]$thisProcess = Get-Process -Id $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select -ExpandProperty Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $thisProcess ) )
                $thisProcess = $_ ## can't get process, probably as terminated
            $existingProcess = $processes[ $thisProcess ]
            if( $existingProcess )
                $processes.Set_Item( $thisProcess , [int]$existingProcess + 1 )
                $processes.Add( $thisProcess , [int]1 )
        Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process Name(s)' -Value (( $processes.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if( $_.Value -gt 1 ) { "$($_.Name)($($_.Value))" } else { "$($_.Name)" } } ) -join ',')
} | select -Property $selector | Format-Table -AutoSize
