Tag: Solve

(2 Scripts)

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This script is intended to be used to sync the Solve users, based on the membership of the specified AD Security group.
Version: 2.3.7  •   Created: 2023-09-06  •   Modified: 2023-10-26
Exports users from active directory to a CSV for solve user import.
Users and groups must be comma separated, if one is not used please have '$null' in the field so it does not attempt to be processed.
A user account should contain the following data, otherwise it will not be exported: userprincipalname (UPN), givenname, sn (surname), mail (emaill address), samaccountname, distinguishedname
Builtin groups such as Domain Users are not supported
Version: 1.0.19  •   Created: 2022-10-11  •   Modified: 2022-10-30